Module Algorand.safety_helpers

From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
From mathcomp Require Import finmap multiset.
From mathcomp Require Import zify.
From Coq Require Import Reals Relation_Definitions Relation_Operators.
From mathcomp Require Import boolp Rstruct.
From Algorand Require Import fmap_ext algorand_model.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.

Open Scope mset_scope.
Open Scope fmap_scope.
Open Scope fset_scope.

Safety helper definitions and results

This module contains helper functions and lemmas used when proving safety of the transition system.

Ltac finish_case := simpl;solve[repeat first[reflexivity|eassumption|split|eexists]].

Gather all the unfoldings we might want for working with transitions into a hint database for use with autounfold.
Create HintDb utransition_unfold discriminated.
#[export] Hint Unfold
     propose_result propose_ok repropose_ok no_propose_ok
     softvote_result softvote_new_ok softvote_repr_ok no_softvote_ok
     certvote_result certvote_ok no_certvote_ok
     nextvote_result nextvote_val_ok nextvote_open_ok nextvote_stv_ok no_nextvote_ok
     set_softvotes certvote_ok certvote_result
     set_nextvotes_open adv_period_open_ok adv_period_open_result
     set_nextvotes_val adv_period_val_ok adv_period_val_result
     set_certvotes certify_ok certify_result
     vote_msg deliver_nonvote_msg_result : utransition_unfold.

Create HintDb gtransition_unfold discriminated.
#[export] Hint Unfold
     tick_ok tick_update tick_users
     is_partitioned recover_from_partitioned
     is_unpartitioned make_partitioned
     corrupt_user_result : gtransition_unfold.

Arguments delivery_result : clear implicits.

Generic path lemmas

Dropping elements from a path still results in a path.
Lemma path_drop T (R:rel T) x p (H:path R x p) n:
  match drop n p with
  | List.nil => true
  | List.cons x' p' => path R x' p'
  by elim: n x p H=> [|n IHn] x [|a l /andP [] H_path];last apply IHn.

Lemma path_drop' T (R:rel T) x p (H:path R x p) n:
  match drop n (x::p) with
  | [::] => true
  | [:: x' & p'] => path R x' p'
  elim: n x p H=> [|n IHn] x p H_path //=.
  move/IHn: {IHn}H_path.
  destruct n;simpl.
  by destruct p;[|move/andP => []].
  rewrite -add1n -drop_drop.
  by destruct (drop n p);[|destruct l;[|move/andP => []]].

Predicate path still holds after taking n elements.
Lemma path_prefix : forall T R p (x:T) n,
    path R x p -> path R x (take n p).
  induction p;[done|].
  move => /= x n /andP [Hr Hpath].
  destruct n. done.
  simpl;apply /andP;by auto.

Proposition does not hold initially but holds for last element implies there must be a point in the path where it becomes true.
Lemma path_steps : forall {T} (R : rel T) x0 p,
    path R x0 p ->
    forall (P : pred T),
    ~~ P x0 -> P (last x0 p) ->
    exists n,
      match drop n (x0 :: p) with
      | x1 :: x2 :: _ => ~~ P x1 && P x2
      | _ => false
  intros T R x0 p H_path P H_x0.
  revert p H_path. induction p using last_ind.
  * simpl. intros _ H_b. exfalso. revert H_b. apply /negP. assumption.
  * rewrite last_rcons. rewrite rcons_path.
    move => /andP [H_path H_step] H_x.
    destruct (P (last x0 p)) eqn:H_last.
  + destruct IHp as [n' Hind];[done..|]. exists n'.
    destruct n';simpl in Hind |- *. destruct p;[by exfalso|assumption].
    destruct (ltnP n' (size p));[|by (rewrite drop_oversize in Hind)].
    rewrite drop_rcons;[destruct (drop n' p) as [|? [|]];[done..|tauto]|].
    apply ltnW;assumption.
  + clear IHp. exists (size p).
    destruct (size p) eqn:H_size. simpl.
    rewrite (size0nil H_size) in H_last |- *. simpl. by apply/andP.
    rewrite (drop_nth x0).
    rewrite <- cats1, <- H_size.
    rewrite drop_size_cat;[|reflexivity].
    rewrite nth_cat.
    rewrite H_size ltnSn.
    change n with (n.+1.-1).
    rewrite <- H_size, nth_last, H_last.
    simpl. assumption.
    rewrite size_rcons H_size.
    rewrite ltnS. apply leqnSn.

Generic multiset lemmas

Element x in mset of seq iff x is in seq.
Lemma in_seq_mset (T : choiceType) (x : T) (s : seq T):
  (x \in seq_mset s) = (x \in s).
  apply perm_mem, perm_eq_seq_mset.

The number of elements in the preimage of f w.r.t. b and multiset m is the same as applying map_mset on f and m and then b.
Lemma map_mset_count {A B :choiceType} (f: A -> B) (m : {mset A}) :
  forall (b:B), (count (preim f (pred1 b)) m) = (map_mset f m) b.
  move => b.
  unfold map_mset.
  move: {m}(EnumMset.f m) => l.
  by rewrite mset_seqE count_map.

Element membership w.r.t. preimage is preserved by map_mset on the multiset m.
Lemma map_mset_has {A B :choiceType} (f: A -> B) (m : {mset A}) :
  forall (b:pred B), has b (map_mset f m) = has (preim f b) m.
  move => b.
  rewrite -has_map.
  by apply eq_has_r, perm_mem, perm_eq_seq_mset.

The support of a multiset is unique when viewed as a sequence.
Lemma finsupp_mset_uniq (T:choiceType) (A:{mset T}):
  uniq (finsupp A).
  by rewrite -(perm_uniq (perm_undup_mset A));apply undup_uniq.

The sequence of a subset of a multiset is equal to the subset's finite support modulo reordering.
Lemma msubset_finsupp (T:choiceType) (A B: {mset T}):
  (A `<=` B)%mset ->
  perm_eq (finsupp A) [seq i <- finsupp B | i \in A].
  apply uniq_perm.
    by apply finsupp_mset_uniq.
    by apply filter_uniq;apply finsupp_mset_uniq.
  rewrite mem_filter.
  rewrite !msuppE.
  rewrite andb_idr //.
  move:H_sub => /msubset_subset. apply.

Summing up elements in a multiset subset is the same as taking sequence length.
Lemma msubset_size_sum (T:choiceType) (A B: {mset T}):
  (A `<=` B)%mset ->
  \sum_(i <- finsupp B) A i = size A.
  rewrite (bigID (fun i => i \in A)) /= -big_filter.
  rewrite -(perm_big _ (msubset_finsupp H_sub)) -size_mset big1.
    by rewrite addn0.
    by move=>i /mset_eq0P.

The size of a unioned multiset is sum of the size of its components.
Lemma mset_add_size (T:choiceType) (A B : {mset T}):
  size (A `+` B) = (size A + size B)%nat.
  rewrite size_mset (eq_bigr (fun a => A a + B a)%nat);[|by move => ? _;rewrite msetE2].
  rewrite big_split !msubset_size_sum //.
  rewrite -{1}[B]mset0D. apply msetSD, msub0set.
  rewrite -{1}[A]msetD0. apply msetDS, msub0set.

The size of msetn n x is n for any x.
Lemma msetn_size (T:choiceType) n (x:T):
  size (msetn n x) = n.
  rewrite size_mset finsupp_msetn.
  case:n=>[|n] /=.
  exact: big_nil.
  by rewrite big_seq_fset1 msetnxx.

The subset of a multiset has smaller size.
Lemma msubset_size (T:choiceType) (A B : {mset T}):
  (A `<=` B)%mset -> size A <= size B.
  by rewrite -(msetBDK H_sub) mset_add_size leq_addl.

If msets are equal after adding seqs to mset A, this implies seqs have the same elements.
Lemma msetD_seq_mset_perm_eq (T:choiceType) (A: {mset T}) (l l': seq T):
  A `+` seq_mset l = A `+` seq_mset l' -> perm_eq l l'.
  move/(f_equal (msetB^~A)); rewrite !msetDKB => H_seq_eq.
  apply/(perm_trans _ (perm_eq_seq_mset l')).
  rewrite perm_sym -H_seq_eq.
  by apply perm_eq_seq_mset.

Generic sequence lemmas

Lemma in_memP (T : eqType) (x : T) l : reflect (List.In x l) (in_mem x (mem l)).
apply iffP with (P := x \in l).
- by case: (x \in l) => //; constructor.
- elim: l => [|h l IH] //=.
  rewrite inE; case/orP; first by move/eqP=>->; left.
  by move/IH => mem_x; right.
- elim: l => [|h l IH] //=; case.
    by move =>->; rewrite inE; apply/orP; left.
  by move/IH; rewrite inE => mem_x; apply/orP; right.

Lemma take_rcons T : forall (s : seq T) (x : T), take (size s) (rcons s x) = s.
elim => //=; last by move => a l IH x; rewrite IH. Qed.

Lemma perm_eq_cons1P (T : eqType) (s : seq T) (a : T) : reflect (s = [:: a]) (perm_eq s [:: a]).
case: s => [|x s]; first by rewrite /perm_eq /= ?eqxx; constructor.
case: s => [|y s].
  apply: (iffP idP).
    rewrite /perm_eq /= ?eqxx.
    move/andP => [Ht Ht'].
    move: Ht.
    case Hax: (a == x) => //.
    by move/eqP: Hax =>->.
  by move =>->; apply perm_refl.
apply: (iffP idP) => //.
set s1 := [:: _ & _].
set s2 := [:: _].
move => Hpr.
by have Hs: size s1 = size s2 by apply perm_size.

Lemmas relating seqs and sets

A set derived from an empty seq is the empty set.
Lemma set_nil : forall (T : finType), [set x in [::]] = @set0 T.
by move => T. Qed.

The cardinality of seq as set is size of the unduplicated seq.
Lemma finseq_size : forall (T : finType) (s: seq T), #|s| = size (undup s).
move=> T s.
rewrite -cardsE.
elim: s => //=; first by rewrite set_nil cards0.
move => x s IH.
rewrite set_cons /=.
case: ifP => //=.
  move => xs.
  suff Hsuff: x |: [set x0 in s] = [set x in s] by rewrite Hsuff.
  apply/setP => y.
  rewrite in_setU1.
  case Hxy: (y == x) => //.
  rewrite /= inE.
  by move/eqP: Hxy=>->.
move/negP/negP => Hx.
by rewrite cardsU1 /= inE Hx /= add1n IH.

A set derived using filter in seq and filter directly have same size.
Lemma imfset_filter_size_lem (A B : choiceType) (f : A -> B) (sq : seq A) (P : A -> bool):
  #|` [fset x | x in [seq f x | x <- sq & P x]]| = #|` [fset f x | x in sq & P x]|.
  clear -f sq P.
  rewrite Imfset.imfsetE !size_seq_fset.
  apply perm_size, uniq_perm;[apply undup_uniq..|].
  intro fx. rewrite !mem_undup map_id /= filter_undup mem_undup.
  apply Bool.eq_true_iff_eq;rewrite -!/(is_true _).
  by split;move/mapP => [x H_x ->];apply map_f;move:H_x;rewrite mem_undup.

Generic definitions

Turn pred on UState into pred on GState - assumed false if uid not present.
Definition upred uid (P : pred UState) : pred GState :=
  fun g =>
    match g.(users).[? uid] with
    | Some u => P u
    | None => false

Turn pred on UState into pred on GState - assumed true if uid not present.
Definition upred' uid (P : pred UState) : pred GState :=
  fun g =>
    match g.(users).[? uid] with
    | Some u => P u
    | None => true

Lemmas about the step of a user state

step_le is equivalent to step_leb.
Lemma step_leP: forall s1 s2, reflect (step_le s1 s2) (step_leb s1 s2).
  move => [[r1 p1] s1] [[r2 p2] s2].
  case H:(step_leb _ _);constructor;[|move/negP in H];
    by rewrite /step_le !(reflect_eq eqP, reflect_eq andP, reflect_eq orP).

step_lt is equivalent to step_ltb.
Lemma step_ltP: forall s1 s2, reflect (step_lt s1 s2) (step_ltb s1 s2).
  move => [[r1 p1] s1] [[r2 p2] s2].
  case H:(step_ltb _ _);constructor;[|move/negP in H];
    by rewrite /step_lt !(reflect_eq eqP, reflect_eq andP, reflect_eq orP).

Weaken step: less-than implies less-than-or-equal.
Lemma step_ltW a b:
  step_lt a b -> step_le a b.
  destruct a as [[? ?] ?],b as [[? ?]?].
  unfold step_lt,step_le;intuition.

Transitivitity of step_le.
Lemma step_le_trans a b c:
  step_le a b -> step_le b c -> step_le a c.
  destruct a as [[? ?] ?],b as [[? ?]?],c as [[? ?]?].
  unfold step_le.
  intros H_ab H_bc.
  destruct H_ab as [H_ab|[-> H_ab]];destruct H_bc as [H_bc|[-> H_bc]];[left..|];
    [eapply ltn_trans;eassumption|assumption|assumption|];
  right;split;[reflexivity|];clear -H_ab H_bc.
  destruct H_ab as [H_ab|[-> H_ab]];destruct H_bc as [H_bc|[-> H_bc]];[left..|];
    [eapply ltn_trans;eassumption|assumption|assumption|];
  right;split;[reflexivity|];clear -H_ab H_bc.
  eapply leq_trans;eassumption.

Transitivity of step_lt.
Lemma step_lt_trans a b c:
  step_lt a b -> step_lt b c -> step_lt a c.
  destruct a as [[? ?] ?],b as [[? ?]?],c as [[? ?]?].
  unfold step_lt.
  intros H_ab H_bc.
  destruct H_ab as [H_ab|[-> H_ab]];destruct H_bc as [H_bc|[-> H_bc]];[left..|];
    [eapply ltn_trans;eassumption|assumption|assumption|];
  right;split;[reflexivity|];clear -H_ab H_bc.
  destruct H_ab as [H_ab|[-> H_ab]];destruct H_bc as [H_bc|[-> H_bc]];[left..|];
    [eapply ltn_trans;eassumption|assumption|assumption|];
  right;split;[reflexivity|];clear -H_ab H_bc.
  eapply ltn_trans;eassumption.

a < b and b <= c implies a < c.
Lemma step_lt_le_trans a b c:
  step_lt a b -> step_le b c -> step_lt a c.
  destruct a as [[? ?] ?],b as [[? ?]?],c as [[? ?]?].
  unfold step_lt, step_le.
  intros H_ab H_bc.
  destruct H_ab as [H_ab|[-> H_ab]];destruct H_bc as [H_bc|[-> H_bc]];[left..|];
    [eapply ltn_trans;eassumption|assumption|assumption|];
  right;split;[reflexivity|];clear -H_ab H_bc.
  destruct H_ab as [H_ab|[-> H_ab]];destruct H_bc as [H_bc|[-> H_bc]];[left..|];
    [eapply ltn_trans;eassumption|assumption|assumption|];
    right;split;[reflexivity|];clear -H_ab H_bc.
  eapply leq_trans;eassumption.

a <= b and b < c implies a < c.
Lemma step_le_lt_trans a b c:
  step_le a b -> step_lt b c -> step_lt a c.
  destruct a as [[? ?] ?],b as [[? ?]?],c as [[? ?]?].
  unfold step_lt, step_le.
  intros H_ab H_bc.
  destruct H_ab as [H_ab|[-> H_ab]];destruct H_bc as [H_bc|[-> H_bc]];[left..|];
    [eapply ltn_trans;eassumption|assumption|assumption|];
  right;split;[reflexivity|];clear -H_ab H_bc.
  destruct H_ab as [H_ab|[-> H_ab]];destruct H_bc as [H_bc|[-> H_bc]];[left..|];
    [eapply ltn_trans;eassumption|assumption|assumption|];
    right;split;[reflexivity|];clear -H_ab H_bc.
  eapply leq_ltn_trans;eassumption.

step is not less than itself.
Lemma step_lt_irrefl r p s: ~step_lt (r,p,s) (r,p,s).
  rewrite /step_lt => Hrp; case: Hrp; rewrite ltnn //.
  by case => ?; rewrite ltnn; case => //; case.

step is less than or equal to itself.
Lemma step_le_refl step: step_le step step.
  clear;unfold step_le;intuition.

ustate_after and step_le are equivalent.
Lemma ustate_after_iff_step_le u1 u2:
  step_le (step_of_ustate u1) (step_of_ustate u2)
  <-> ustate_after u1 u2.
  unfold ustate_after;destruct u1, u2;simpl.

Transitivity of ustate_after.
Lemma ustate_after_transitive :
  forall us1 us2 us3,
    ustate_after us1 us2 ->
    ustate_after us2 us3 ->
    ustate_after us1 us3.
move => us1 us2 us3.
rewrite -!ustate_after_iff_step_le.
apply step_le_trans.

Lemmas about tick functions

tick_ok_users function as a predicate.
Lemma tick_ok_usersP : forall increment (g : GState),
    (forall (uid : UserId) (h : uid \in domf g.(users)), user_can_advance_timer increment g.(users).[h])
    (tick_ok_users increment g).
move => increment g.
exact: allfP.

Domain of users unchanged after tick.
Lemma tick_users_domf : forall increment pre,
  domf pre.(users) = domf (tick_users increment pre).
move => increment pre.
by rewrite -updf_domf.

tick_users at uid results in user_advance_timer.
Lemma tick_users_upd : forall increment pre uid (h : uid \in domf pre.(users)),
  (tick_users increment pre).[? uid] = Some (user_advance_timer increment pre.(users).[h]).
move => increment pre uid h.
by rewrite updf_update.

tick_users results in None if the user not in the domain of the pre-state.
Lemma tick_users_notin : forall increment pre uid (h : uid \notin domf pre.(users)),
  (tick_users increment pre).[? uid] = None.
  move => increment pre uid h.
  apply not_fnd.
  change (uid \notin domf (tick_users increment pre)); by rewrite -updf_domf.

Lemmas about merge_msgs_deadline and send_broadcasts

A message in merge_msgs_deadline is either already in the mailbox or it is a member of the messages being merged.
Lemma in_merge_msgs : forall d (msg:Msg) now msgs mailbox,
    (d,msg) \in merge_msgs_deadline now msgs mailbox ->
    msg \in msgs \/ (d,msg) \in mailbox.
  move=> d msg now msgs mb.
  move=> /msetDP [|];[|right;done].
  by rewrite (perm_mem (perm_eq_seq_mset _)) => /mapP [x H_x [_ ->]];left.

send_broadcasts definition.
Lemma send_broadcastsE now targets prev_msgs msgs:
  send_broadcasts now targets prev_msgs msgs = updf prev_msgs targets (fun _ => merge_msgs_deadline now msgs).
  by rewrite unlock.

send_broadcasts at uid results in merge_msgs_deadline.
Lemma send_broadcasts_in : forall (msgpool : MsgPool) now uid msgs targets
                                  (h : uid \in msgpool) (h' : uid \in targets),
  (send_broadcasts now targets msgpool msgs).[? uid] = Some (merge_msgs_deadline now msgs msgpool.[h]).
  by move => *;rewrite send_broadcastsE updf_update.

send_brodcasts results in None if uid is not in the domain of msgpool.
Lemma send_broadcast_notin :
  forall (msgpool : MsgPool) now uid msgs targets
    (h : uid \notin domf msgpool),
    (send_broadcasts now targets msgpool msgs).[? uid] = None.
  move => *;apply not_fnd.
  change (?k \notin ?f) with (k \notin domf f).
  by rewrite send_broadcastsE -updf_domf.

send_brodcasts at uid results in msgpool at uid if uid is in msgpool, but uid is not in targets of send_broadcasts function.
Lemma send_broadcast_notin_targets : forall (msgpool : MsgPool) now uid msgs targets
  (h : uid \in msgpool) (h' : uid \notin targets),
  (send_broadcasts now targets msgpool msgs).[? uid] = msgpool.[? uid].
  move => msgpool now uid msg targets h h'.
  by rewrite send_broadcastsE updf_update' // in_fnd.

send_broadcast contains msg but original mailbox does not, msg must be in l.
Lemma broadcasts_prop
  uid (msg:Msg) (l:seq Msg)
  time (targets : {fset UserId}) (mailboxes' mailboxes : {fmap UserId -> {mset R * Msg}}):
  (odflt mset0 mailboxes'.[? uid] `<=` odflt mset0 mailboxes.[? uid])%mset ->
  match (send_broadcasts time targets mailboxes' l).[? uid] with
  | Some msg_mset => has (fun p : R * Msg => p.2 == msg) msg_mset
  | None => false
  end ->
  match mailboxes.[? uid] with
  | Some msg_mset => has (fun p : R * Msg => p.2 == msg) msg_mset
  | None => false
  end -> msg \in l.
  move => H_sub H_pre H_post.
  have: ~~has (fun p: R * Msg => p.2 == msg) (odflt mset0 mailboxes.[?uid])
    by case:fndP H_post;[|rewrite enum_mset0].
  move {H_post} => H_post.

  rewrite send_broadcastsE in H_pre.
  case:mailboxes'.[?uid]/fndP => H_mb';
   [|by move:H_pre;rewrite not_fnd //;
     congr (uid \notin _): H_mb';apply updf_domf].

  have: ~~has (fun p: R * Msg => p.2 == msg) (mailboxes'.[H_mb'])
    by apply/contraNN:H_post => /hasP /= [x H_in H_x];
       apply/hasP;exists x;[apply (msubset_subset H_sub);rewrite in_fnd|].
  move {H_post} => H_post.

  move: {mailboxes H_sub}H_pre.

  case:(uid \in targets)/boolP=>H_tgt;
    [|by apply contraTT;rewrite updf_update'].

  rewrite updf_update {targets H_tgt}// => /hasP /=[[d msg'] H_in /eqP /=H_msg].
  move:H_msg H_in=> {msg'}-> /in_merge_msgs [//|H_in].

  move/negP in H_post;contradict H_post.
  by apply /hasP;exists (d,msg).

Definition of onth, lemmas about onth and step

onth: option returning nth element of seq if n small enough.
Definition onth {T : Type} (s : seq T) (n : nat) : option T :=
  ohead (drop n s).

onth results in Some if the index is small.
Lemma onth_size : forall T (s:seq T) n x, onth s n = Some x -> n < size s.
  move => T s n x H.
  rewrite ltnNge.
  contradict H.
  unfold onth.
  by rewrite drop_oversize.

If onth of a prefix is not None then onth of the original sequence is the same.
Lemma onth_from_prefix T (s:seq T) k n x:
  onth (take k s) n = Some x ->
  onth s n = Some x.
  move => H_prefix.
  have H_inbounds: n < size (take k s).
    rewrite ltnNge;apply/negP => H_oversize.
    by rewrite /onth drop_oversize in H_prefix.
  move: H_prefix.
  unfold onth, ohead.
  rewrite -{2}(cat_take_drop k s) drop_cat H_inbounds.
  by case: (drop n (take k s)).

onth equal to Some x implies nth element is x.
Lemma onth_nth T (s:seq T) ix x:
  onth s ix = Some x -> (forall x0, nth x0 s ix = x).
  unfold onth.
  unfold ohead.
  move => H_drop x0.
  rewrite -[ix]addn0 -nth_drop.
  destruct (drop ix s);simpl;congruence.

onth equal to Some x means x is in the sequence.
Lemma onth_in (T:eqType) (s:seq T) ix x:
  onth s ix = Some x -> x \in s.
  intro H.
  rewrite -(onth_nth H x).
  exact (mem_nth _ (onth_size H)).

onth equal to Some x means that the last element of the prefixed sequence is x.
Lemma onth_take_last T (s:seq T) n x:
  onth s n = some x ->
  forall x0, last x0 (take n.+1 s) = x.
  move => H_x x0.
  have H_size := onth_size H_x.
  rewrite -nth_last size_takel // nth_take //.
    by apply onth_nth.

Predicates true for all elements of a sequence are true for elements returned by onth.
Lemma all_onth T P s: @all T P s -> forall ix x, onth s ix = Some x -> P x.
  move/all_nthP => H ix x H_g. rewrite -(onth_nth H_g x).
  apply H, (onth_size H_g).

x in s implies onth (the index of x in s) is x.
Lemma onth_index (T : eqType) (x : T) (s : seq T): x \in s -> onth s (index x s) = Some x.
  move => H_in.
    by rewrite /onth /ohead (drop_nth x);[rewrite nth_index|rewrite index_mem].

at_step holds for nth element with P and nth element is g, then P g holds.
Lemma at_step_onth n (path : seq GState) (P : pred GState):
  at_step n path P ->
  forall g, onth path n = Some g ->
  P g.
  unfold at_step, onth.
  case Hdrop: (drop n path) => [|a l] //=.
  by move => HP g; case =><-.

If nth element is g and P g holds, then at_step holds for n and P.
Lemma onth_at_step n (path : seq GState) g:
  onth path n = Some g ->
  forall (P : pred GState), P g -> at_step n path P.
  unfold at_step, onth.
  case Hdrop: (drop n path) => [|a l] //=.
  by case =><-.

onth is true at ix implies onth is true at truncated trace for size of new trace minus one.
Lemma onth_take_some : forall (trace: seq GState) ix g,
  onth trace ix = Some g ->
  onth (take ix.+1 trace) (size (take ix.+1 trace)).-1 = Some g.
  move => trace ix g H_onth.
  clear -H_onth.
  unfold onth.
  erewrite drop_nth with (x0:=g). simpl.
  rewrite nth_last. erewrite onth_take_last with (x:=g); try assumption.
  destruct trace. inversion H_onth. intuition.

Lemmas about step_in_path_at

step_in_path_at implies a global transition.
Lemma transition_from_path
      g0 states ix (H_path: is_trace g0 states)
      g1 g2
      (H_step : step_in_path_at g1 g2 ix states):
  g1 ~~> g2.
  unfold step_in_path_at in H_step.
  destruct states. inversion H_path.
  destruct H_path as [H_g0 H_path]; subst.
  have {H_path} := path_drop' H_path ix.
  destruct (drop ix (g :: states));[done|].
  destruct l;[done|].
  destruct H_step as [-> ->].
  by move/andP => [] /asboolP.

step_in_path_at with same index must be with same states.
Lemma step_ix_same trace ix g1 g2:
  step_in_path_at g1 g2 ix trace ->
  forall g3 g4,
  step_in_path_at g3 g4 ix trace ->
  g3 = g1 /\ g4 = g2.
  unfold step_in_path_at.
  destruct (drop ix trace) as [|? [|]];(tauto || intuition congruence).

A step in path at n from g1 to g2 means g1 is at index n.
Lemma step_in_path_onth_pre {g1 g2 n path} (H_step : step_in_path_at g1 g2 n path)
  : onth path n = Some g1.
  unfold step_in_path_at in H_step.
  unfold onth. destruct (drop n path) as [|? []];destruct H_step.
  rewrite H;reflexivity.

step_in_path_at from g1 to g2 with n means g2 is at index n+1.
Lemma step_in_path_onth_post {g1 g2 n path} (H_step : step_in_path_at g1 g2 n path)
  : onth path n.+1 = Some g2.
  unfold step_in_path_at in H_step.
  unfold onth. rewrite -add1n -drop_drop.
  destruct (drop n path) as [|? []];destruct H_step.
  rewrite H0;reflexivity.

step_in_path_at of truncated path implies step_in_path_at of original path.
Lemma step_in_path_prefix (g1 g2 : GState) n k (path : seq GState) :
  step_in_path_at g1 g2 n (take k path)
  -> step_in_path_at g1 g2 n path.
  revert k path;induction n.
  intros k path;
  destruct path;[done|];destruct k;[done|];
  destruct path;[done|];destruct k;done.
  intros k path. destruct k.
  clear;intro;exfalso;destruct path;assumption.
  unfold step_in_path_at.
  destruct path. done.
  simpl. apply IHn.

step_in_path_at implies step_in_path_at of truncated path provided the truncation is sufficiently long.
Lemma step_in_path_take (g1 g2 : GState) n (path : seq GState) :
  step_in_path_at g1 g2 n path
  -> step_in_path_at g1 g2 n (take n.+2 path).
  revert path; induction n.
  intro path.
  destruct path;[done|];destruct path;done.
  intros path.
  unfold step_in_path_at.
  destruct path. done.
  simpl. apply IHn.

Lemmas on reset_msg_delays and reset_user_msg_delays

Reset_deadline in reset_user_msg_delays if m is in msgs.
Lemma reset_msg_delays_fwd : forall (msgs : {mset R * Msg}) (m : R * Msg),
  m \in msgs -> forall now, (reset_deadline now m \in reset_user_msg_delays msgs now).
  move => msgs m Hm now.
  rewrite -has_pred1 /= has_count.
  have Hcnt: (0 < count_mem m msgs) by rewrite -has_count has_pred1.
  eapply leq_trans;[eassumption|clear Hcnt].
  rewrite (count_mem_mset (reset_deadline now m) (reset_user_msg_delays msgs now)).
  rewrite /reset_user_msg_delays -map_mset_count.
  apply sub_count.
  by move => H /= /eqP ->.

If m was in reset_user_msg_delays then the deadline must have been reset.
Lemma reset_user_msg_delays_rev (now : R) (msgs : {mset R * Msg}) (m: R*Msg):
  m \in reset_user_msg_delays msgs now ->
  exists d0, m = reset_deadline now (d0,m.2) /\ (d0,m.2) \in msgs.
  move => Hm.
  suff: (has (preim (reset_deadline now) (pred1 m)) msgs).
    move: m Hm => [d msg] Hm.
    move/hasP => [[d0 msg0] H_mem H_preim].
    move: H_preim; rewrite /preim /pred1 /= /reset_deadline /=.
    case/eqP => Hn Hd; rewrite -Hd -Hn.
    by exists d0; split.
  by rewrite has_count map_mset_count -count_mem_mset -has_count has_pred1.

The domain of msgpool is unchanged after reset_msg_delays.
Lemma reset_msg_delays_domf : forall (msgpool : MsgPool) now,
   domf msgpool = domf (reset_msg_delays msgpool now).
by move => msgpool pre; rewrite -updf_domf. Qed.

reset_msg_delays at uid results in reset_user_msg_delays.
Lemma reset_msg_delays_upd : forall (msgpool : MsgPool) now uid (h : uid \in domf msgpool),
  (reset_msg_delays msgpool now).[? uid] = Some (reset_user_msg_delays msgpool.[h] now).
move => msgpool now uid h.
have Hu := updf_update _ h.
have Hu' := Hu (domf msgpool) _ h.
by rewrite Hu'.

reset_msg_delays results in None if the user is not in the domain of the message pool.
Lemma reset_msg_delays_notin : forall (msgpool : MsgPool) now uid
  (h : uid \notin domf msgpool),
  (reset_msg_delays msgpool now).[? uid] = None.
  move => msgpool now uid h.
  apply not_fnd.
  change (uid \notin domf (reset_msg_delays msgpool now)).
  unfold reset_msg_delays.
  by rewrite -updf_domf.

Definitions and lemmas for sent and forged messages

Definition user_sent sender (m : Msg) (pre post : GState) : Prop :=
  exists (ms : seq Msg), m \in ms
  /\ ((exists d incoming, related_by (lbl_deliver sender d incoming ms) pre post)
      \/ (related_by (lbl_step_internal sender ms) pre post)).

Definition user_forged (msg:Msg) (g1 g2: GState) :=
  related_by (lbl_forge_msg (msg_sender msg) (msg_round msg) (msg_period msg) (msg_type msg) (msg_ev msg)) g1 g2.

Definition user_sent_at ix path uid msg :=
  exists g1 g2, step_in_path_at g1 g2 ix path
                /\ user_sent uid msg g1 g2.

A user who sends a message must be in both pre and post states.
Lemma user_sent_in_pre {sender m pre post} (H : user_sent sender m pre post):
  sender \in pre.(users).
  by case: H => [msgs [H_mem [[d [recv H_step]] | H_step]]];
    case: H_step => [key_ustate [ustate_post H_step]].

Lemma user_sent_in_post {sender m pre post} (H : user_sent sender m pre post):
  sender \in post.(users).
  destruct H as [msgs [H_mem [[d [recv H_step]] | H_step]]]; simpl in H_step.
  - by destruct H_step as [key_ustate [ustate_post [H_sender [H_corrupt H_step]]]];
      destruct H_step as [key_mailbox [H_recv H_post]];
      subst post; unfold delivery_result, step_result;destruct pre;simpl;clear;
        change (sender \in domf (users.[sender <- ustate_post]));
        rewrite dom_setf; apply fset1U1.
  - by destruct H_step as [key_ustate [ustate_post [H_corrupt [H_sender H_post]]]];
    subst post; unfold delivery_result, step_result;destruct pre;simpl;clear;
        change (sender \in domf (users.[sender <- ustate_post]));
        rewrite dom_setf; apply fset1U1.

The step of a user in the pre-state who sends message is same as msg_step.
Lemma utransition_label_start uid msg g1 g2 :
    user_sent uid msg g1 g2 ->
    forall u, g1.(users).[? uid] = Some u ->
    (step_of_ustate u) = (msg_step msg).
  unfold user_sent.
  move => [sent [msg_in H_trans]] u H_u.
  case: msg msg_in => mtype v r p uid_m msg_in.
  case: H_trans => [[d [body H_recv]]|H_step].
  * { (* message delivery cases *)
  destruct H_recv as (key_ustate & ustate_post & H_step & H_honest
                     & key_mailbox & H_msg_in_mailbox & ->).
  destruct g1;simpl in * |- *.
  unfold step_of_ustate.
  rewrite in_fnd in H_u. injection H_u;clear H_u. intros <-.

  remember (ustate_post,sent) as ustep_out in H_step.
  destruct H_step;injection Hequstep_out;clear Hequstep_out;intros <- <-;
    try (exfalso;exact (notF msg_in)).

  (* Only one delivery transition actually sends a message *)
  move: msg_in; rewrite inE; case/eqP => [eq_type eq_ev eq_p eq_r eq_s]; subst.
  unfold certvote_ok in H;decompose record H;clear H.
  revert H0.
  clear;unfold pre',valid_rps;autounfold with utransition_unfold;simpl;clear.
  move => [-> [-> ->]];reflexivity.
  * { (* internal transition cases *)
    destruct H_step as (key_user & ustate_post & H_honest & H_step & ->).
    destruct g1;simpl in * |- *.
    rewrite in_fnd in H_u;injection H_u;clear H_u.
    intro H. rewrite -> H in * |- *. clear key_user users H.
    move/in_memP: msg_in => msg_in.
    clear -msg_in H_step.

    unfold step_of_ustate.
    remember (ustate_post,sent) as ustep_out in H_step;
      destruct H_step;
    injection Hequstep_out;clear Hequstep_out;intros <- <-;
    let rec use_mem H :=
      first [exfalso;exact H

      |destruct H as [H|H];[injection H as <- <- <- <- <-|use_mem H]]
    in use_mem msg_in;
    autounfold with utransition_unfold in H;
      decompose record H;clear H;
    match goal with
    | [H:valid_rps _ _ _ _ |- _] => unfold valid_rps in H;move: H
    | [H:advancing_rp _ _ _ |- _] => unfold advancing_rp in H;move :H
    end;clear;simpl;move=> [-> [-> ->]];reflexivity.

The step of a user in post-state who sends a message is greater than the message step.
Lemma utransition_label_end : forall uid msg g1 g2,
    user_sent uid msg g1 g2 ->
    forall u, g2.(users).[? uid] = Some u ->
    step_lt (msg_step msg) (step_of_ustate u).
  move => uid msg g1 g2.
  unfold user_sent.
  move => [sent [msg_in H_trans]] u H_u.
  case: msg msg_in => mtype v r p uid_m /= msg_in.
  case: H_trans => [[d [body H_recv]]|H_step].
  * { (* message delivery cases *)
  destruct H_recv as (key_ustate & ustate_post & H_step & H_honest
                     & key_mailbox & H_msg_in_mailbox & ->).
  revert H_u. rewrite fnd_set eq_refl. case => {u}<-.

  destruct g1;cbn -[in_mem mem eq_op] in * |- *.
  remember (ustate_post,sent) as ustep_out in H_step.
  destruct H_step;injection Hequstep_out;clear Hequstep_out;intros <- <-;
  try (exfalso;exact (notF msg_in));
  match type of msg_in with
  | is_true (_ \in [:: _]) =>
    unfold in_mem in msg_in; simpl in msg_in;
      rewrite Bool.orb_false_r in msg_in;
      apply (elimT eqP) in msg_in;
      injection msg_in;clear msg_in;
      intros -> -> -> -> ->

  autounfold with utransition_unfold in H. decompose record H.
  revert H0;subst pre';clear;unfold valid_rps;destruct pre;simpl.
    by intuition.
  * { (* internal transition cases *)
  destruct H_step as (key_user & ustate_post & H_honest & H_step & ->).
  revert H_u. rewrite fnd_set eq_refl. case => {u}<-.

  destruct g1;cbn -[in_mem mem eq_op] in * |- *.
  move/in_memP: msg_in => msg_in.

  clear -msg_in H_step.
  remember (ustate_post,sent) as ustep_out in H_step.
  destruct H_step;
  injection Hequstep_out;clear Hequstep_out;intros <- <-;
   let rec use_mem H :=
       first [exfalso;exact H
      |destruct H as [H|H];[injection H as <- <- <- <- <-|use_mem H]]
  in use_mem msg_in;
    autounfold with utransition_unfold in H;
    decompose record H;clear H;
    match goal with
    | [H:valid_rps _ _ _ _ |- _] => move: H; unfold valid_rps
    | [H:advancing_rp _ _ _ |- _] => move: H; unfold advancing_rp
    end;clear;destruct pre;simpl;clear;move=> [-> [-> H_step_val]];
    repeat (split || right);
      by rewrite addn1 ltnSn.

Definitions for receiving messages

Definition step_at path ix lbl :=
 exists g1 g2, step_in_path_at g1 g2 ix path /\ related_by lbl g1 g2.

Definition msg_received uid msg_deadline msg path : Prop :=
  exists n ms, step_at path n
   (lbl_deliver uid msg_deadline msg ms).

Definition received_next_vote u voter round period step value path : Prop :=
  exists d, msg_received u d (match value with
                               | Some v => mkMsg Nextvote_Val (next_val v step) round period voter
                               | None => mkMsg Nextvote_Open (step_val step) round period voter
                         end) path.

Labeling transitions

All global transitions have some label.
Lemma transitions_labeled: forall g1 g2,
  g1 ~~> g2 <-> exists lbl, related_by lbl g1 g2.
  + (* forward - find label for transition *)
    destruct 1;simpl.
    exists (lbl_tick increment);finish_case.
    destruct pending as [deadline msg];exists (lbl_deliver uid deadline msg sent);finish_case.
    exists (lbl_step_internal uid sent);finish_case.
    exists (lbl_exit_partition);finish_case.
    exists (lbl_enter_partition);finish_case.
    exists (lbl_corrupt_user uid);finish_case.
    exists (lbl_replay_msg uid);finish_case.
    exists (lbl_forge_msg sender r p mtype mval);finish_case.
  + (* reverse - find transition from label *)
    destruct 1 as [[] Hrel];simpl in Hrel; case: Hrel.
    * by move => Htick ->; eapply step_tick; eassumption.
    * move => x [H_uid [ustate_post [H_ustep Hg2]]].
      move: Hg2 => [key_mailbox [Hg1 Hg2]].
      by subst g2; eapply step_deliver_msg; eassumption.
    * move => x [H_uid [ustate_post [H_corrupt Hg2]]].
      by subst g2; eapply step_internal; eassumption.
    * move => H_part H_g2.
      by subst g2; eapply step_exit_partition; eassumption.
    * move => H_part H_g2.
      by subst g2; eapply step_enter_partition; eassumption.
    * move => H_in [H_corrupt H_g2].
      by subst g2; eapply step_corrupt_user; eassumption.
    * move => H_in [msg [H_corrupt [H_msg H_g2]]].
      by subst g2; eapply step_replay_msg; eassumption.
    * move => H_in [s0 [H_keys [H_comm [H_match H_g2]]]].
      by subst g2; eapply step_forge_msg; eassumption.

Internal transitions change the state - used in transition_label_unique.
Lemma internal_not_noop :
  forall s pre post l, s # pre ~> (post, l) -> pre <> post.
  move => s pre post l Hst;inversion Hst;subst.
  all: try (autounfold with utransition_unfold in H2; decompose record H2; clear H2;
    match goal with [H : valid_rps _ _ _ _ |- _] =>
    destruct H as [_ [_ H_s]];contradict H_s;rewrite H_s;simpl;clear
    end;try discriminate; by rewrite addn1 => /esym /n_Sn).
  autounfold with utransition_unfold in H3; decompose record H3; clear H3.
  destruct H1 as [_ [_ H_s]];contradict H_s;rewrite H_s;simpl;clear.
  by rewrite addn1 => /esym /n_Sn.

delivery_result decreases mailbox size - used in transition_label_unique.
Lemma deliver_analysis1:
  forall g uid upost r m l
         (key_mbox : uid \in g.(msg_in_transit)),
    (r, m) \in g.(msg_in_transit).[key_mbox] ->
    let g2 := delivery_result g uid key_mbox (r, m) upost l in
    (forall uid2,
      ( size (odflt mset0 (g2.(msg_in_transit).[?uid2]))
      < size (odflt mset0 (g.(msg_in_transit).[?uid2]))) <->
      uid = uid2)
    /\ [mset (r,m)] =( odflt mset0 (g.(msg_in_transit).[?uid])
       `\` odflt mset0 (g2.(msg_in_transit).[?uid]))%mset.
  move=> g uid upost r m l key_mbox H_pending g2.

  set mb1: {mset R*Msg} := odflt mset0 (g.(msg_in_transit).[?uid]).
  set mb2: {mset R*Msg} := odflt mset0 (g2.(msg_in_transit).[?uid]).
  assert (H_singleton: mb1 = (r,m) +` mb2).
    subst mb1 mb2.
    rewrite /g2 /delivery_result send_broadcastsE.
  rewrite updf_update'.
  simpl. by rewrite in_fset1U; apply/orP; left.
  intro H_uid.
  rewrite in_fnd.
  repeat match goal with
           [|- context C[odflt mset0 (Some ?x)]] =>
           assert (H :odflt mset0 (Some x) = x) by done; rewrite H; clear H
  rewrite setfNK; rewrite eq_refl.
  by rewrite msetBDKC;[|rewrite msub1set].
  by rewrite fsetD11.
  split;[|by move:H_singleton => /(f_equal (msetB^~mb2)) ->;rewrite msetDC msetDKB].

  move => uid2.
  split; last first.
  intros <-.
  fold mb1 mb2.
  by rewrite H_singleton mset_add_size msetn_size leqnn.

  intro H_size.
  case H_neq:(uid2 == uid);[by move/eqP: H_neq|exfalso].

  subst g2.
  unfold delivery_result in *.
  simpl in *.

  clear mb1 mb2 H_singleton.
  remember ((g.(msg_in_transit)).[uid <- ((g.(msg_in_transit)).[key_mbox] `\ (r, m))%mset]) as mailboxes'.
  case:mailboxes'.[?uid2]/fndP => H_mb.
  2: {
    assert (H_mb' := H_mb).
    move/not_fnd in H_mb'.
    subst mailboxes'. rewrite fnd_set in H_mb'.
    rewrite H_neq in H_mb'.
    rewrite H_mb' in H_size.
    rewrite size_mset0 in H_size.
    inversion H_size.

  assert (H_uid2 : uid2 \in domf g.(msg_in_transit)).
  rewrite -fndSome.
  assert (mailboxes'.[? uid2] = Some mailboxes'.[H_mb]). by rewrite in_fnd.
  subst mailboxes'.
  rewrite fnd_set in H.
  rewrite H_neq in H. rewrite H.

  rewrite send_broadcastsE in H_size.
  destruct (uid2 \in domf (honest_users (g.(users)))) eqn:H_honest; last first.
    rewrite updf_update' in H_size.
    rewrite in_fnd in H_size.
    simpl in H_size.
    rewrite setfNK in H_size.
    rewrite H_neq in H_size.
    rewrite ltnn in H_size; discriminate.

    rewrite in_fsetD1.
    apply/andP. move => [_ H_honest'].
      by rewrite H_honest in H_honest'.

    rewrite updf_update in H_size.
    rewrite in_fnd in H_size.
    simpl in H_size.
    rewrite setfNK in H_size.
    rewrite H_neq in H_size.
    simpl in H_size.
    move: H_size. rewrite ltnNge.
    move: (g.(msg_in_transit)[`H_uid2]) => mb.
    rewrite -{1}[mb]mset0D.
    by apply msetSD, msub0set.

    rewrite in_fsetD1.
    apply/andP. split.
      by move/eqP in H_neq; move/eqP: H_neq.
      by apply/negP; move/negP in H_honest.

Message transitions with same resulting state has the same output messages - used in transition_label_unique.
Lemma utransition_msg_result_analysis uid upre m upost l l'
  (H_step: uid # upre; m ~> (upost, l))
  (H_step': uid # upre; m ~> (upost, l')) :
  l = l'.
  clear -H_step H_step'.
  remember (upost,l) as ustate_out.
  destruct H_step eqn:H_trans; case: Hequstate_out;
    intros <- <-; inversion H_step'; subst; try (by []); exfalso.
  subst pre'; subst pre'0; clear -H2 H6.
  unfold set_softvotes, certvote_ok, valid_rps in H2; simpl in H2.
    by rewrite <- H6 in H2; intuition auto.
  subst pre'; subst pre'0; clear -c H6.
  unfold set_softvotes, certvote_ok, valid_rps in c; simpl in c.
    by rewrite H6 in c; intuition auto.
  unfold vote_msg in H3; simpl in H3.
    by intuition auto.
  subst pre'; subst pre'0.
  unfold deliver_nonvote_msg_result, certvote_result in H.
  destruct pre; simpl in *.
  case: H; intros <-; intro; clear -H3.
  unfold certvote_ok, set_softvotes, valid_rps in H3; simpl in H3.
    by intuition auto.

delivery_result on a global state is the same means the message delivery transitions are equal - used in transition_label_unique.
Lemma deliver_deliver_lbl_unique :
  forall g uid uid' upost upost' r r' m m' l l'
    (key_state : uid \in g.(users)) (key_mbox : uid \in g.(msg_in_transit))
    (key_state' : uid' \in g.(users)) (key_mbox' : uid' \in g.(msg_in_transit)),
    ~ g.(users).[key_state].(corrupt) ->
    (r, m) \in g.(msg_in_transit).[key_mbox] ->
    uid # g.(users).[key_state] ; m ~> (upost, l) ->
    ~ g.(users).[key_state'].(corrupt) ->
    (r', m') \in g.(msg_in_transit).[key_mbox'] ->
    uid' # g.(users).[key_state'] ; m' ~> (upost', l') ->
    delivery_result g uid key_mbox (r, m) upost l = delivery_result g uid' key_mbox' (r', m') upost' l' ->
    uid = uid' /\ r = r' /\ m = m' /\ l = l'.
  move => g uid uid' upost upost' r r' m m' l l' key_state key_mbox key_state' key_mbox'
          H_honest H_pending H_step H_honest' H_pending' H_step' H_results.
  have Fact1 :=
    deliver_analysis1 upost l H_pending.
  have Fact1' :=
    deliver_analysis1 upost' l' H_pending'.
  have {Fact1 Fact1'}[H_uids H_pendings] : uid = uid' /\ [mset (r,m)] = [mset (r',m')].
  move: H_results Fact1 Fact1' => <-.
  set g2 := delivery_result g uid key_mbox (r, m) upost l.
  cbv zeta. clearbody g2. clear.
  move => [H_uid H_pending] [H_uid' H_pending'].
  have H: uid = uid by reflexivity.
  rewrite <-H_uid, H_uid' in H;subst uid'.
  by split;[|rewrite H_pending -H_pending'].
  subst uid'.
  have {H_pendings}[H_r H_m]: (r,m) = (r',m') by apply/mset1P;rewrite -H_pendings mset11.
  subst r' m'.
  repeat (split;[reflexivity|]).

  have H: upost = upost'
    by move: (f_equal (fun g => g.(users).[?uid]) H_results);
       rewrite !fnd_set eq_refl;clear;congruence.
  subst upost'.

  rewrite (bool_irrelevance key_state' key_state) in H_step'.
  move: (g.(users)[`key_state]) H_step H_step' => upre.

  apply utransition_msg_result_analysis.

Message delivery transitions cannot be the same as internal transitions - used in transition_label_unique.
Lemma deliver_internal_False :
  forall g uid uid' upost upost' r m l l'
    (key_state : uid \in g.(users)) (key_mbox : uid \in g.(msg_in_transit))
    (key_state' : uid' \in g.(users)),
    ~ g.(users).[key_state].(corrupt) ->
    (r, m) \in g.(msg_in_transit).[key_mbox] ->
    uid # g.(users).[key_state] ; m ~> (upost, l) ->
    ~ g.(users).[key_state'].(corrupt) ->
    uid' # g.(users).[key_state'] ~> (upost', l') ->
    delivery_result g uid key_mbox (r, m) upost l = step_result g uid' upost' l' ->
move => g uid uid' upost upost' r m l l' key_state key_mbox key_state'.
move => H_honest H_msg H_step H_honest' H_step'.
rewrite/delivery_result /= /step_result /= /RecordSet.set /=.
set us1 := _.[uid <- _].
set us2 := _.[uid' <- _].
set sb1 := send_broadcasts _ _ _ _.
set sb2 := send_broadcasts _ _ _ _.
move => Heq.
have Hus: us2 = us1 by move: Heq; move: (us1) (us2) => us3 us4; case.
have Hsb: sb1 = sb2 by case: Heq.
clear Heq.
case Hueq: (uid' == uid); last first.
  move/eqP: Hueq => Hueq.
  have Hus1c: us2.[? uid'] = us1.[? uid'] by rewrite Hus.
  move: Hus1c.
  rewrite 2!fnd_set.
  case: ifP; case: ifP.
  - by move/eqP.
  - move => _ _ Hpost.
    suff Hsuff: (users g) [` key_state'] = upost'.
      move: H_step'.
      by move/internal_not_noop.
    apply sym_eq in Hpost.
    move: Hpost.
    rewrite in_fnd.
    by case.
  - by move /eqP.
  - by move => _ /eqP.
move/eqP: Hueq => Hueq.
move: Hsb.
rewrite /sb1 /sb2 Hueq.
move: H_msg.
set fs := [fset _ | _ in _].
set sb1 := send_broadcasts _ _ _ _.
set sb2 := send_broadcasts _ _ _ _.
move => H_msg Hsb.
have Hsb12: sb1.[? uid] = sb2.[? uid] by rewrite Hsb.
move: Hsb12.
rewrite send_broadcast_notin_targets; first rewrite send_broadcast_notin_targets //.
- rewrite fnd_set.
  case: ifP; last by move/eqP.
  move => _.
  rewrite in_fnd; case.
  move: H_msg.
  set ms := (msg_in_transit _ _).
  move => H_msg.
  move/msetP => Hms.
  move: (Hms (r, m)).
  rewrite msetB1E.
  case Hrm: ((r, m) == (r, m)); last by move/eqP: Hrm.
  rewrite /=.
  move: H_msg.
  rewrite -mset_neq0.
  case: (ms (r, m)) => //.
  move => n _.
  by lia.
- rewrite in_fsetE /=.
  case/andP => Hf.
  case/negP: Hf.
  by rewrite in_fsetE.
- rewrite 2!in_fsetE.
  by apply/orP; left.
- rewrite in_fsetE /= in_fsetE.
  case/andP => Hf.
  by case/negP: Hf.

Internal transitions with equal post-states with the same messages sent must have sent the messages in the same order - used in transition_label_unique.
Lemma utransition_result_perm_eq uid upre upost l l' :
  uid # upre ~> (upost, l) ->
  uid # upre ~> (upost, l') ->
  perm_eq l l' ->
  l = l'.
move => Htr Htr' Hpq.
case Hs: (size l') => [|n].
  move: Hs Hpq.
  move/size0nil =>->.
  by move/perm_nilP.
case Hn: n => [|n'].
  move: Hs.
  rewrite Hn.
  destruct l' => //=.
  case Hl': (size l') => //.
  move: Hpq.
  move/size0nil: Hl' =>->.
  by move/perm_eq_cons1P.
move: Hs.
rewrite Hn => Hl'.
have Heq: size l = size l' by apply perm_size.
move: Heq.
rewrite Hl' => Hl.
have Hll': size l' >= 2 by rewrite Hl'.
have Hll: size l >= 2 by rewrite Hl.
clear n n' Hn Hl' Hl.
inversion Htr; inversion Htr'; subst; simpl in *; try by [].
move: Hpq.
set m1 := mkMsg Proposal _ _ _ _.
set m2 := mkMsg Block _ _ _ _.
set s1 := [:: _; _].
set s2 := [:: _; _].
move => Hpm.
have Hm1: m1 \in s2.
  rewrite -(perm_mem Hpm) /= inE.
  by apply/orP; left.
have Hm2: m2 \in s2.
  rewrite -(perm_mem Hpm) /= inE.
  apply/orP; right.
  by rewrite inE.
move: Hm1 Hm2.
rewrite inE.
move/orP; case; last by rewrite inE.
rewrite /s2.
move/eqP =><-.
rewrite inE.
move/orP; case; first by move/eqP.
rewrite inE.
by move/eqP =><-.

Rule out the possibility that a step that counts as one user sending a message cannot also count as a send from a different user or different message.
Lemma transition_label_unique : forall lbl lbl2 g1 g2,
    related_by lbl g1 g2 ->
    related_by lbl2 g1 g2 ->
    match lbl with
    | lbl_deliver _ _ _ _ =>
      match lbl2 with
      | lbl_deliver _ _ _ _ => lbl2 = lbl
      | lbl_step_internal _ _=> lbl2 = lbl
      | _ => True
    | lbl_step_internal _ _=>
      match lbl2 with
      | lbl_deliver _ _ _ _ => lbl2 = lbl
      | lbl_step_internal _ _=> lbl2 = lbl
      | _ => True
    | _ => True
  move => lbl lbl2 g1 g2.
  destruct lbl eqn:H_lbl;try done.
  + (* deliver *)
    (* one user changed, with a message removed from their mailbox *)
    rewrite /=.
    move => [key_ustate [ustate_post [H_step H]]].
    move: H => [Hcorrupt [key_mailbox [Hmsg Hg2]]].
    rewrite Hg2 {Hg2} /related_by.
    destruct lbl2;try done.
    * (* deliver/deliver *)
      move => [key_ustate' [ustate_post' [H_step' [Hcorrupt' [key_mailbox' [Hmsg' Heq]]]]]].
      eapply deliver_deliver_lbl_unique in Heq; eauto.
      move: Heq => [Hs [Hr [Hm Hl]]].
      by rewrite Hs Hr Hm Hl.
    * (* deliver/internal *)
      move => [key_user [ustate_post' [Hcorrupt' [H_step' Heq]]]].
      by eapply deliver_internal_False in Heq; eauto.
  + (* step internal *)
    rewrite /=. (* one user changed, no message removed *)
    move => [key_ustate [ustate_post [H_corrupt [Hstep Hres]]]].
    rewrite Hres {Hres} /related_by.
    destruct lbl2;try done.
    * (* internal/deliver *)
      move => [key_ustate' [upost' [H_step' [H_corrupt' [key_mbox [Hmsg Heq]]]]]].
      apply sym_eq in Heq.
      by eapply deliver_internal_False in Heq; eauto.
    * (* internal/internal *)
      move => [key_user [ustate_post0 [Hcorrupt0 [Htr0 Heq]]]].
      case Hs: (s == s0); last first.
        move/eqP: Hs => Hs.
        move: Heq.
        rewrite /step_result /= /step_result /=.
        set us1 := _.[_ <- _].
        set us2 := _.[_ <- _].
        move => Heq.
        have Hus: us1 = us2 by move: Heq; move: (us1) (us2) => us3 us4; case.
        clear Heq.
        have Hus1c: us1.[? s0] = us2.[? s0] by rewrite Hus.
        move: Hus1c.
        rewrite 2!fnd_set.
        case: ifP => [|_]; first by move/eqP => Hs'; case: Hs.
        case: ifP => [_|]; last by move/eqP.
        rewrite in_fnd; case => Hg.
        by apply internal_not_noop in Htr0.
      move/eqP: Hs => Hs.
      move: Heq.
      rewrite -Hs.
      rewrite /step_result /= /step_result /=.
      set us1 := _.[_ <- _].
      set us2 := _.[_ <- _].
      set mh1 := (_ `+` seq_mset _)%mset.
      set mh2 := (_ `+` seq_mset _)%mset.
      move => Heq.
      have Hus: us1 = us2 by move: Heq; move: (us1) (us2) => us3 us4; case.
      have Hus1c: us1.[? s0] = us2.[? s0] by rewrite Hus.
      move: Hus1c.
      rewrite 2!fnd_set -Hs.
      case: ifP; last by move/eqP.
      move => _; case => Hustate.
      have Hmh: mh1 = mh2 by case: Heq.
      clear Heq Hcorrupt0.
      move: key_user Htr0.
      rewrite -Hs -Hustate => key_user.
      rewrite -(eq_getf key_ustate) => Hstep'.
      move: Hmh.
      rewrite /mh1 /mh2.
      move/msetD_seq_mset_perm_eq => Hprm.
      suff Hsuff: l = l0 by rewrite Hsuff.
      move: Hstep Hstep' Hprm.
      exact: utransition_result_perm_eq.

User transition lemmas, destructing post state

Message transition on uid results in message sent by uid.
Lemma utransition_msg_sender_good uid u msg result:
  uid # u ; msg ~> result ->
  forall m, m \in result.2 -> uid = msg_sender m.
  by destruct 1 => /= m /in_memP /=;intuition;subst m.

Internal transition on uid results in message sent by uid.
Lemma utransition_internal_sender_good uid u result:
  uid # u ~> result ->
  forall m, m \in result.2 -> uid = msg_sender m.
  by destruct 1 => /= m /in_memP /=;intuition;subst m.

Definitions of user honesty

User is honest at step (r,p,s).
Definition honest_at_step (r p s:nat) uid (path : seq GState) :=
  exists n,
    match onth path n with
    | None => False
    | Some gstate =>
      match gstate.(users).[? uid] with
      | None => False
      | Some ustate => ~ustate.(corrupt)
       /\ (r,p,s) = (step_of_ustate ustate)

User is honest in round r and period p.
Definition honest_in_period (r p:nat) uid path :=
  exists n,
    match @onth GState path n with
    | None => False
    | Some gstate =>
      match gstate.(users).[? uid] with
      | None => False
      | Some ustate =>
        ~ustate.(corrupt) /\ ustate.(round) = r /\ ustate.(period) = p

User is honest at all points <= step in the path.
Definition honest_during_step (step:nat * nat * nat) uid (path : seq GState) :=
  all (upred' uid (fun u => step_leb (step_of_ustate u) step ==> ~~u.(corrupt))) path.

Preserving honesty through transitions

Internal user transitions preserves corrupt flag.
Lemma utransition_internal_preserves_corrupt uid pre post sent:
  uid # pre ~> (post,sent) -> pre.(corrupt) = post.(corrupt).
  set result:=(post,sent). change post with (result.1). clearbody result.
  destruct 1;reflexivity.

Message transitions preserve corrupt flag.
Lemma utransition_msg_preserves_corrupt uid msg pre post sent:
  uid # pre ; msg ~> (post,sent) -> pre.(corrupt) = post.(corrupt).
  set result:=(post,sent). change post with (result.1). clearbody result.
  destruct 1;try reflexivity.
  + unfold deliver_nonvote_msg_result;simpl.
    by destruct msg, msg_ev, msg_type.

The sender of a message is honest in the pre-state.
Lemma user_sent_honest_pre uid msg g1 g2
      (H_send: user_sent uid msg g1 g2):
      (g1.(users)[` user_sent_in_pre H_send]).(corrupt) = false.
  move: (user_sent_in_pre H_send) => H_in.
  case:H_send => [ms [H_in_ms [[d [inc H_ustep]]|H_ustep]]].
  - case: H_ustep => [H_uid [ustate_post [H_ustep [H_corrupt [key_mailbox [H_mail H_g2]]]]]].
    apply/negP. contradict H_corrupt; move: H_corrupt.
    by rewrite (bool_irrelevance H_in H_uid).
  - case: H_ustep => [H_uid [ustate_post [H_corrupt [H_ustep H_g2]]]].
    apply/negP;contradict H_corrupt;move: H_corrupt.
    by rewrite (bool_irrelevance H_in H_uid).

The sender of message is honest in the post-state.
Lemma user_sent_honest_post uid msg g1 g2
      (H_send: user_sent uid msg g1 g2):
      (g2.(users)[` user_sent_in_post H_send]).(corrupt) = false.
  set H_in := user_sent_in_post H_send.
  clearbody H_in.
  suff: user_honest uid g2 by rewrite /user_honest in_fnd => /negbTE.
  move:H_send => [ms [H_in_ms [[d [inc H_ustep]]|H_ustep]]]; simpl in H_ustep.
  - case: H_ustep => [H_uid [ustate_post [H_ustep [H_corrupt [key_mailbox [H_mail H_g2]]]]]].
    subst g2; unfold user_honest, delivery_result;simpl.
    rewrite fnd_set eq_refl.
    move: H_ustep H_corrupt. clear.
    move/utransition_msg_preserves_corrupt =>->.
    move => Hcorrupt.
    by apply/negP.
  - case: H_ustep => [H_uid [ustate_post [H_corrupt [H_ustep H_g2]]]].
    subst g2; unfold user_honest, step_result;simpl.
    rewrite fnd_set eq_refl.
    move: H_ustep H_corrupt. clear.
    move/utransition_internal_preserves_corrupt =>->.
    move => Hcorrupt.
    by apply/negP.

The sender of a message is honest in the period of the message.
Lemma user_honest_in_from_send ix trace uid msg
   (H_vote: user_sent_at ix trace uid msg):
   let: (r,p,_) := msg_step msg in
   honest_in_period r p uid trace.
  destruct H_vote as (g1_v & g2_v & H_vote_step & H_vote_send).

  set H_in: uid \in g1_v.(users) := user_sent_in_pre H_vote_send.
  have H_u := in_fnd H_in.
  set u: UState := (g1_v.(users)[` H_in]) in H_u.

  have:= utransition_label_start H_vote_send H_u.
  move: (msg_step msg) => [[r p] s] [H_r H_p _].

  by exists ix;rewrite (step_in_path_onth_pre H_vote_step) H_u (user_sent_honest_pre H_vote_send).

Propagating honesty

Propagate honest_during_step backwards.
Lemma honest_during_le s1 s2 uid trace:
  step_le s1 s2 ->
  honest_during_step s2 uid trace ->
  honest_during_step s1 uid trace.
  move => H_le.
  unfold honest_during_step.
  apply sub_all => g.
  unfold upred'. case: (g.(users).[?uid]) => [u|];[|done].
  move => /implyP H.
  apply /implyP => /step_leP H1.
  apply /H /step_leP /(step_le_trans H1 H_le).

Propagate user_honest backwards through transitions.
Lemma honest_backwards_gstep : forall (g1 g2 : GState),
 GTransition g1 g2 ->
 forall uid, user_honest uid g2 -> user_honest uid g1.
  move => g1 g2 Hstep uid.
  destruct Hstep;unfold user_honest;destruct pre;
    unfold tick_update,tick_users; simpl algorand_model.users in * |- *; try done.
  + (* step_tick *)
    destruct (fndP users uid).
    by rewrite updf_update //;destruct (users.[kf]), corrupt.
    by rewrite not_fnd // -[uid \in _]/(uid \in domf _) -updf_domf.
  + (* step_deliver_msg UTransitionMsg *)
  rewrite fnd_set.
  destruct (@eqP (Finite.choiceType UserId) uid uid0);[|done].
  subst uid0;rewrite (in_fnd key_ustate).
  by move/negP: H0.
  + (* step_internal UTransitionInternal *)
  rewrite fnd_set.
  destruct (@eqP (Finite.choiceType UserId) uid uid0);[|done].
  subst uid0;rewrite (in_fnd ustate_key).
  apply/contraNN => H1. by apply utransition_internal_preserves_corrupt in H0.
  + (* step_corrupt_user *)
  rewrite fnd_set.
  by destruct (@eqP (Finite.choiceType UserId) uid uid0).

user_honest at the last state implies user_honest in all states in the path.
Lemma honest_last_all uid g0 p (H_path : is_trace g0 p):
  user_honest uid (last g0 p) ->
  all (user_honest uid) (g0 :: p).
  move => H_honest.
  destruct p. inversion H_path.
  destruct H_path as [H_g0 H_path]; subst.
  revert H_honest.
  elim/last_ind: p H_path => [|s x IH] /=; first by move=> _ ->.
  rewrite rcons_path last_rcons all_rcons.
  move/andP => [Hpath Hstep] Hx.
  specialize (IH Hpath).
  rewrite Hx.
  apply IH. by apply/honest_backwards_gstep /asboolP: Hx.
Arguments honest_last_all uid [g0] [p].

Honesty is monotone.
Lemma honest_monotone uid g1 g2:
  greachable g1 g2 ->
  user_honest uid g2 ->
  user_honest uid g1.
  move => [p H_path H_last] H_honest2.
  subst g2.
  pose proof (honest_last_all uid H_path H_honest2).
  by move: H => /andP [].

Lemmas on manipulation of traces

A non-empty prefix of a trace is a trace.
Lemma is_trace_prefix : forall trace g0 n,
  is_trace g0 trace -> n > 0 -> is_trace g0 (take n trace).
  induction trace;[done|].
  destruct n. done.
  unfold is_trace.
  move => [H_g0 H_path] _.
  split;[done|by apply path_prefix].

Dropping elements from a trace still results in a trace.
Lemma is_trace_drop g0 g0' trace trace' (H_trace: is_trace g0 trace) n:
  drop n trace = g0' :: trace' -> is_trace g0' (g0' :: trace').
  move => H_drop.
  destruct trace. inversion H_trace.
  destruct H_trace as [H_g0 H_trace]; subst.
  eapply path_drop' with (n:=n) in H_trace.
  unfold is_trace.
  destruct n.
    by rewrite drop0 in H_trace; rewrite drop0 in H_drop; inversion H_drop; subst.
    by rewrite H_drop in H_trace.

If some predicate is not true initially and then becomes true for some state g_p, this means there must have been a step from g1 to g2 where it became true.
Lemma path_gsteps_onth
      g0 trace (H_path : is_trace g0 trace)
      ix_p g_p (H_g_p : onth trace ix_p = Some g_p):
    forall (P : pred GState),
    ~~ P g0 -> P g_p ->
    exists n g1 g2, step_in_path_at g1 g2 n trace /\ ~~ P g1 /\ P g2.
  destruct trace;[by contradict H_path|].
  move: H_path => [H_g0 H_path];subst g.
  move=> P H_NPg0 H_Pg.
  have H_path' := path_prefix ix_p H_path.
  destruct ix_p as [|ix_p];
    first by exfalso;move:H_g_p H_NPg0;case => ->;rewrite H_Pg.
  change (onth trace ix_p = Some g_p) in H_g_p.

  pose proof (path_steps H_path' H_NPg0).
  have H_size_trace := onth_size H_g_p.
  rewrite -nth_last nth_take size_takel // (onth_nth H_g_p) in H.
  specialize (H H_Pg).
  move:H;clear -H_NPg0;move => [n H].

  exists n.
  unfold step_in_path_at.
  destruct (drop n (g0 :: take ix_p.+1 trace)) as [|x l] eqn: H_eq;[|destruct l];[done..|].
  rewrite -[g0::trace](cat_take_drop ix_p.+2).
  move/andP in H;exists x, g;split;[|assumption].
  rewrite drop_cat.
  case:ifP;[rewrite H_eq;done|].
  move => /negP /negP /=;rewrite ltnS -ltnNge => H_oversize.
  by rewrite drop_oversize // in H_eq.

Preservation of users

Global transitions preserve the set of active users.
Lemma gtrans_preserves_users: forall gs1 gs2,
  gs1 ~~> gs2 -> domf gs1.(users) = domf gs2.(users).
move => gs1 gs2.
elim => //.
- move => increment pre Htick.
  by rewrite -tick_users_domf.
- move => pre uid msg_key pending Hpending key_ustate ustate_post sent Hcorrupt Huser /=.
  by rewrite mem_fset1U //.
- move => pre uid ustate_key Hcorrupt ustate_post sent Huser /=.
  by rewrite mem_fset1U //.
- move => pre uid ustate_key Hcorrupt /=.
  by rewrite mem_fset1U //.

Lemma gtrans_domf_users: forall gs1 gs2,
  gs1 ~~> gs2 -> domf gs1.(users) `<=` domf gs2.(users).
  move => gs1 gs2 H_trans.
  apply gtrans_preserves_users in H_trans.
  move/eqP in H_trans; rewrite eqEfsubset in H_trans; move/andP in H_trans.

Transitions do not decrease step-of-ustate

A one-step user-level transition never decreases round-period-step.
Lemma utr_rps_non_decreasing_msg : forall uid m us1 us2 ms,
  uid # us1 ; m ~> (us2, ms) -> ustate_after us1 us2.
move => uid m us1 us2 ms utrH.
inversion_clear utrH.
- rewrite /pre'.
  unfold ustate_after => /=.
  do 2! [right]. by do 2! [split; auto].
- case: H => tH [vH oH].
  case: vH => rH [pH sH].
  unfold ustate_after => /=.
  do 2! [right]. do 2! [split; auto]. by rewrite sH.
- rewrite /pre'.
  unfold ustate_after => /=.
  do 2! [right]. by do 2! [split; auto].
- rewrite /pre'.
  unfold ustate_after => /=.
  right. left. split ; first by [].
  rewrite addn1. by [].
- rewrite /pre'.
  unfold ustate_after => /=.
  do 2! [right]. do 2! [split; auto].
- case: H => vH oH.
  case: vH => rH [pH sH].
  unfold ustate_after => /=.
  right. left. split ; first by [].
  rewrite addn1. by [].
- rewrite /pre'.
  unfold ustate_after => /=.
  do 2! [right]. by do 2! [split; auto].
- unfold ustate_after => /=.
  left. unfold certify_ok in H. decompose record H;clear H.
  revert H0;unfold pre';clear.
  destruct us1;simpl. rewrite addn1 ltnS.
  unfold advancing_rp. simpl.
  by move => [|[->] _];[apply ltnW|apply leqnn].
- destruct (msg_ev m) eqn:E.
  destruct (msg_type m) eqn:E'.
  unfold deliver_nonvote_msg_result. rewrite E. rewrite E'. unfold ustate_after => /=.
  do 2! [right]. do 2! [split; auto].
  unfold deliver_nonvote_msg_result. rewrite E. rewrite E'. unfold ustate_after => /=.
  do 2! [right]. do 2! [split; auto].
  unfold deliver_nonvote_msg_result. rewrite E. rewrite E'. unfold ustate_after => /=.
  do 2! [right]. do 2! [split; auto].
  unfold deliver_nonvote_msg_result. rewrite E. rewrite E'. unfold ustate_after => /=.
  do 2! [right]. do 2! [split; auto].
  unfold deliver_nonvote_msg_result. rewrite E. rewrite E'. unfold ustate_after => /=.
  do 2! [right]. do 2! [split; auto].
  unfold deliver_nonvote_msg_result. rewrite E. rewrite E'. unfold ustate_after => /=.
  do 2! [right]. do 2! [split; auto].
  unfold deliver_nonvote_msg_result. rewrite E. rewrite E'. unfold ustate_after => /=.
  do 2! [right]. do 2! [split; auto].
  unfold deliver_nonvote_msg_result. rewrite E. unfold ustate_after => /=.
  do 2! [right]. do 2! [split; auto].
  unfold deliver_nonvote_msg_result. rewrite E. unfold ustate_after => /=.
  do 2! [right]. do 2! [split; auto].
  unfold deliver_nonvote_msg_result. rewrite E. unfold ustate_after => /=.
  do 2! [right]. by do 2! [split; auto].

A one-step user-level transition never decreases round-period-step.
Lemma utr_rps_non_decreasing_internal : forall uid us1 us2 ms,
  uid # us1 ~> (us2, ms) -> ustate_after us1 us2.
move => uid us1 us2 ms utrH.
inversion_clear utrH.
- case: H => tH [vH oH].
  case: vH => rH [pH sH].
  unfold ustate_after => /=.
  do 2! [right]. do 2! [split; auto]. by rewrite sH.
- case: H => tH [vH oH].
  case: vH => rH [pH sH].
  unfold ustate_after => /=.
  do 2! [right]. do 2! [split; auto]. by rewrite sH.
- case: H => tH [vH oH].
  case: vH => rH [pH sH].
  unfold ustate_after => /=.
  do 2! [right]. do 2! [split; auto]. by rewrite sH.
- case: H => tH [vH oH].
  case: vH => rH [pH sH].
  unfold ustate_after => /=.
  do 2! [right]. do 2! [split; auto]. by rewrite sH.
- case: H => tH [vH oH].
  case: vH => rH [pH sH].
  unfold ustate_after => /=.
  do 2! [right]. do 2! [split; auto]. by rewrite sH.
- case: H => tH [vH oH].
  case: vH => rH [pH sH].
  unfold ustate_after => /=.
  do 2! [right]. do 2! [split; auto]. by rewrite sH.
- case: H => tH [vH oH].
  case: vH => rH [pH sH].
  unfold ustate_after => /=.
  do 2! [right]. do 2! [split; auto]. by rewrite sH.
- case: H => tH [vH oH].
  case: vH => rH [pH sH].
  unfold ustate_after => /=.
  do 2! [right]. do 2! [split; auto]. by rewrite sH.
- elim: H => tH [vH [vbH [svH oH]]].
  elim: vH => rH [pH sH].
  unfold ustate_after => /=.
  do 2! [right]. do 2! [split; auto].
  rewrite addn1. by subst.
- case: H => tH [vH [vbH [svH oH]]].
  case: vH => rH [pH sH].
  unfold ustate_after => /=.
  do 2! [right]. do 2! [split; auto].
  rewrite addn1. by subst.
- move: H0 => v'H.
  case: H => tH [vH [vbH [svH oH]]].
  case: vH => rH [pH sH].
  unfold ustate_after => /=.
  do 2! [right]. do 2! [split; auto].
  rewrite addn1. by subst.
- case: H => H [vH cH].
  case: vH => rH [pH sH].
  unfold ustate_after => /=.
  do 2! [right]. do 2! [split; auto].
  rewrite addn1. by subst.
- case: H => tH [vH oH].
  case: vH => rH [pH sH].
  unfold ustate_after => /=.
  do 2! [right]. do 2! [split; auto]. by rewrite sH.

A one-step global transition never decreases round-period-step of any user.
Lemma gtr_rps_non_decreasing : forall g1 g2 uid us1 us2,
  g1 ~~> g2 ->
  g1.(users).[? uid] = Some us1 -> g2.(users).[? uid] = Some us2 ->
  ustate_after us1 us2.
move => g1 g2 uid us1 us2.
elim => //.
- move => increment pre Htick.
  move => Hu.
  case Hd: (uid \in domf (users pre)); last first.
    by move/negP/negP: Hd => Hd; move: Hu; rewrite not_fnd.
  rewrite tick_users_upd //.
  case =><-; move: Hu.
  rewrite in_fnd; case =>->.
  rewrite /user_advance_timer /= /ustate_after /=.
  by case: ifP => //=; right; right.
- move => pre uid0.
  move => msg_key [r m] Hpend key_ustate ustate_post sent Hloc.
  move/utr_rps_non_decreasing_msg => Hst.
  case Huid_eq: (uid == uid0).
    move/eqP: Huid_eq =>->.
    rewrite in_fnd //; case =><-.
    rewrite fnd_set /=.
    have ->: (uid0 == uid0) by apply/eqP.
    by case =><-.
  move => Hus.
  rewrite fnd_set /= Huid_eq Hus.
  by case =>->; right; right.
- move => pre uid0.
  move => ustate_key Hloc ustate_post sent.
  move/utr_rps_non_decreasing_internal => Hst.
  case Huid_eq: (uid == uid0).
    move/eqP: Huid_eq =>->.
    rewrite in_fnd //; case =><-; rewrite fnd_set /=.
    have ->: (uid0 == uid0) by apply/eqP.
    by case =><-.
  move => Hus.
  rewrite fnd_set /= Huid_eq Hus.
  by case =>->; right; right.
- move => pre Hpre.
  rewrite /= -/users => Hus1.
  by rewrite Hus1; case =>->; right; right.
- move => pre Hpre.
  rewrite /= -/users => Hus1.
  by rewrite Hus1; case =>->; right; right.
- move => pre uid0 ustate_key.
  move => Hcorrupt Hst; move: Hst Hcorrupt.
  case Huid_eq: (uid == uid0).
    move/eqP: Huid_eq =>->.
    rewrite in_fnd //.
    rewrite fnd_set /=.
    have ->: (uid0 == uid0) by apply/eqP.
    rewrite -/(users pre).
    by case =>-> => Hcorrupt; case =><-; right; right.
  rewrite fnd_set /= Huid_eq -/(users pre).
  by move =>-> => Hcorrupt; case =>->; right; right.
- move => pre uid0.
  move => ustate_key m Hc Hm.
  rewrite /= =>->; case =>->.
  by right; right.
- move => pre sender.
  move => sender_key r p s mtype mval Hhave Hcomm Hmatch.
  rewrite /= =>->; case =>->.
  by right; right.

Generalization of non-decreasing round-period-step results to paths.
Lemma greachable_rps_non_decreasing : forall g1 g2 uid us1 us2,
  greachable g1 g2 ->
  g1.(users).[? uid] = Some us1 -> g2.(users).[? uid] = Some us2 ->
  ustate_after us1 us2.
move => g1 g2 uid us1 us2.
case => gtrace Hpath Hlast.
destruct gtrace. inversion Hpath.
destruct Hpath as [H_g0 Hpath]; subst g.
elim: gtrace g1 g2 uid us1 us2 Hpath Hlast => //=.
  move => g1 g2 uid us1 us2 Htr ->->; case =>->.
  by right; right.
move => g gtrace IH.
move => g1 g2 uid us1 us2.
move/andP => [Htrans Hpath] Hlast Hg1 Hg2.
move/asboolP: Htrans => Htrans.
case Hg: (users g).[? uid] => [u|].
  have IH' := IH _ _ _ _ _ Hpath Hlast Hg Hg2.
  have Haft := gtr_rps_non_decreasing Htrans Hg1 Hg.
  move: Haft IH'.
  exact: ustate_after_transitive.
move/gtrans_domf_users: Htrans => Hdomf.
case Hd: (uid \in domf (users g1)); last first.
  by move/negP/negP: Hd => Hd; move: Hg1; rewrite not_fnd.
move/idP: Hd => Hd.
move: Hdomf.
move/fsubsetP => Hsub.
move: Hd; move/Hsub => Hdom.
move: Hg.
by rewrite in_fnd.

Monotonicity and preservation lemmas

Softvotes are monotone over internal user transitions.
Lemma softvotes_utransition_internal:
  forall uid pre post msgs, uid # pre ~> (post, msgs) ->
  forall r p, {subset pre.(softvotes) (r, p) <= post.(softvotes) (r, p)}.
move => uid pre post msgs step r p.
remember (post,msgs) as result eqn:H_result;
  destruct step;case:H_result => [? ?];subst;done.

Softvotes are monotone over user message transitions.
Lemma softvotes_utransition_deliver:
  forall uid pre post m msgs, uid # pre ; m ~> (post, msgs) ->
  forall r p,
    {subset pre.(softvotes) (r, p) <= post.(softvotes) (r, p)}.
  move => uid pre post m msgs step r p.
  remember (post,msgs) as result eqn:H_result.
  destruct step;case:H_result => [? ?];subst.
  all: destruct pre;simpl;autounfold with utransition_unfold.
  all: repeat match goal with [ |- context C[ match ?b with _ => _ end]] => destruct b end.
  all: move => x H_x //.
  - rewrite fsfun_withE.
    case Hrp: (_ == _) => //.
    by move/eqP: Hrp; case =><--<-; rewrite mem_undup.
  - rewrite fsfun_withE.
    case Hrp: (_ == _) => //.
    move/eqP: Hrp; case =><--<-.
    by rewrite in_cons mem_undup H_x orbT.
  - rewrite fsfun_withE.
    case Hrp: (_ == _) => //.
    by move/eqP: Hrp; case =><--<-; rewrite mem_undup.
  - rewrite fsfun_withE.
    case Hrp: (_ == _) => //.
    move/eqP: Hrp; case =><--<-.
    by rewrite in_cons mem_undup H_x orbT.

Softvotes are monotone over global transitions.
Lemma softvotes_gtransition g1 g2 (H_step:g1 ~~> g2) uid:
  forall u1, g1.(users).[?uid] = Some u1 ->
  exists u2, g2.(users).[?uid] = Some u2 /\
    forall r p, {subset u1.(softvotes) (r, p) <= u2.(softvotes) (r, p)}.
  clear -H_step => u1 H_u1.
  have H_in1: (uid \in g1.(users)) by rewrite -fndSome H_u1.
  have H_in1': g1.(users)[`H_in1] = u1 by rewrite in_fnd in H_u1;case:H_u1.
  destruct H_step;simpl users;autounfold with gtransition_unfold;
    try (rewrite fnd_set;case H_eq:(uid == uid0);
      [move/eqP in H_eq;subst uid0|]);
    try (eexists;split;[eassumption|done]);
    first rewrite updf_update //;
    (eexists;split;[eauto|]); try by intuition auto.
  * (* tick *)
    move => r p v Hv.
    rewrite H_in1' /user_advance_timer.
    by match goal with [ |- context C[ match ?b with _ => _ end]] => destruct b end.
  * (* deliver *)
    move:H1. rewrite ?(eq_getf _ H_in1) H_in1'.
    exact: softvotes_utransition_deliver.
  * (* internal *)
    move:H0. rewrite ?(eq_getf _ H_in1) H_in1'.
    exact: softvotes_utransition_internal.
  * (* corrupt *)
    by rewrite ?(eq_getf _ H_in1) /= H_in1' => r p v Hv.

Softvotes are monotone between reachable states.
Lemma softvotes_monotone g1 g2 (H_reach:greachable g1 g2) uid:
  forall u1, g1.(users).[?uid] = Some u1 ->
  forall u2, g2.(users).[?uid] = Some u2 ->
  forall r p, {subset u1.(softvotes) (r, p) <= u2.(softvotes) (r, p)}.
  clear -H_reach.
  move => u1 H_u1 u2 H_u2.
  destruct H_reach as [trace H_path H_last].
  destruct trace. inversion H_path.
  destruct H_path as [H_g0 H_path]. subst g.
  move: g1 H_path H_last u1 H_u1.
  induction trace.
  * simpl. by move => g1 _ <- u1;rewrite H_u2{H_u2};case => -> r p v Hv.
  * cbn [path last] => g1 /andP [/asboolP H_step H_path] H_last u1 H_u1 r p v Hv.
    specialize (IHtrace a H_path H_last).
    have [umid [H_umid H_sub]] := softvotes_gtransition H_step H_u1.
    specialize (H_sub r p).
    specialize (IHtrace umid H_umid r p).
    apply IHtrace.
    exact: H_sub.

The weight of softvotes is monotone between reachable states.
Lemma soft_weight_monotone g1 g2 (H_reach:greachable g1 g2) uid:
  forall u1, g1.(users).[?uid] = Some u1 ->
  forall u2, g2.(users).[?uid] = Some u2 ->
  forall v r p, soft_weight v u1 r p <= soft_weight v u2 r p.
  move => u1 H_u1 u2 H_u2 v r p.
  have H_mono := softvotes_monotone H_reach H_u1 H_u2.
  apply fsubset_leq_card.
  unfold softvoters_for.
  move: (u1.(softvotes)) (u2.(softvotes)) H_mono.
  clear => s1 s2 H_mono.
  apply subset_imfset.
  move => x /andP [H_x_s1 H_val].
  by apply/andP;split;[apply/H_mono|].

Blocks are monotone over internal user transitions.
Lemma blocks_utransition_internal:
  forall uid pre post msgs, uid # pre ~> (post, msgs) ->
  forall r, {subset pre.(blocks) r <= post.(blocks) r}.
  move => uid pre post msgs step r.
  remember (post,msgs) as result eqn:H_result;
  destruct step;case:H_result => [? ?];subst;done.

Blocks are monotone over user message transition.
Lemma blocks_utransition_deliver:
  forall uid pre post m msgs, uid # pre ; m ~> (post, msgs) ->
  forall r, {subset pre.(blocks) r <= post.(blocks) r}.
  move => uid pre post m msgs step r;
  remember (post,msgs) as result eqn:H_result;
    destruct step;case:H_result => [? ?];subst;
  destruct pre;simpl;autounfold with utransition_unfold;
    repeat match goal with [ |- context C[ match ?b with _ => _ end]] => destruct b
           | _ => progress simpl end;
  try (by apply subxx_hint);
  try (by move => x H_x).
  - rewrite fsfun_withE => b Hb.
    case Hr: (r == r0) => //; move/eqP: Hr =><-.
    by rewrite mem_undup.
  - rewrite fsfun_withE => b Hb.
    case Hr: (r == r0) => //; move/eqP: Hr =><-.
    by rewrite in_cons mem_undup Hb orbT.

Blocks are monotone over global transition.
Lemma blocks_gtransition g1 g2 (H_step:g1 ~~> g2) uid:
  forall u1, g1.(users).[?uid] = Some u1 ->
  exists u2, g2.(users).[?uid] = Some u2 /\
    forall r, {subset u1.(blocks) r <= u2.(blocks) r}.
  clear -H_step => u1 H_u1.
  have H_in1: (uid \in g1.(users)) by rewrite -fndSome H_u1.
  have H_in1': g1.(users)[`H_in1] = u1 by rewrite in_fnd in H_u1;case:H_u1.
  destruct H_step;simpl users;autounfold with gtransition_unfold;
    try (rewrite fnd_set;case H_eq:(uid == uid0);
      [move/eqP in H_eq;subst uid0|]);
    try (eexists;split;[eassumption|done]);
    first rewrite updf_update //;
    (eexists;split;[eauto|]); try by intuition auto.
  * (* tick *)
    move => r p Hp.
    rewrite H_in1' /user_advance_timer.
    by match goal with [ |- context C[ match ?b with _ => _ end]] => destruct b end.
  * (* deliver *)
    move:H1. rewrite ?(eq_getf _ H_in1) H_in1'.
    exact: blocks_utransition_deliver.
  * (* internal *)
    move:H0. rewrite ?(eq_getf _ H_in1) H_in1'.
    exact: blocks_utransition_internal.
  * (* corrupt *)
    by rewrite ?(eq_getf _ H_in1) H_in1' => r p Hp.

Blocks are monotone between reachable states.
Lemma blocks_monotone g1 g2 (H_reach: greachable g1 g2) uid:
  forall u1, g1.(users).[? uid] = Some u1 ->
  forall u2, g2.(users).[? uid] = Some u2 ->
  forall r, {subset u1.(blocks) r <= u2.(blocks) r}.
  clear -H_reach.
  move => u1 H_u1 u2 H_u2.
  destruct H_reach as [trace H_path H_last].
  destruct trace. inversion H_path.
  destruct H_path as [H_g0 H_path]. subst g.
  move: g1 H_path H_last u1 H_u1.
  induction trace.
  * simpl. by move => g1 _ <- u1;rewrite H_u2{H_u2};case => -> r p Hp.
  * cbn [path last] => g1 /andP [/asboolP H_step H_path] H_last u1 H_u1 r p Hp.
    specialize (IHtrace a H_path H_last).
    have [umid [H_umid H_sub]] := blocks_gtransition H_step H_u1.
    specialize (H_sub r).
    specialize (IHtrace umid H_umid r).
    apply IHtrace.
    exact: H_sub.

Starting values are preserved over internal user transition.
Lemma stv_utransition_internal:
  forall uid pre post msgs, uid # pre ~> (post, msgs) ->
  pre.(round) = post.(round) ->
  pre.(period) = post.(period) ->
  forall p, pre.(stv).[? p] = post.(stv).[? p].
  move => uid pre post msgs step.
  remember (post,msgs) as result eqn:H_result;
  destruct step;case:H_result => [? ?];subst;done.

Starting values are preserved by message user transitions.
Lemma stv_utransition_deliver:
  forall uid pre post m msgs, uid # pre ; m ~> (post, msgs) ->
  pre.(round) = post.(round) ->
  pre.(period) = post.(period) ->
  forall p, pre.(stv).[? p] = post.(stv).[? p].
  move => uid pre post m msgs step H_round H_period.
  remember (post,msgs) as result eqn:H_result;
  destruct step;case:H_result => [? ?];subst;
    try by (destruct pre;simpl;autounfold with utransition_unfold;done).
  * {
      exfalso;move: H_period;clear;destruct pre;simpl;clear.
      rewrite -[period in period = _]addn0. move/addnI. done.
  * {
      exfalso;move: H_period;clear;destruct pre;simpl;clear.
      rewrite -[period in period = _]addn0. move/addnI. done.
  * { exfalso;unfold certify_ok in H;decompose record H;clear H.
      move:H0. rewrite /advancing_rp H_round;clear;simpl.
      by case =>[|[]];[rewrite ltnNge leq_addr
                      |rewrite -[r in _ = r]addn0;move/addnI].
  * { clear.
      unfold deliver_nonvote_msg_result.
      by destruct msg, msg_ev, msg_type.

Starting values are preserved by global transitions.
Lemma stv_gtransition g1 g2 (H_step:g1 ~~> g2) uid:
  forall u1, g1.(users).[?uid] = Some u1 ->
  exists u2, g2.(users).[?uid] = Some u2 /\
    (u1.(round) = u2.(round) ->
     u1.(period) = u2.(period) ->
     forall p, u1.(stv).[? p] = u2.(stv).[? p]).
  clear -H_step => u1 H_u1.
  have H_in1: (uid \in g1.(users)) by rewrite -fndSome H_u1.
  have H_in1': g1.(users)[`H_in1] = u1 by rewrite in_fnd in H_u1;case:H_u1.
  destruct H_step;simpl users;autounfold with gtransition_unfold;
    try (rewrite fnd_set;case H_eq:(uid == uid0);
      [move/eqP in H_eq;subst uid0|]);
    try (eexists;split;[eassumption|done]);
    first rewrite updf_update //;
  * (* tick *)
    rewrite H_in1' /user_advance_timer.
    by match goal with [ |- context C[ match ?b with _ => _ end]] => destruct b end.
  * (* deliver *)
    move:H1. rewrite ?(eq_getf _ H_in1) H_in1'. apply stv_utransition_deliver.
  * (* internal *)
    move:H0. rewrite ?(eq_getf _ H_in1) H_in1'. apply stv_utransition_internal.
  * (* corrupt *)
    rewrite ?(eq_getf _ H_in1) H_in1'. done.

Starting values are preserved between reachable states.
Lemma stv_forward
      g1 g2 (H_reach : greachable g1 g2)
      uid u1 u2:
  g1.(users).[?uid] = Some u1 ->
  g2.(users).[?uid] = Some u2 ->
  u1.(round) = u2.(round) ->
  u1.(period) = u2.(period) ->
  forall p, u1.(stv).[? p] = u2.(stv).[? p].
  clear -H_reach.
  move => H_u1 H_u2 H_r H_p.
  destruct H_reach as [trace H_path H_last].

  destruct trace. inversion H_path.
  destruct H_path as [H_g0 H_path]. subst g.

  move: g1 H_path H_last u1 H_u1 H_r H_p.
  induction trace.
  * simpl. by move => g1 _ <- u1;rewrite H_u2{H_u2};case => ->.
  * cbn [path last] => g1 /andP [/asboolP H_step H_path] H_last u1 H_u1 H_r H_p p.

    assert (H_reach : greachable a g2).
      by eapply ex_intro2 with (a::trace); unfold is_trace.

    specialize (IHtrace a H_path H_last).
    have [umid [H_umid H_sub]] := stv_gtransition H_step H_u1.
    specialize (IHtrace umid H_umid).
    have H_le_u1_umid := gtr_rps_non_decreasing H_step H_u1 H_umid.
    have H_le_umid_u2 := greachable_rps_non_decreasing H_reach H_umid H_u2.
    have H_r': u1.(round) = umid.(round). {
      move: H_r H_p H_le_u1_umid H_le_umid_u2.
      unfold ustate_after. destruct u1,umid,u2;simpl;clear;intros;subst.
      by intuition lia.
    have H_p': u1.(period) = umid.(period). {
      move: H_r H_p H_le_u1_umid H_le_umid_u2.
      unfold ustate_after. destruct u1,umid,u2;simpl;clear;intros;subst.
      by intuition lia.
    specialize (H_sub H_r' H_p').
    rewrite H_sub. clear H_sub.
    apply IHtrace;congruence.

Lemmas for deducing reachability between global states

If the index of g1 is less than the index of g2, and both are in a trace, this implies g2 is reachable from g1.
Lemma at_greachable
  g0 states (H_path: is_trace g0 states)
  ix1 ix2 (H_le : ix1 <= ix2)
  g1 (H_g1 : onth states ix1 = Some g1)
  g2 (H_g2 : onth states ix2 = Some g2) :
  greachable g1 g2.
  clear -H_path H_le H_g1 H_g2.
  assert (ix2 < size states) by
  (rewrite -subn_gt0 -size_drop;
   move: H_g2;clear;unfold onth;
   by destruct (drop ix2 states)).

  exists (g1 :: (drop ix1.+1 (take ix2.+1 states))).
    eapply is_trace_prefix with (n:=ix2.+1) in H_path; try (by intuition).
    eapply is_trace_drop with (g0':=g1) (n:=ix1) in H_path; try eassumption.
    rewrite {1}(drop_nth g2).
    rewrite nth_take //.
    rewrite (onth_nth H_g1) //.
    rewrite size_take.
    destruct (ix2.+1 < size states); by lia.
    rewrite (last_nth g1) size_drop size_takel //.
    move:(H_le). rewrite leq_eqVlt.
    move/orP => [H_eq | H_lt].
    by move/eqP in H_eq;subst;rewrite subnn;simpl;congruence.
    by rewrite subSn //= nth_drop subnKC // nth_take ?ltnS // (onth_nth H_g2).

step_in_path_at from pre to post and pre2 to post2 implies pre2 reachable from post.
Lemma steps_greachable
      g0 path (H_path : is_trace g0 path)
      ix ix2 (H_lt : ix < ix2)
      pre post (H_step : step_in_path_at pre post ix path)
      pre2 post2 (H_step2 : step_in_path_at pre2 post2 ix2 path):
  greachable post pre2.
  apply step_in_path_onth_post in H_step.
  apply step_in_path_onth_pre in H_step2.
  eapply at_greachable;eassumption.

Lemmas about order of indices in a trace

If the step of a user is smaller in g1 than g2, this implies that the index of g1 is less than the index of g2.
Lemma order_ix_from_steps g0 trace (H_path: is_trace g0 trace):
  forall ix1 g1, onth trace ix1 = Some g1 ->
  forall ix2 g2, onth trace ix2 = Some g2 ->
  forall uid (key1: uid \in g1.(users)) (key2: uid \in g2.(users)),
    step_lt (step_of_ustate (g1.(users)[`key1])) (step_of_ustate (g2.(users)[`key2])) ->
    ix1 < ix2.
  move => ix1 g1 H_g1 ix2 g2 H_g2 uid key1 key2 H_step_lt.
  rewrite ltnNge. apply /negP => H_ix_le.

  suff: ustate_after (g2.(users)[`key2]) (g1.(users)[`key1])
    by move/ustate_after_iff_step_le /(step_lt_le_trans H_step_lt);apply step_lt_irrefl.

  have H_reach: greachable g2 g1 by eapply at_greachable;eassumption.
  exact (greachable_rps_non_decreasing H_reach (in_fnd _) (in_fnd _)).

step of msg_step for msg1 smaller than msg2 implies index of msg1 less than index of msg2.
Lemma order_sends g0 trace (H_path: is_trace g0 trace) uid
      ix1 msg1 (H_send1: user_sent_at ix1 trace uid msg1)
      ix2 msg2 (H_send2: user_sent_at ix2 trace uid msg2):
  step_le (msg_step msg1) (msg_step msg2) ->
  ix1 <= ix2.
  move => H_step_le.
  move: H_send1 => [pre1 [post1 [H_step1 H_send1]]].
  move: H_send2 => [pre2 [post2 [H_step2 H_send2]]].

  rewrite leqNgt. apply /negP => H_lt.
  have H_reach: greachable post2 pre1.
  eapply (at_greachable H_path H_lt);eauto using step_in_path_onth_pre, step_in_path_onth_post.
  have := greachable_rps_non_decreasing H_reach
                                        (in_fnd (user_sent_in_post H_send2))
                                        (in_fnd (user_sent_in_pre H_send1)).
  have:= utransition_label_end H_send2 (in_fnd (user_sent_in_post H_send2)).
  have -> := utransition_label_start H_send1 (in_fnd (user_sent_in_pre H_send1)).
  move => H_step_lt H_step_le1.
  have {H_step_le1}H_step_lt1 := step_lt_le_trans H_step_lt H_step_le1.
  have:= step_le_lt_trans H_step_le H_step_lt1.
  move: (msg_step msg1) => [[r p] s].
  by apply step_lt_irrefl.

Additional lemmas about honesty

Honest at all points less than or equal to step implies honest at g1.
Lemma user_honest_from_during g0 trace (H_path: is_trace g0 trace):
  forall ix g1,
    onth trace ix = Some g1 ->
  forall uid (H_in : uid \in g1.(users)),
    honest_during_step (step_of_ustate (g1.(users)[`H_in])) uid trace ->
  user_honest uid g1.
  move => ix g1 H_onth uid H_in /all_nthP.
  move/(_ g1 ix (onth_size H_onth)).
  rewrite (onth_nth H_onth g1) /user_honest /upred' (in_fnd H_in).
  by apply /step_leP /step_le_refl.

Honest at all (r,p,s) less than step of u implies honest_during (r,p,s).
Lemma honest_during_from_ustate trace g0 (H_path : is_trace g0 trace):
  forall ix g,
    onth trace ix = Some g ->
  forall uid u,
    g.(users).[? uid] = Some u ->
    ~~ u.(corrupt) ->
  forall r p s,
    step_lt (r,p,s) (step_of_ustate u) ->
    honest_during_step (r,p,s) uid trace.
  move => ix g H_g uid u H_u H_honest r p s H_lt.
  have H_g_honest: user_honest uid g by rewrite /user_honest H_u.
  apply/allP => x H_in_x.
  unfold upred'.
  case:fndP => // key_x.
  apply/implyP => /step_leP /step_le_lt_trans /(_ H_lt) H_x_lt.
  suff: user_honest uid x by rewrite /user_honest (in_fnd key_x).
  have H_x := onth_index H_in_x.
  refine (at_greachable H_path (ltnW _) H_x H_g).
  have H_inu: uid \in (g.(users)) by rewrite -fndSome H_u.
  have H_u_eq: g.(users)[`H_inu] = u.
    by pose proof (in_fnd H_inu) as H_fnd; rewrite H_u in H_fnd; inversion H_fnd.
  eapply order_ix_from_steps with (key1:=key_x) (key2:=H_inu); try eassumption.
  by rewrite H_u_eq.

Honest_during (r,p,s), u is at index of n in trace, and step of u less than or equal to (r,p,s) implies user_honest_at n.
Lemma honest_at_from_during r p s uid trace:
      honest_during_step (r,p,s) uid trace ->
      forall g0 (H_path: is_trace g0 trace),
      forall n g, onth trace n = Some g ->
      forall u, g.(users).[? uid] = Some u ->
      step_le (step_of_ustate u) (r,p,s) ->
      user_honest_at n trace uid.
  move => H_honest g0 H_path n g H_onth u H_u H_le.
  apply (onth_at_step H_onth).
  move: H_honest => /all_nthP - /(_ g n (onth_size H_onth)).
  rewrite (onth_nth H_onth) /upred' /user_honest H_u => /implyP.
  by apply;apply /step_leP.

User honest during step means user sends a message.
Lemma honest_during_from_sent
  g0 trace (H_path: is_trace g0 trace)
  ix uid mty mval r p (H_send: user_sent_at ix trace uid (mkMsg mty mval r p uid)):
    honest_during_step (msg_step (mkMsg mty mval r p uid)) uid trace.
  move: H_send => [g1 [g2 [H_step H_send]]].
  have H_honest := negbT (user_sent_honest_post H_send).
  have H_in := in_fnd (user_sent_in_post H_send).
  apply (honest_during_from_ustate H_path (step_in_path_onth_post H_step) H_in H_honest).
  exact (utransition_label_end H_send H_in).

User sends message at r,p and msg_step <= (r,p,s) means user is honest at r,p.
Lemma honest_in_from_during_and_send: forall r p s uid trace,
      honest_during_step (r,p,s) uid trace ->
  forall g0 (H_path : is_trace g0 trace),
  forall ix g1 g2,
    step_in_path_at g1 g2 ix trace ->
  forall mt v,
    user_sent uid (mkMsg mt v r p uid) g1 g2 ->
  step_le (msg_step (mkMsg mt v r p uid)) (r,p,s) ->
    honest_in_period r p uid trace.
  move => r p s uid trace H_honest g0 H_path ix g1 g2 H_step mt v H_sent H_msg_step.
  have H_g1 := step_in_path_onth_pre H_step.
  exists ix. rewrite H_g1.
  have key1 := user_sent_in_pre H_sent.
  rewrite (in_fnd key1).
  have H_step1 := utransition_label_start H_sent (in_fnd key1).
  lapply (user_honest_from_during H_path H_g1 (H_in:=key1)).
  - rewrite /user_honest (in_fnd key1) => /negP H_honest_g1.
    by injection H_step1.
  - revert H_honest.
    apply honest_during_le.
    by rewrite H_step1.