Module Algorand.quorums

From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
From mathcomp Require Import finmap multiset.
From Coq Require Import Reals Relation_Definitions Relation_Operators.
From mathcomp Require Import boolp Rstruct.
From Algorand Require Import fmap_ext algorand_model safety_helpers.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.

Open Scope mset_scope.
Open Scope fmap_scope.
Open Scope fset_scope.

Quorum definitions and axioms

This module contains core definitions and axioms related to quorums.

Committees and quorum overlaps

A committee is a set of users with sufficiently small credentials.
Definition committee (r p s:nat) : {fset UserId} :=
  [fset uid : UserId | `[<committee_cred (credential uid r p s)>] ].

Any two quorums must both contain an honest voter.
Definition quorum_honest_overlap_statement tau : Prop :=
  forall trace r p s (quorum1 quorum2 : {fset UserId}),
    quorum1 `<=` committee r p s ->
    #|` quorum1 | >= tau ->
    quorum2 `<=` committee r p s ->
    #|` quorum2 | >= tau ->
    exists honest_voter,
      honest_voter \in quorum1
      /\ honest_voter \in quorum2
      /\ honest_during_step (r,p,s) honest_voter trace.

A single quorum must have an honest voter.
Definition quorum_has_honest_statement tau : Prop :=
  forall trace r p s (quorum : {fset UserId}),
    quorum `<=` committee r p s ->
    #|` quorum | >= tau ->
   exists honest_voter, honest_voter \in quorum /\
     honest_during_step (r,p,s) honest_voter trace.

Specialize two quorum statement to one quorum.
Lemma quorum_has_honest_from_overlap_stmt tau:
  quorum_honest_overlap_statement tau ->
  quorum_has_honest_statement tau.
  intros H_overlap trace r p s q H_q H_size.
  destruct (H_overlap trace _ _ _ _ _ H_q H_size H_q H_size) as [honest_voter H].
  exists honest_voter;tauto.

One major purpose of cryptographic self-selection is to ensure an adversary cannot predict which users will be part of a future committee, so any manipulation targeting a subset of users should hit a similar fraction of the users which are on and not on a committee (up to reasonable statistical variance).

For the proofs we need to be able to relate the membership of different committees. Intuitively, if a supermajority of one committee satisfies some time-independent property (such as having voted a certain way in a particular past round) then also a majority of honest users as a whole satisfy this property, and then it's overwhelmingly unlikely that another committee could contain a supermajority that does not satisfy the property, because most users do.

However, this intuitive argument clearly fails for some properties like being a member of a specific committee (which is true for a supermajority of that committee despite failing for a majority of honest users as a whole), so only assume statments for particular properties of interest.

In fact, it seems that for safety we only need to invoke this condition with the property being whether a node decided to certvote for a value in some step 3. For honest nodes not on a committee the node "decides to certvote" if they receive enough softvotes for the value, even though they do not actually try to transmit a certvote message unless they are in the committee).

Definition interquorum_property tau1 tau2 (P: UserId -> Prop) trace :=
  forall r1 p1 s1 (quorum1 : {fset UserId}),
    quorum1 `<=` committee r1 p1 s1 ->
    #|` quorum1 | >= tau1 ->
    (forall uid, uid \in quorum1 ->
     honest_during_step (r1,p1,s1) uid trace ->
     P uid) ->
  forall r2 p2 s2 (quorum2 : {fset UserId}),
    quorum2 `<=` committee r2 p2 s2 ->
    #|` quorum2 | >= tau2 ->
    (exists honest_P_uid, honest_P_uid \in quorum2
     /\ P honest_P_uid
     /\ honest_during_step (r2,p2,s2) honest_P_uid trace).

Axiom quorums_s_honest_overlap : quorum_honest_overlap_statement tau_s.
Definition quorum_s_has_honest : quorum_has_honest_statement tau_s
  := quorum_has_honest_from_overlap_stmt quorums_s_honest_overlap.

Axiom quorums_c_honest_overlap : quorum_honest_overlap_statement tau_c.
Definition quorum_c_has_honest : quorum_has_honest_statement tau_c
  := quorum_has_honest_from_overlap_stmt quorums_c_honest_overlap.

Axiom quorums_b_honest_overlap : quorum_honest_overlap_statement tau_b.
Definition quorum_b_has_honest : quorum_has_honest_statement tau_b
  := quorum_has_honest_from_overlap_stmt quorums_b_honest_overlap.

Axiom quorums_v_honest_overlap : quorum_honest_overlap_statement tau_v.
Definition quorum_v_has_honest : quorum_has_honest_statement tau_v
  := quorum_has_honest_from_overlap_stmt quorums_v_honest_overlap.

Definition saw_v trace r p v := fun uid =>
  has (fun g =>
         match (g.(users)).[? uid] with
         | None => false
         | Some u =>
           [&& v \in certvals u r p,
               has (fun b => `[< valid_block_and_hash b v>]) (u.(blocks) r) &
               step_leb (step_of_ustate u) (r,p,4)]
         end) trace.

Axiom interquorum_c_v_certinfo:
  forall trace r p v,
    interquorum_property tau_c tau_v (saw_v trace r p v) trace.
Axiom interquorum_c_b_certinfo:
  forall trace r p v,
    interquorum_property tau_c tau_b (saw_v trace r p v) trace.

Definitions of voting and sufficient votes

A user has certvoted at a specifix index along a path.
Definition certvoted_in_path_at ix path uid r p v : Prop :=
  user_sent_at ix path uid (mkMsg Certvote (val v) r p uid).

A user has certvoted along a path.
Definition certvoted_in_path path uid r p v : Prop :=
  exists ix, certvoted_in_path_at ix path uid r p v.

Value v was certified in a given round/period along a path.
Definition certified_in_period trace r p v :=
  exists (certvote_quorum:{fset UserId}),
     certvote_quorum `<=` committee r p 3
  /\ #|` certvote_quorum | >= tau_c
  /\ forall (voter:UserId), voter \in certvote_quorum ->
       certvoted_in_path trace voter r p v.

A user has softvoted at a specific index along a path.
Definition softvoted_in_path_at ix path uid r p v : Prop :=
  exists g1 g2, step_in_path_at g1 g2 ix path
   /\ user_sent uid (mkMsg Softvote (val v) r p uid) g1 g2.

A user has softvoted along a path.
Definition softvoted_in_path path uid r p v : Prop :=
  exists ix, softvoted_in_path_at ix path uid r p v.

Enough softvotes for a value v in a given round/period along a path.
Definition enough_softvotes_in_period trace r p v :=
  exists (softvote_quorum:{fset UserId}),
     softvote_quorum `<=` committee r p 2
  /\ #|` softvote_quorum | >= tau_s
  /\ forall (voter:UserId), voter \in softvote_quorum ->
       softvoted_in_path trace voter r p v.

A user has nextvoted bottom at a specific index along a path.
Definition nextvoted_bot_in_path_at ix path uid (r p s:nat) : Prop :=
  exists g1 g2, step_in_path_at g1 g2 ix path
   /\ user_sent uid (mkMsg Nextvote_Open (step_val s) r p uid) g1 g2.

A user has nextvoted bottom along a path.
Definition nextvoted_bot_in_path path uid r p s : Prop :=
  exists ix, nextvoted_bot_in_path_at ix path uid r p s.

Enough nextvotes for bottom in a given round/period along a path.
Definition enough_nextvotes_bot_in_step trace r p s :=
  exists (nextvote_quorum:{fset UserId}),
     nextvote_quorum `<=` committee r p s
  /\ #|` nextvote_quorum | >= tau_b
  /\ forall (voter:UserId), voter \in nextvote_quorum ->
       nextvoted_bot_in_path trace voter r p s.

A user has nextvoted for a value v at a specific index along a path.
Definition nextvoted_val_in_path_at ix path uid r p s v : Prop :=
  exists g1 g2, step_in_path_at g1 g2 ix path
   /\ user_sent uid (mkMsg Nextvote_Val (next_val v s) r p uid) g1 g2.

A user has nextvoted for a value v along a path.
Definition nextvoted_val_in_path path uid r p s v : Prop :=
  exists ix, nextvoted_val_in_path_at ix path uid r p s v.

Enough nextvotes for a value v in a given round/period along a path.
Definition enough_nextvotes_val_in_step trace r p s v :=
  exists (nextvote_quorum:{fset UserId}),
     nextvote_quorum `<=` committee r p s
  /\ #|` nextvote_quorum | >= tau_v
  /\ forall (voter:UserId), voter \in nextvote_quorum ->
       nextvoted_val_in_path trace voter r p s v.