Module Algorand.fmap_ext

From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
From mathcomp Require Import finmap.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.

Open Scope fmap_scope.
Open Scope fset_scope.

General utility lemmas for finite maps

Section CheckAllFmap.

Variables (V : Type) (I : choiceType).

Variable P : pred V.

Variable f : {fmap I -> V}.

Section AllFs.

Variable s : {fset I}.

Check the predicate P on given domain elements in the map f.
Definition allfs :=
 \big[andb/true]_(i <- s) (if f.[? i] is Some v then P v else true).

Lemma allfsP : reflect (forall (i : I) (h : i \in domf f), i \in s -> P f.[h]) allfs.
apply: (iffP idP); last first.
  rewrite /allfs big_seq.
  elim/big_ind: _ => //; last first.
    move => i Hs Hi.
    case Hf: (i \in domf f); last by rewrite not_fnd // Hf.
    rewrite (in_fnd Hf).
    exact: Hi.
  move => x y Hx Hy Hp.
  by apply/andP; split; [apply Hx|apply Hy].
move => Hb i Hi Hs.
case Hp: (P _) => //.
have Hip: f.[? i] = Some f.[Hi] by apply: in_fnd.
move: Hb.
set B : pred I := fun j => j == i.
rewrite /allfs (big_fsetID _ B) /=.
move/andP => [Ha Hb].
move: Ha.
rewrite /B /=.
suff Hsuff: [fset x | x in s & x == i] = [fset i].
  by rewrite Hsuff big_seq_fset1 (in_fnd Hi) Hp.
apply/fsetP => x.
rewrite inE in_fsetE /= inE.
apply/idP/idP; first by move/andP; case.
by move/eqP =>->; rewrite Hs; apply/andP.

End AllFs.

Definition allf := allfs (domf f).

Lemma allfP : reflect (forall (i : I) (h : i \in domf f), P f.[h]) allf.
apply: (iffP idP); last by move => Hf; apply/allfsP.
by move/allfsP => Hf i h; apply: Hf.

End CheckAllFmap.

Section UpdateAllFmap.

Variables (V : Type) (I : choiceType).

Variable P : pred V.

Variable f : {fmap I -> V}.

Variable s : {fset I}.

Update function parameter for individual values.
Variable upd : I -> V -> V.

Update values for given elements in map domain.
Definition updf' :=
  \big[(@catf _ _)/[fmap]]_(i <- s)
   (if f.[? i] is Some v then [fmap].[i <- upd i v] else [fmap]).

Lemma updf'_update : forall (i : I) (h : i \in domf f),
  i \in domf updf' -> updf'.[? i] = Some (upd i f.[h]).
rewrite /updf'.
elim/big_rec: _.
  move => i h.
  by rewrite /= in_fset0.
move => i x Ht IH i0 h.
case Hi: (i0 == i).
  move/eqP: Hi =><-.
  rewrite (in_fnd h) => Hi.
  rewrite /= fsetU0 in Hi.
  rewrite catf_setl.
  case: ifP => Hx'.
    rewrite cat0f.
    exact: IH.
  rewrite cat0f.
    move/negP/negP: Hx' => Hx'.
    rewrite in_fnd.
      rewrite dom_setf in_fsetU.
      by rewrite in_fset1.
    move => h'.
    by rewrite getf_set.
have IH' := IH _ h.
move/eqP: Hi => Hi.
case Hii: (i \in domf f).
  rewrite (in_fnd Hii).
  rewrite [domf _]/=.
  rewrite {1}fsetU0.
  rewrite in_fsetU.
    rewrite in_fsetD.
    move/andP => [H1 H2].
    move: H2 Hi.
    rewrite in_fset1.
    by move/eqP.
 move => Hi0.
 have IH'' := IH' Hi0.
 rewrite -IH''.
 rewrite fnd_cat.
 case: ifP => //.
 by rewrite Hi0.
move/negP/negP: Hii => Hii.
by rewrite (not_fnd Hii) cat0f.

Lemma updf'_domf : forall i, i \in domf updf' -> i \in domf f.
rewrite /updf'.
elim/big_rec: _ => //.
move => i x Ht IH i0.
case Hi0: (i == i0).
  move/eqP: Hi0 =>->.
  rewrite mem_catf.
  case/orP; last by exact: IH.
  case Hi0: (i0 \in domf f) => //.
  move/negP/negP: Hi0 => Hi0.
  by rewrite (not_fnd Hi0).
rewrite mem_catf.
case/orP; last by exact: IH.
case Hi: (i \in domf f).
  rewrite (in_fnd Hi) mem_setf /= inE.
  move/eqP => Hii.
  move: Hi0.
  by rewrite Hii.
move/negP/negP: Hi => Hi.
by rewrite (not_fnd Hi).

Lemma updf'_s : forall i, i \in domf updf' -> i \in s.
rewrite /updf'.
have ->: (\big[catf (V:=V)/[fmap]]_(i0 <- s) match f.[? i0] with | Some v => [fmap].[i0 <- upd i0 v] | None => [fmap] end) =
(\big[catf (V:=V)/[fmap]]_(i0 <- s | i0 \in s) match f.[? i0] with | Some v => [fmap].[i0 <- upd i0 v] | None => [fmap] end).
  by rewrite big_seq.
elim/big_rec: _ => //.
move => i x Ht IH i0.
case Hi0: (i0 \in domf x); first by move => Hi0'; apply: IH.
move/negP/negP: Hi0 => Hi0.
case Hi: (i \in domf f).
  rewrite (in_fnd Hi) /=.
  rewrite fsetU0 /=.
  rewrite in_fsetU.
  case/orP; last by move => Hi0'; case/negP: Hi0.
  rewrite in_fsetD.
  move/andP => [Ha Ha'].
  move: Ha'.
  rewrite in_fset1.
  by move/eqP =>->.
move/negP/negP: Hi => Hi.
rewrite (not_fnd Hi).
rewrite mem_catf.
case/orP => //.
move => Hi0'.
exact: IH.

Update given domain elements while retaining original mapping for other elements.
Definition updf := f + updf'.

Lemma domf_s_updf' : forall i, i \in domf f -> (i \in enum_fset s) = (i \in domf updf').
rewrite /updf'.
have Hs := fset_uniq s.
rewrite unlock.
elim: (enum_fset s) Hs => //=.
move => a l IH.
move/andP => [Ha Hu].
move/IH: Hu {IH} => IH.
move => i Hi.
rewrite in_cons in_fsetU.
apply/idP/idP; first case/orP.
- move => Haa.
  move: Hi; move/eqP: Haa=>-> => Hi.
  rewrite -IH //.
  rewrite (in_fnd Hi).
  apply/orP; left.
  rewrite in_fsetD.
  apply/andP; split; last by rewrite /= fsetU0 in_fset1.
  move: Ha.
  by rewrite IH.
- move => Hf.
  apply/orP; right.
  by rewrite -IH.
- case/orP; last first.
    rewrite -IH //.
    by move =>->; rewrite orbT.
  rewrite in_fsetD.
  rewrite -IH //.
  move/andP => [Hd Hf].
  case Hia: (i == a); first by rewrite orbC orbT.
  move/negP: Hia; case.
  move: Hf.
  case Haa: (a \in domf f); first by rewrite (in_fnd Haa) /= fsetU0 in_fset1.
  move/negP/negP: Haa => Haa.
  by rewrite (not_fnd Haa).

Lemma updf_update : forall (i : I) (h : i \in domf f),
  i \in s -> updf.[? i] = Some (upd i f.[h]).
move => i h Hi.
rewrite /updf fnd_cat.
case: ifP; first by move => Hi'; apply: updf'_update.
move/negP; case.
by rewrite -domf_s_updf'.

Lemma updf_update' : forall (i : I) (h : i \in domf f),
  i \notin s -> updf.[? i] = Some f.[h].
move => i h Hi.
rewrite /updf.
rewrite fnd_cat.
case: ifP; first by move/updf'_s; move/negP: Hi.
rewrite -domf_s_updf' // => Hs.
by rewrite in_fnd.

Lemma updf_domf : domf f = domf updf.
apply/fsetP => x; apply/idP/idP.
  move => Hx.
  rewrite /updf domf_cat in_fsetU.
  by apply/orP; left.
rewrite /updf domf_cat in_fsetU; case/orP => Hx //.
exact: updf'_domf.
End UpdateAllFmap.