From VLSM.Lib Require Import Itauto.
From stdpp Require Import prelude.
From VLSM.Lib Require Import Preamble StdppListSet.
From VLSM.Lib Require Import ListSetExtras NatExtras.
From VLSM.Core Require Import VLSM Equivocation.
From VLSM.Core Require Import Equivocators.Equivocators Equivocators.EquivocatorsProjections.

Core: VLSM Message Properties

Lifting properties about sent messages to the equivocators

In this section we first prove some general properties about sent messages being preserved and reflected by the equivocator_vlsm, and then we show that the HasBeenSentCapability and the ComputableSentMessages can be lifted (each separately) from the original machine to the equivocator_vlsm.

  {message : Type}
  (X : VLSM message)

If a projection of an equivocator_vlsm trace outputs a message, then the original trace must do so too.
Lemma equivocator_vlsm_trace_project_output_reflecting
  (tr : list (transition_item (equivocator_vlsm X)))
  (trX : list (transition_item X))
  (j i : MachineDescriptor X)
  (HtrX : equivocator_vlsm_trace_project _ tr j = Some (trX, i))
  (m : message)
  (Hjbs : Exists (field_selector output m) trX)
  : Exists (field_selector output m) tr.
  revert trX i HtrX Hjbs.
  induction tr; intros.
  - by inversion HtrX; subst; inversion Hjbs.
  - simpl in HtrX.
    destruct (equivocator_vlsm_trace_project _ tr j) as [(trX', i') |]
      eqn: Htr; [| by congruence].
    specialize (IHtr trX').
    destruct (equivocator_vlsm_transition_item_project _ a i') as [[[item' |] i''] |]
      eqn: Hitem'
    ; inversion HtrX; subst; clear HtrX.
    + apply equivocator_transition_item_project_inv_messages in Hitem'.
      destruct Hitem' as [_ [_ [_ [_ Ha]]]].
      inversion Hjbs; subst.
      * by left; cbn in *; rewrite Ha.
      * by right; eapply IHtr.
    + by right; eapply IHtr.

Lemma preloaded_equivocator_vlsm_trace_project_valid_item_new_machine
  (bs : state (equivocator_vlsm X))
  (btr : list (transition_item (equivocator_vlsm X)))
  (Hbtr : finite_constrained_trace_from (equivocator_vlsm X) bs btr)
  (bitem : transition_item (equivocator_vlsm X))
  (Hitem : bitem btr)
  (sn : state X)
  (Hnew : l bitem = Spawn sn)
  : input bitem = None /\ output bitem = None /\
      (d : MachineDescriptor X),
      equivocator_vlsm_transition_item_project _ bitem d = Some (None, NewMachine sn).
  apply elem_of_list_split in Hitem.
  destruct Hitem as [bprefix [bsuffix Heq]].
  subst btr.
  apply (finite_valid_trace_from_app_iff (preloaded_with_all_messages_vlsm (equivocator_vlsm X)))
    in Hbtr.
  destruct Hbtr as [Hbprefix Hbsuffix].
  remember (finite_trace_last _ _) as lst.
  inversion Hbsuffix. subst s' tl bitem.
  destruct Ht as [[_ [_ Hv]] Ht].
      _ l s lst iom oom Ht)
    as Hpitem.
  unfold VLSM.l in *.
  subst l.
  specialize (Hpitem _ eq_refl) as [i [lst_i [Hi Hpitem]]].
  by inversion Ht; destruct Hv as [Hsndl Hiom]; subst; eauto.

For any transition_item in a valid trace segment of an equivocator_vlsm there exists a projection of that trace containing the projection of the item.
Lemma preloaded_equivocator_vlsm_trace_project_valid_item
  (bs bf : state (equivocator_vlsm X))
  (btr : list (transition_item (equivocator_vlsm X)))
  (Hbtr : finite_constrained_trace_from_to (equivocator_vlsm X) bs bf btr)
  (bitem : transition_item (equivocator_vlsm X))
  (Hitem : bitem btr)
  (idl : nat)
  (Hlbitem : equivocator_label_descriptor (l bitem) = Existing idl)
  : exists (item : transition_item X),
      (exists (d : MachineDescriptor X),
        equivocator_vlsm_transition_item_project _ bitem d = Some (Some item, Existing idl))
      /\ exists (tr : list (transition_item X)),
        item tr /\
        exists (dfinal dfirst : MachineDescriptor X),
          proper_descriptor X dfirst bs /\
          existing_descriptor X dfinal (finite_trace_last bs btr) /\
          equivocator_vlsm_trace_project _ btr dfinal = Some (tr, dfirst).
  specialize (preloaded_equivocator_vlsm_valid_trace_project_inv2 X bs bf btr) as Hinv2.
  spec Hinv2; [by intro contra; subst; inversion Hitem |].
  specialize (Hinv2 Hbtr).
  apply elem_of_list_split in Hitem.
  destruct Hitem as [bprefix [bsuffix Heq]].
  subst btr.
  apply (finite_valid_trace_from_to_app_split (preloaded_with_all_messages_vlsm (equivocator_vlsm X)))
    in Hbtr.
  destruct Hbtr as [Hbprefix Hbsuffix].
  remember (finite_trace_last _ _) as lst.
  inversion Hbsuffix; subst s' f bitem tl.
  destruct Ht as [[_ [_ Hv]] Ht].
    (equivocator_valid_transition_project_inv5 _ l s lst iom oom Hv Ht) as Hpitem.
  unfold VLSM.l in *.
  destruct (Hpitem _ Hlbitem) as [i [si [Hi [itemx Hitemx]]]].

  apply valid_trace_forget_last in Htl.
    (preloaded_equivocator_vlsm_trace_project_valid_inv _ _ _ Htl _ _ Hi)
    as [suffix Hsuffix].
  exists itemx. split; [eexists; apply Hitemx |].
  remember (Existing i) as dsuffix.
  remember {| input := iom |} as bitem.
  specialize (equivocator_vlsm_trace_project_app_inv
    _ [bitem] bsuffix (Existing i) (Existing idl) dsuffix [itemx] suffix)
    as Hsuffix'.
  spec Hsuffix'; [by cbn; rewrite Hitemx |].
  subst dsuffix.
  specialize (Hsuffix' Hsuffix).
  subst bitem.
    (equivocator_valid_transition_project_inv2 _ l lst s iom oom Hv Ht _ _ _ Hitemx)
    as [_i [_Hdsuffix [s_i [_Hi Hd']]]].
  inversion _Hdsuffix. subst _i. clear _Hdsuffix.
  destruct Hd' as [_i' [_Heq [lst_i' [id [Hex [_Hitemx [Hvs' Hts']]]]]]].
  inversion _Heq. subst _i'. clear _Heq.
  subst lst.
    (preloaded_equivocator_vlsm_trace_project_valid _ _ _ _ Hbprefix idl _ id)
    as [prefix [dfirst [Hprefix _]]].
    (equivocator_vlsm_trace_project_app_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hprefix Hsuffix')
    as Htr.
  simpl in Htr.
  exists (prefix ++ itemx :: suffix).
  specialize (Hinv2 _ _ _ Htr) as [bfi [Hdfinal Hdinitial]].
  - apply elem_of_app. right. left.
  - eexists _, _. repeat split; [.. | by apply Htr].
    + clear -Hdinitial.
      destruct dfirst as [sn | j].
      * by destruct Hdinitial.
      * by destruct Hdinitial as [bsj [Hdinitial _]]; exists bsj.
    + remember (bprefix ++ _) as btr.
      specialize (equivocator_vlsm_trace_project_inv X btr) as Hinv.
      spec Hinv; [by destruct bprefix; subst |].
      specialize (Hinv i).
      spec Hinv; [by subst; eexists |].
      specialize (Hinv bs) as [lst_i Hlst_i].
      by eexists.

If an equivocator_vlsm's valid trace segment outputs a message, then one of its projections must do so too.
Lemma equivocator_vlsm_trace_project_output_reflecting_inv
  (is : state (equivocator_vlsm X))
  (tr : list (transition_item (equivocator_vlsm X)))
  (Htr : finite_constrained_trace_from (equivocator_vlsm X) is tr)
  (m : message)
  (Hbbs : Exists (field_selector output m) tr)
  : exists
    (j i : MachineDescriptor X)
    (Hi : proper_descriptor X i is)
    (Hj : existing_descriptor X j (finite_trace_last is tr))
    (trX : list (transition_item X))
    (HtrX : equivocator_vlsm_trace_project _ tr j = Some (trX, i))
    Exists (field_selector output m) trX.
  apply Exists_exists in Hbbs.
  destruct Hbbs as [item [Hin Houtput]].
  destruct (equivocator_label_descriptor (l item)) as [sn | i] eqn: Hsndl.
  - destruct item. destruct l; inversion Hsndl.
    subst. simpl in *.
    by destruct (preloaded_equivocator_vlsm_trace_project_valid_item_new_machine
      _ _ Htr _ Hin _ eq_refl)
      as [_ [Hcontra _]]; cbn in *; congruence.
  - red in Htr; apply valid_trace_add_default_last in Htr.
       _ _ _ Htr _ Hin _ Hsndl)
      as [itemx [[d Hitemx] [trx [Hinx [ifinal [ifirst [Hifirst [Hifinal Htrx]]]]]]]].
  exists ifinal. exists ifirst. split; [done |].
  split; [done |].
  exists trx. exists Htrx.
  apply Exists_exists. exists itemx. split; [done |].
  apply equivocator_transition_item_project_inv_messages in Hitemx.
  destruct Hitemx as [_ [_ [_ [_ Hitemx]]]].
  simpl in *.
  by congruence.

Section sec_oracle_lifting.

  (selector : message -> transition_item X -> Prop)
  (Hselector_io :
    forall l1 l2 s1 s2 im om m,
      selector m {| l := l1; input := im; destination := s1; output := om |} <->
      selector m {| l := l2; input := im; destination := s2; output := om |})
  (oracle : state X -> message -> Prop)
  (Hdec : RelDecision oracle)
  (Hstepwise : oracle_stepwise_props (vlsm := X) selector oracle).

Definition equivocator_selector
  (m : message)
  (item : transition_item (equivocator_vlsm X))
  : Prop
  match (l item) with
  | Spawn _ => False
  | ContinueWith _ l | ForkWith _ l =>
    selector m
      {| l := l
       ; input := input item
       ; destination := equivocator_state_zero (destination item)
       ; output := output item

We define equivocator_oracle for the equivocator_vlsm as being the oracle for any of the internal machines.
Definition equivocator_oracle
  (s : state (equivocator_vlsm X))
  (m : message)
  : Prop
  exists i si, equivocator_state_project s i = Some si /\
    oracle si m.

Lemma equivocator_oracle_dec
  : RelDecision equivocator_oracle.
  intros s m.
      (P := Exists
        (fun i =>
          from_option (fun si => oracle si m) False
            (equivocator_state_project s i)) _)).
  - split; unfold equivocator_oracle; rewrite Exists_exists; cycle 1.
    + intros (i & si & Hsi & Hi); exists i.
      split; [| by rewrite Hsi].
      by eapply up_to_n_full, equivocator_state_project_Some_rev.
    + intros (i & _ & Hi); exists i.
      by destruct (equivocator_state_project s i); [eexists |].
  - apply Exists_dec; intro i.
    by destruct (equivocator_state_project s i); [apply Hdec | typeclasses eauto].

Lemma equivocator_oracle_stepwise_props
  : oracle_stepwise_props (vlsm := equivocator_vlsm X) equivocator_selector equivocator_oracle.
  destruct Hstepwise.
  split; intros.
  - destruct H as [Hn His]. unfold is_singleton_state in Hn.
    intros [j [sj [Hsj Hmbrj]]].
    apply equivocator_state_project_Some_rev in Hsj as Hltj.
    assert (j = 0) by lia. subst.
    rewrite equivocator_state_project_zero in Hsj.
    inversion Hsj. subst.
    by elim (oracle_no_inits _ His m).
  - unfold equivocator_oracle.
    destruct H as [[Hs [_ Hv]] Ht].
    destruct l as [sdesc | idesc l | idesc l].
    + inversion Ht. subst. clear Ht.
      destruct Hv as [Hisdesc Him]. simpl in Him. subst im.
      * intros [ins [sins [Hsins Hir]]]. right.
        destruct_equivocator_state_extend_project s sdesc ins Hins
        ; [by exists ins, sins | | done].
        inversion Hsins. subst.
        by elim (oracle_no_inits _ Hisdesc msg).
      * intros [H | [ins [sins [Hsins Hir]]]]; [done |].
        exists ins, sins. split; [| done].
        rewrite equivocator_state_extend_project_1; [done |].
        by apply equivocator_state_project_Some_rev in Hsins.
    + cbn in Hv.
      destruct (equivocator_state_project s idesc) as [sidesc |] eqn: Hidesc; [| done].
      destruct (transition X l (sidesc, im)) as (sidesc', om') eqn: Htx.
        (oracle_step_update l sidesc im sidesc' om').
      spec oracle_step_update.
        repeat split; [| | done..].
        - by apply (preloaded_equivocator_state_project_valid_state X _ Hs _ _ Hidesc).
        - by eexists _; apply (preloaded_with_all_messages_message_valid_initial_state_message X).
      specialize (existing_false_label_equivocator_state_project_not_same X Ht _ Hidesc)
        as Hnot_same.
      specialize (existing_false_label_equivocator_state_project_same X Ht _ Hidesc _ _ Htx)
        as [Hom Hsame].
      subst om'.
      specialize (existing_false_label_equivocator_transition_size X Ht _ Hidesc) as Ht_size.
      specialize (oracle_step_update msg).
      * intros [i [s'i [Hs'i Hbri]]].
        apply equivocator_state_project_Some_rev in Hs'i as Hlti.
        destruct (decide (idesc = i)).
        -- subst i. simpl in Hsame. rewrite Hs'i in Hsame.
           simpl in Hsame. subst s'i.
           apply oracle_step_update in Hbri.
           destruct Hbri as [H | Hbri]; [| by right; eexists _, _].
           by left; revert H; apply Hselector_io.
        -- right. exists i, s'i. split; [| done].
           specialize (Hnot_same i).
           spec Hnot_same; [lia |]. specialize (Hnot_same n).
           simpl in Hnot_same. rewrite Hs'i in Hnot_same.
           destruct_equivocator_state_project s i si Hlti'; [| lia].
           by cbn in Hnot_same; congruence.
      * apply proj2 in oracle_step_update.
        apply equivocator_state_project_Some_rev in Hidesc as Hltidesc.
        intros [Heq_im | [ins [sins [Hsins Hbri]]]].
        -- unfold equivocator_selector in Heq_im. simpl in Heq_im.
           rewrite Hselector_io with (l2 := l) (s2 := sidesc') in Heq_im.
           specialize (oracle_step_update (or_introl Heq_im)).
           exists idesc, sidesc'.
           simpl in Hsame.
           destruct_equivocator_state_project s' idesc _sidesc' Hlst; [| lia].
           simpl in Hsame.
           by subst.
        -- apply equivocator_state_project_Some_rev in Hsins as Hltins.
           simpl in Hsame.
           destruct (decide (idesc = ins)). subst idesc.
           ++ rewrite Hsins in Hidesc. inversion Hidesc. subst sidesc.
              specialize (oracle_step_update (or_intror Hbri)).
              exists ins, sidesc'. split; [| done].
              simpl in Hsame.
              by destruct_equivocator_state_project s' ins _sidesc' Hins; [subst | lia].
           ++ exists ins, sins. split; [| done].
              specialize (Hnot_same ins). spec Hnot_same; [lia |].
              specialize (Hnot_same n).
              simpl in Hnot_same. rewrite Hsins in Hnot_same.
              destruct_equivocator_state_project s' ins _sins Hins; [| lia].
              cbn in Hnot_same; congruence.
    + cbn in Hv.
      destruct (equivocator_state_project s idesc) as [sidesc |] eqn: Hidesc; [| done].
      destruct (transition X l (sidesc, im)) as (sidesc', om') eqn: Htx.
        (oracle_step_update l sidesc im sidesc' om').
      spec oracle_step_update.
        repeat split; [| | done..].
        - by apply (preloaded_equivocator_state_project_valid_state X _ Hs _ _ Hidesc).
        - by eexists _; apply (preloaded_with_all_messages_message_valid_initial_state_message X).
      specialize (existing_true_label_equivocator_state_project_not_last X Ht _ Hidesc)
        as Hnot_last.
       specialize (existing_true_label_equivocator_state_project_last X Ht _ Hidesc _ _ Htx)
        as [Hom Hlast].
      subst om'.
      specialize (existing_true_label_equivocator_transition_size X Ht _ Hidesc) as Ht_size.
      specialize (oracle_step_update msg).
      * intros [i [s'i [Hs'i Hbri]]].
        apply equivocator_state_project_Some_rev in Hs'i as Hlti.
        destruct (decide (i = equivocator_state_n s)).
        -- subst i. simpl in Hlast. rewrite Hs'i in Hlast.
           simpl in Hlast. subst s'i.
           apply oracle_step_update in Hbri.
           destruct Hbri as [H | Hbri]; [| by right; eexists _, _].
           by left; revert H; apply Hselector_io.
        -- right. exists i, s'i. split; [| done].
           specialize (Hnot_last i).
           spec Hnot_last; [lia |].
           simpl in Hnot_last. rewrite Hs'i in Hnot_last.
           destruct_equivocator_state_project s i si Hlti'; [| lia].
           by cbn in Hnot_last; congruence.
      * apply proj2 in oracle_step_update.
        intros [Heq_im | [ins [sins [Hsins Hbri]]]].
        -- unfold equivocator_selector in Heq_im. simpl in Heq_im.
           rewrite Hselector_io with (l2 := l) (s2 := sidesc') in Heq_im.
           specialize (oracle_step_update (or_introl Heq_im)).
           exists (equivocator_state_n s), sidesc'.
           simpl in Hlast.
           destruct_equivocator_state_project s' (equivocator_state_n s) _sidesc' Hlst; [| lia].
           by subst.
        -- apply equivocator_state_project_Some_rev in Hsins as Hltins.
           specialize (Hnot_last ins). spec Hnot_last; [lia |].
           simpl in Hnot_last. rewrite Hsins in Hnot_last.
           exists ins, sins. split; [| done].
           destruct_equivocator_state_project s' ins _sins Hltins'; [| lia].
           by cbn in Hnot_last; congruence.

End sec_oracle_lifting.

Section sec_has_been_received_lifting.

  `{HasBeenReceivedCapability message X}

We define has_been_received for the equivocator_vlsm as being received by any of the internal machines.
Definition equivocator_has_been_received := equivocator_oracle (has_been_received X).

#[export] Instance equivocator_has_been_received_dec
  : RelDecision equivocator_has_been_received
  := equivocator_oracle_dec (has_been_received X) _.

Lemma equivocator_has_been_received_stepwise_props
  : has_been_received_stepwise_prop (vlsm := equivocator_vlsm X) equivocator_has_been_received.
  eapply oracle_stepwise_props_change_selector.
  - apply equivocator_oracle_stepwise_props
    ; [| by apply has_been_received_stepwise_props].
    by cbv; itauto.
  - intros s item; destruct item, l; cbn; [| by itauto..].
    intros [(_ & _ & _ & Him) _]; simpl in Him; subst.
    by itauto congruence.

Finally we define the HasBeenReceivedCapability for the equivocator_vlsm.

Lifting the HasBeenSentCapability

  `{HasBeenSentCapability message X}

We define has_been_sent for the equivocator_vlsm as being sent by any of the internal machines.
Definition equivocator_has_been_sent := equivocator_oracle (has_been_sent X).

#[export] Instance equivocator_has_been_sent_dec
  : RelDecision equivocator_has_been_sent
  := equivocator_oracle_dec (has_been_sent X) _.

Lemma equivocator_has_been_sent_stepwise_props
  : has_been_sent_stepwise_prop (vlsm := equivocator_vlsm X) equivocator_has_been_sent.
  eapply oracle_stepwise_props_change_selector.
  - apply equivocator_oracle_stepwise_props
    ; [| by apply has_been_sent_stepwise_props].
    by cbv; itauto.
  - intros s item; destruct item, l; cbn; [| by itauto..].
    intros [_ Ht]; inversion_clear Ht.
    by itauto congruence.

Finally we define the HasBeenSentCapability for the equivocator_vlsm.

Lifting the ComputableSentMessages property

  `{!ComputableSentMessages X}
  `(EqDecision message)

We define the sent_messages_set for the equivocator_vlsm as the union of all sent_messages_set for its internal machines.
Definition equivocator_sent_messages_set
  (s : state (equivocator_vlsm X))
  : set message
  fold_right set_union []
      (fun i =>
        match equivocator_state_project s i with
        | None => []
        | Some si => sent_messages_set si
      (up_to_n_listing (equivocator_state_n s))).

Lemma equivocator_elem_of_sent_messages_set :
  forall (s : state (equivocator_vlsm X)) (m : message),
    equivocator_has_been_sent s m
    m equivocator_sent_messages_set s.
  - intros (i & si & Hsi & Hbs).
    apply set_union_in_iterated, Exists_exists.
    eexists; split; [| by eapply elem_of_sent_messages_set].
    apply elem_of_list_fmap; exists i; split; [by rewrite Hsi |].
    by eapply up_to_n_full, equivocator_state_project_Some_rev.
  - intros Hm.
    apply set_union_in_iterated, Exists_exists in Hm as (senti & Hsenti & Hm).
    apply elem_of_list_fmap in Hsenti as (i & -> & Hi).
    apply up_to_n_full in Hi.
    destruct (equivocator_state_project s i) as [si |] eqn: Hsi; [| inversion Hm].
    by exists i, si; split; [| apply elem_of_sent_messages_set].

Lemma equivocator_ComputableSentMessages :
  ComputableSentMessages (equivocator_vlsm X).
  constructor 1 with equivocator_sent_messages_set; constructor; intros.
  - rewrite <- equivocator_elem_of_sent_messages_set.
    by eapply equivocator_has_been_sent_stepwise_props.
  - rewrite <- !equivocator_elem_of_sent_messages_set.
    by eapply equivocator_has_been_sent_stepwise_props.

End sec_ComputableSentMessages_lifting.

End sec_equivocator_vlsm_message_properties.