From VLSM.Lib Require Import Itauto.
From stdpp Require Import prelude.
From Coq Require Import Streams.
From VLSM.Lib Require Import Preamble ListExtras StreamExtras.

Core: VLSM Basics

This module provides basic VLSM infrastructure.

VLSM definition

The type of a VLSM

The type of a VLSM is a triple consisting of the underlying types of messages, states, and labels.
In Coq it is defined as a record taking message as parameter and having state and label as fields. message is a parameter to allow it to be easily shared by multiple VLSMs during composition.

Record VLSMType (message : Type) : Type :=
  state : Type;
  label : Type;

Arguments state {_} _.
Arguments label {_} _.

VLSM class definition

VLSMMachine is parameterized by a VLSMType, and contains the remaining parameters to define a VLSM over the given types. These are the properties for initial states (initial_state_prop) and initial messages (initial_message_prop), from which we can immediately define the types initial_state (as states having the initial_state_property) and initial_message (as messages having the initial_message_property), a witness s0 that the initial_state is inhabited, and the transition function and validity predicate.

Record VLSMMachine {message : Type} (T : VLSMType message) : Type :=
  initial_state_prop : state T -> Prop;
  initial_state : Type := {s : state T | initial_state_prop s};
  s0 : Inhabited initial_state;
  initial_message_prop : message -> Prop;
  initial_message : Type := {m : message | initial_message_prop m};
  transition : label T -> state T * option message -> state T * option message;
  valid : label T -> state T * option message -> Prop;

(* The & is a "bidirectionality hint", so that typechecking
   a VLSMMachine record definition will try to use the expected
   result type to determine <<T>> before typechecking the fields.
   Without this, the types of the values given for the fields would
   have to be written so they only mention the state and label type
   in ways that can be matched with state ?T and label ?T.

Arguments Build_VLSMMachine _ _ & _ _ _ _ _.

Arguments initial_state_prop {message T} VLSMMachine _, {message T VLSMMachine} _ : rename.
Arguments initial_state {message T} VLSMMachine : rename.
Arguments initial_message_prop {message T} VLSMMachine _, {message T VLSMMachine} _ : rename.
Arguments initial_message {message T} VLSMMachine : rename.
Arguments transition {message T} VLSMMachine _ _, {message T VLSMMachine} _ _ : rename.
Arguments valid {message T} VLSMMachine _ _, {message T VLSMMachine} _ _ : rename.

Definition option_initial_message_prop
  {message : Type} {T : VLSMType message} (M : VLSMMachine T) : option message -> Prop :=
    from_option (@initial_message_prop _ _ M) True.

Definition decidable_initial_messages_prop
  {message : Type} {T : VLSMType message} (M : VLSMMachine T) : Type :=
    forall (m : message), Decision (@initial_message_prop _ _ M m).

VLSM type definition

For technical reasons, e.g., the need to easily talk about VLSMs over the same set of messages and about VLSMs of the same type (over the same set of messages, labels and states), the VLSM definition is split into two parts, VLSMType and VLSMMachine, which are packaged together by the following definition.

Record VLSM (message : Type) : Type := mk_vlsm
  vlsm_type :> VLSMType message;
  vlsm_machine :> VLSMMachine vlsm_type;

Arguments vlsm_type [message] v.
Arguments vlsm_machine [message] v.
Arguments mk_vlsm [message] [vlsm_type] vlsm_machine.

Section sec_traces.

  {message : Type}
  {T : VLSMType message}


We introduce the concept of a trace to formalize an execution of the protocol. It is abstracted as a pair (start, steps) where start is a state and steps is a tuple of objects which fully describe the transitions underwent during execution. Notably, steps might be infinite.
In Coq, we can define these objects (which we name transition_items) as consisting of:

Record transition_item : Type :=
  l : label T;
  input : option message;
  destination : state T;
  output : option message;

Definition field_selector
  (field : transition_item -> option message) (m : message) (item : transition_item) : Prop :=
    field item = Some m.

Definition item_sends_or_receives (m : message) (item : transition_item) : Prop :=
  input item = Some m \/ output item = Some m.

Definition trace_has_message
  (message_selector : message -> transition_item -> Prop)
  (msg : message) (tr : list transition_item) : Prop :=
    List.Exists (message_selector msg) tr.

Lemma trace_has_message_prefix
  (message_selector : message -> transition_item -> Prop)
  (msg : message)
  (prefix suffix : list transition_item) :
    trace_has_message message_selector msg prefix ->
    trace_has_message message_selector msg (prefix ++ suffix).
  by intro Hprefix; apply Exists_app; left.

Lemma trace_has_message_observed_iff
  (m : message) (tr : list transition_item)
  (Hobserved : trace_has_message item_sends_or_receives m tr) :
    trace_has_message (field_selector input) m tr \/
    trace_has_message (field_selector output) m tr.
  by unfold trace_has_message in *; rewrite !Exists_exists in *; firstorder.

Defines a message received but not sent by within the trace.
States that a property holds for all messages received but not sent by a trace.
Definition trace_received_not_sent_before_or_after_invariant
  (tr : list transition_item) (P : message -> Prop) : Prop :=
    forall (m : message), trace_received_not_sent_before_or_after tr m -> P m.

Inductive Trace : Type :=
| Finite : state T -> list transition_item -> Trace
| Infinite : state T -> Stream transition_item -> Trace.

Definition trace_first (tr : Trace) : state T :=
  match tr with
  | Finite s _ => s
  | Infinite s _ => s

Definition finite_trace_last (si : state T) (tr : list transition_item) : state T :=
  List.last ( destination tr) si.

Definition finite_trace_last_output (tr : list transition_item) : option message :=
  List.last ( output tr) None.

Definition finite_trace_nth
  (si : state T) (tr : list transition_item) : nat -> option (state T) :=
    nth_error (si :: destination tr).

Definition trace_last (tr : Trace) : option (state T) :=
  match tr with
  | Finite s ls => Some (finite_trace_last s ls)
  | Infinite _ _ => None

This function extracts the nth state of a trace, where the sequence of states of a trace is obtained by appending the all destination states in the transition list/stream to the initial state of the trace.
Definition trace_nth (tr : Trace) (n : nat) : option (state T) :=
  match tr with
  | Finite s ls => finite_trace_nth s ls n
  | Infinite s st => Some (Str_nth n (Cons s ( destination st)))

End sec_traces.

Arguments Trace {message T}, {message} T.
Arguments transition_item {message} {T} , {message} T.
Arguments Build_transition_item {message T}, {message} T.
Arguments field_selector {_} {T} _ m item /.
Arguments item_sends_or_receives {_} {_} m item /.

Section sec_trace_lemmas.

  [message : Type]
  [T : VLSMType message]

Lemma last_error_destination_last
  (tr : list transition_item)
  (s : state T)
  (Hlast : option_map destination (last_error tr) = Some s)
  (default : state T) :
    finite_trace_last default tr = s.
  unfold option_map in Hlast.
  destruct (last_error tr) eqn: eq; [| done].
  inversion Hlast.
  unfold last_error in eq.
  destruct tr; [done |].
  inversion eq.
  unfold finite_trace_last.
  by rewrite last_map.

Lemma finite_trace_last_cons
  (s : state T) (x : transition_item T) (tl : list (transition_item T)) :
    finite_trace_last s (x :: tl) = finite_trace_last (destination x) tl.
  by unfold finite_trace_last; rewrite map_cons, unroll_last.

Lemma finite_trace_last_nil :
  forall (s : state T),
    finite_trace_last s [] = s.
Proof. done. Qed.

Lemma finite_trace_last_app
  (s : state T) (t1 t2 : list (transition_item T)) :
    finite_trace_last s (t1 ++ t2) = finite_trace_last (finite_trace_last s t1) t2.
  by unfold finite_trace_last; rewrite map_app, last_app.

Lemma finite_trace_last_is_last
  (s : state T) (x : transition_item T) (tl : list (transition_item T)) :
    finite_trace_last s (tl ++ [x]) = destination x.
  by unfold finite_trace_last; rewrite map_app; cbn; rewrite last_app.

Lemma finite_trace_last_output_is_last
  (x : transition_item T) (tl : list (transition_item T)) :
    finite_trace_last_output (tl ++ [x]) = output x.
  by unfold finite_trace_last_output; rewrite map_app; cbn; rewrite last_app.

Lemma finite_trace_nth_first
  (si : state T) (tr : list transition_item) :
    finite_trace_nth si tr 0 = Some si.
Proof. done. Qed.

Lemma finite_trace_nth_last
  (si : state T) (tr : list transition_item) :
    finite_trace_nth si tr (length tr) = Some (finite_trace_last si tr).
  unfold finite_trace_nth, finite_trace_last.
  destruct tr; [done |].
  cbn [nth_error length].
  apply nth_error_last.
  by rewrite map_length.

Lemma finite_trace_nth_app1
  (si : state T) (t1 t2 : list transition_item) n :
    n <= length t1 -> finite_trace_nth si (t1 ++ t2) n = finite_trace_nth si t1 n.
  intros Hle.
  unfold finite_trace_nth.
  rewrite map_app, app_comm_cons.
  apply nth_error_app1; cbn.
  rewrite map_length.
  by lia.

Lemma finite_trace_nth_app2
  (si : state T) (t1 t2 : list transition_item) (n : nat) :
    length t1 <= n ->
    finite_trace_nth si (t1 ++ t2) n =
    finite_trace_nth (finite_trace_last si t1) t2 (n - length t1).
  intros H.
  apply Compare_dec.le_lt_eq_dec in H as [H | <-].
  - unfold finite_trace_nth.
    rewrite map_app, app_comm_cons.
    rewrite nth_error_app2; simpl length; rewrite map_length; [| by auto with arith].
    destruct n; [by exfalso; lia |].
    by rewrite (Nat.sub_succ_l (length t1) n); [| lia].
  - by rewrite finite_trace_nth_app1, finite_trace_nth_last,
      Nat.sub_diag, finite_trace_nth_first.

Lemma finite_trace_nth_length
  (si : state T) (tr : list transition_item) (n : nat) (s : state T) :
    finite_trace_nth si tr n = Some s -> n <= length tr.
  intros H.
  apply nth_error_length in H; cbn in H.
  by rewrite map_length in H; lia.

Lemma finite_trace_last_prefix
  (s : state T) (tr : list transition_item) (n : nat) (s' : state T) :
    finite_trace_nth s tr n = Some s' ->
    finite_trace_last s (take n tr) = s'.
  unfold finite_trace_nth, finite_trace_last.
  rewrite <- firstn_map.
  generalize ( destination tr); intro l; clear tr.
  destruct n; cbn.
  - by intros [= <-]; destruct l.
  - by intros H; symmetry; apply take_nth_last.

Lemma finite_trace_last_suffix
  (s : state T) (tr : list transition_item) (n : nat) :
    n < length tr -> finite_trace_last s (drop n tr) = finite_trace_last s tr.
  intros H.
  unfold finite_trace_last.
  rewrite <- skipn_map.
  apply drop_last.
  by rewrite map_length.

Lemma unlock_finite_trace_last (s : state T) (tr : list (transition_item T)) :
  finite_trace_last s tr = List.last ( destination tr) s.
Proof. done. Qed.

End sec_trace_lemmas.

Definition vs0 `(X : VLSM message) := @inhabitant _ (@s0 _ _ X).

Lemma mk_vlsm_machine
  {message : Type}
  (X : VLSM message)
  : mk_vlsm (vlsm_machine X) = X.
  by destruct X.

Section sec_VLSM.

In this section we assume a fixed VLSM.

  {message : Type}
  (X : VLSM message)

Valid states and messages

We further characterize certain objects as being valid, which means they can be witnessed or experienced during executions of the protocol. For example, a message is a valid_message if there exists an execution of the protocol in which it is produced.
We choose here to define valid states and messages together as the valid_state_message_property, inductively defined over the state * option message product type, as this definition avoids the need of using a mutually recursive definition.
The inductive definition has three cases:
The valid_state_property and the valid_message_property are now definable as simple projections of the above definition.
Moreover, we use these derived properties to define the corresponding dependent types valid_state and valid_message.

Definition valid_state_prop (s : state X) :=
  exists (om : option message),
    valid_state_message_prop s om.

Definition valid_message_prop (m : message) :=
  exists (s : state X),
    valid_state_message_prop s (Some m).

Definition valid_state : Type :=
  {s : state X | valid_state_prop s}.

Definition valid_message : Type :=
  {m : message | valid_message_prop m}.

Lemma initial_state_is_valid
  (s : state X) (Hinitial : initial_state_prop X s) :
    valid_state_prop s.
  exists None.
  by apply valid_initial_state_message.

Lemma initial_message_is_valid
  (m : message) (Hinitial : initial_message_prop X m) :
    valid_message_prop m.
  exists (proj1_sig (vs0 X)).
  by apply valid_initial_state_message; [apply proj2_sig |].

As often times we work with optional valid messages, it is convenient to define a valid message property for optional messages.

Definition option_valid_message_prop (om : option message) :=
  exists (s : state X),
    valid_state_message_prop s om.

Lemma option_valid_message_None :
  option_valid_message_prop None.
  exists (proj1_sig (vs0 X)).
  by apply valid_initial_state_message; [apply proj2_sig |].

Lemma option_valid_message_Some
  (m : message) (Hpm : valid_message_prop m) :
    option_valid_message_prop (Some m).
  by destruct Hpm as [s Hpm]; exists s.

Lemma option_initial_message_is_valid
  (om : option message) (Hinitial : option_initial_message_prop X om) :
    option_valid_message_prop om.
  destruct om.
  - by apply option_valid_message_Some, initial_message_is_valid.
  - by apply option_valid_message_None.

We also include the more intuitive, mutually recursive definition of valid states and messages.
This definition has three cases for valid_message_mrec:
There are also two cases for valid_state_mrec:
Reasoning about this mutually recursive definition is facilitated by a custom induction scheme.

Scheme valid_message_ind := Induction for valid_message_mrec Sort Prop
with valid_state_ind := Induction for valid_state_mrec Sort Prop.

Arguments valid_message_ind Pmsg Pstate : rename.
Arguments valid_state_ind Pmsg Pstate : rename.

To guarantee the equivalence between valid_message_mrec coupled with valid_state_mrec and valid_state_message_prop we prove the following lemmas.

Lemma valid_state_message_prop_impl_valid :
  forall (s : state X) (om : option message),
    valid_state_message_prop s om ->
    valid_message_mrec om /\ valid_state_mrec s.
  induction 1; split.
  - by destruct om; [apply valid_message_mrec_initial | constructor].
  - by apply valid_state_mrec_initial.
  - replace om' with (transition X l0 (s, om)).2
      by (cbn in Ht; rewrite Ht; done).
    rewrite Ht; cbn.
    by eapply valid_message_mrec_generated; [done | itauto.. |].
  - replace s' with (transition X l0 (s, om)).1
      by (cbn in Ht; rewrite Ht; done).
    eapply valid_state_mrec_generated; [done | ..].
    + by apply IHvalid_state_message_prop1.
    + by apply IHvalid_state_message_prop2.
    + by rewrite Ht.

Lemma valid_impl_valid_state_prop :
  forall (s : state X),
    valid_state_mrec s -> valid_state_prop s.
  apply valid_state_ind with (Pmsg := fun m _ => option_valid_message_prop m).
  - by apply option_valid_message_None.
  - by apply initial_message_is_valid.
  - intros * ? ? [] ? [] Htr.
    by eexists; eapply valid_generated_state_message; cycle 1.
  - by intros; apply initial_state_is_valid.
  - intros * ? ? [] ? [] Htr.
    by eexists; eapply valid_generated_state_message; cycle 1.

Lemma valid_impl_valid_message_prop :
  forall (om : option message),
    valid_message_mrec om -> option_valid_message_prop om.
  apply valid_message_ind with (Pstate := fun s _ => valid_state_prop s).
  - by apply option_valid_message_None.
  - by apply initial_message_is_valid.
  - intros * ? ? [] ? [] Htr.
    by eexists; eapply valid_generated_state_message; cycle 1.
  - by intros; apply initial_state_is_valid.
  - intros * ? ? [] ? [] Htr.
    by eexists; eapply valid_generated_state_message; cycle 1.

Lemma valid_iff_valid_message_prop :
  forall (om : option message),
    valid_message_mrec om <-> option_valid_message_prop om.
  - by apply valid_impl_valid_message_prop.
  - by intros []; eapply valid_state_message_prop_impl_valid.

Lemma valid_iff_valid_state_prop :
  forall (s : state X),
    valid_state_mrec s <-> valid_state_prop s.
  - by apply valid_impl_valid_state_prop.
  - by intros []; eapply valid_state_message_prop_impl_valid.

Input validity and input valid transitions

To specify that a particular (input of a) transition can actually be encountered as part of a protocol execution, we define the notions of input_validity and input_valid_transition.
Input validity requires that the valid predicate holds for the given inputs and that they have a valid_state and a valid_message.
Definition input_valid (l : label X) (som : state X * option message) : Prop :=
  let (s, om) := som in
    valid_state_prop s /\ option_valid_message_prop om /\ valid X l (s, om).

Input valid transitions are transitions with input_valid inputs.
Next three lemmas show the two definitions above are strongly related.

Lemma input_valid_transition_valid
  (l : label X)
  (som : state X * option message)
  (som' : state X * option message)
  (Ht : input_valid_transition l som som') :
    input_valid l som.
  by destruct Ht.

Lemma input_valid_can_transition
  (l : label X)
  (som : state X * option message)
  (Hv : input_valid l som) :
    forall (som' : state X * option message),
      transition X l som = som' -> input_valid_transition l som som'.
Proof. done. Qed.

Lemma input_valid_transition_iff
  (l : label X)
  (som : state X * option message) :
    input_valid l som
    exists (som' : state X * option message),
      input_valid_transition l som som'.
  - by eexists; apply input_valid_can_transition.
  - intros [som' Hivt].
    by apply input_valid_transition_valid with som'.

The next couple of lemmas relate the two definitions above with pre-existing concepts.
Lemma input_valid_transition_origin
  {l : label X}
  {s s' : state X}
  {om om' : option message}
  (Ht : input_valid_transition l (s, om) (s', om')) :
    valid_state_prop s.
  by destruct Ht as [[[_om Hp] _] _]; exists _om.

Lemma input_valid_transition_destination
  {l : label X}
  {s s' : state X}
  {om om' : option message}
  (Ht : input_valid_transition l (s, om) (s', om')) :
    valid_state_prop s'.
  exists om'.
  destruct Ht as [[[_om Hs] [[_s Hom] Hv]] Ht].
  by apply valid_generated_state_message with s _om _s om l.

Lemma input_valid_transition_in
  {l : label X}
  {s s' : state X}
  {om om' : option message}
  (Ht : input_valid_transition l (s, om) (s', om')) :
    option_valid_message_prop om.
  destruct Ht as [[_ [[_s Hom] _]] _].
  by exists _s.

Lemma input_valid_transition_outputs_valid_state_message
  {l : label X}
  {s s' : state X}
  {om om' : option message}
  (Ht : input_valid_transition l (s, om) (s', om')) :
    valid_state_message_prop s' om'.
  destruct Ht as [[[_om Hps] [[_s Hpm] Hv]] Ht].
  by apply valid_generated_state_message with s _om _s om l.

Lemma input_valid_transition_out
  {l : label X}
  {s s' : state X}
  {om om' : option message}
  (Ht : input_valid_transition l (s, om) (s', om')) :
    option_valid_message_prop om'.
  apply input_valid_transition_outputs_valid_state_message in Ht.
  by exists s'.

Lemma input_valid_transition_is_valid
  {l : label X}
  {s s' : state X}
  {om om' : option message}
  (Ht : input_valid_transition l (s, om) (s', om')) :
    valid X l (s, om).
  by destruct Ht as [[_ [_ Hv]] _].

Lemma input_valid_transition_transition
  {l : label X}
  {s s' : state X}
  {om om' : option message}
  (Ht : input_valid_transition l (s, om) (s', om')) :
    transition X l (s, om) = (s', om').
  by destruct Ht as [_ Ht].

Lemma input_valid_state_message_outputs
  (l : label X)
  (s : state X)
  (om : option message)
  (Hv : input_valid l (s, om))
  (s' : state X) (om' : option message)
  (Ht : transition X l (s, om) = (s', om')) :
    valid_state_message_prop s' om'.
  destruct Hv as [[_om Hs] [[_s Hom] Hv]].
  by apply valid_generated_state_message with s _om _s om l.

transitions are deterministic, i.e. the final state and output message are determined by the label, initial state and input message of the transition. This is because transition is a function.
Because of the above, input_valid_transitions are also deterministic.

Lemma input_valid_transition_deterministic :
  forall {lbl : label X} {s s1 s2 : state X} {iom oom1 oom2 : option message},
    input_valid_transition lbl (s, iom) (s1, oom1) ->
    input_valid_transition lbl (s, iom) (s2, oom2) ->
      s1 = s2 /\ oom1 = oom2.
  by do 2 inversion 1; itauto congruence.

For VLSMs initialized with many initial messages such as the composite_vlsm_induced_projection the question of whether a VLSM can_emit a message m becomes more useful than that whether m is a valid_message.

Definition option_can_produce (s : state X) (om : option message) : Prop :=
  exists (som : state X * option message) (l : label X),
    input_valid_transition l som (s, om).

Definition can_produce (s : state X) (m : message) : Prop :=
  option_can_produce s (Some m).

Of course, if a VLSM can_emit (s, m), then (s, m) is valid.

Lemma option_can_produce_valid
  (s : state X)
  (om : option message)
  (Hm : option_can_produce s om) :
    valid_state_message_prop s om.
  destruct Hm as [(s0, om0) [l [[[_om0 Hs0] [[_s0 Hom0] Hv]] Ht]]].
  by apply valid_generated_state_message with s0 _om0 _s0 om0 l.

Lemma can_produce_valid
  (s : state X)
  (m : message)
  (Hm : can_produce s m) :
    valid_state_message_prop s (Some m).
  exact (option_can_produce_valid s (Some m) Hm).

Lemma option_can_produce_valid_iff
  (s : state X)
  (om : option message) :
    valid_state_message_prop s om <->
    option_can_produce s om \/ initial_state_prop X s /\ option_initial_message_prop X om.
  - intros Hm; inversion Hm; subst.
    + by right.
    + by left; exists (s1, om0), l0; firstorder.
  - intros [Hem | Him].
    + by apply option_can_produce_valid.
    + by constructor; apply Him.

Lemma can_produce_valid_iff
  (s : state X)
  (m : message) :
    valid_state_message_prop s (Some m) <->
    can_produce s m \/ initial_state_prop X s /\ initial_message_prop X m.
  exact (option_can_produce_valid_iff s (Some m)).

Definition can_emit (m : message) : Prop :=
  exists (som : state X * option message) (l : label X) (s : state X),
   input_valid_transition l som (s, Some m).

Lemma can_emit_iff :
  forall (m : message),
    can_emit m <-> exists s, can_produce s m.
  - by intros [som [l [s Ht]]]; exists s, som, l.
  - by intros [s [som [l Ht]]]; exists som, l, s.

If a VLSM can_emit a message m, then m is valid.
Lemma emitted_messages_are_valid
  (m : message)
  (Hm : can_emit m) :
    valid_message_prop m.
  apply can_emit_iff in Hm.
  destruct Hm as [s Hm].
  apply can_produce_valid in Hm.
  by exists s.

A characterization of valid messages in terms of can_emit.

Lemma emitted_messages_are_valid_iff :
  forall (m : message),
    valid_message_prop m <-> initial_message_prop X m \/ can_emit m.
  - intros [s Hm].
    apply can_produce_valid_iff in Hm as [Hgen | [_ Him]].
    + by right; apply can_emit_iff; exists s.
    + by left.
  - intros [Him | Hm].
    + by apply initial_message_is_valid.
    + by apply emitted_messages_are_valid.

Valid state and valid message characterization

The definition and results below show that the mutually-recursive definitions for valid_states and valid_messages can be derived from the prior definitions.
The results below offers equivalent characterizations for valid_states and valid_messages, similar to their recursive definition.

Lemma valid_state_prop_iff :
  forall (s' : state X),
    valid_state_prop s'
    (exists is : initial_state X, s' = proj1_sig is) \/
    exists (l : label X) (som : state X * option message) (om' : option message),
      input_valid_transition l som (s', om').
  intros; split.
  - intro Hps'. destruct Hps' as [om' Hs].
    inversion Hs; subst.
    + by left; exists (exist _ _ Hs0).
    + by right; exists l0, (s, om), om'; firstorder.
  - intros [[[s His] Heq] | [l [[s om] [om' [[[_om Hps] [[_s Hpm] Hv]] Ht]]]]]; subst.
    + by exists None; apply valid_initial_state_message.
    + by exists om'; apply valid_generated_state_message with s _om _s om l.

A specialized induction principle for valid_state_prop.
Compared to opening the existential and using valid_state_message_prop_ind, this expresses the inductive assumptions simply in terms of input_valid_transition, rather than than having everything exploded as valid_state_message_prop assumptions over witnesses _s and _om, and a spurious inductive assumption P _s.
Lemma valid_state_prop_ind
  (P : state X -> Prop)
  (IHinit : forall (s : state X) (Hs : initial_state_prop X s), P s)
  (IHgen :
    forall (s' : state X) (l : label X) (om om' : option message) (s : state X)
      (Ht : input_valid_transition l (s, om) (s', om')) (Hs : P s),
      P s') :
    forall (s : state X) (Hs : valid_state_prop s), P s.
  destruct Hs as [om Hs].
  induction Hs.
  - by apply IHinit.
  - by apply (IHgen s' l0 om om' s); firstorder.

Valid message characterization.
Lemma valid_message_prop_iff :
  forall (m' : message),
    valid_message_prop m'
    (exists im : initial_message X, m' = proj1_sig im) \/
    exists (l : label X) (som : state X * option message) (s' : state X),
      input_valid_transition l som (s', Some m').
  intros; split.
  - intros [s' Hpm'].
    inversion Hpm'; subst.
    + by left; exists (exist _ m' Hom).
    + by right; exists l0, (s, om), s'; firstorder.
  - intros [[[s His] Heq] | [l [[s om] [s' [[[_om Hps] [[_s Hpm] Hv]] Ht]]]]]; subst.
    + by apply initial_message_is_valid.
    + by exists s'; apply valid_generated_state_message with s _om _s om l.

Trace Properties

Note that it is unnecessary to specify the source state of the transition, as it is implied by the preceding transition_item (or by the start state, if such an item doesn't exist).
We will now split our groundwork for defining traces into the finite case and the infinite case.

Finite valid traces

A finite_valid_trace_from a state start is a pair (start, steps) where steps is a list of transition_items, and is inductively defined by:
Note that the definition is designed so that it extends an existing trace by adding a transition to its front. The reason for this choice is to have this definition be similar to the one for infinite traces, which can only be extended at the front.

Inductive finite_valid_trace_from : state X -> list transition_item -> Prop :=
| finite_valid_trace_from_empty :
    forall (s : state X) (Hs : valid_state_prop s),
      finite_valid_trace_from s []
| finite_valid_trace_from_extend :
    forall (s : state X) (tl : list transition_item)
      (Htl : finite_valid_trace_from s tl)
      (s' : state X) (iom oom : option message) (l : label X)
      (Ht : input_valid_transition l (s', iom) (s, oom)),
        finite_valid_trace_from s' (Build_transition_item l iom s oom :: tl).

Lemma finite_valid_trace_singleton :
  forall {l : label X} {s s' : state X} {iom oom : option message},
    input_valid_transition l (s, iom) (s', oom) ->
      finite_valid_trace_from s [Build_transition_item l iom s' oom].
  intros l s s' iom oom Hptrans.
  apply finite_valid_trace_from_extend; [| done].
  by constructor; apply input_valid_transition_destination in Hptrans.

To complete our definition of a finite valid trace, we must also guarantee that start is an initial state according to the protocol.
In the remainder of the section we provide various results allowing us to prove or decompose the above properties in proofs.
finite_valid_trace_empty is a bit more useful than the small proof suggests, because applying it always leaves just one subgoal.
The tactical by split; [constructor; apply initial_state_is_valid |] only works if the premise is available in the context, which may require an assert and writing out the full VLSM and state expressions as part of the proof script.
Lemma finite_valid_trace_empty :
  forall (s : state X),
    initial_state_prop X s -> finite_valid_trace s [].
  by split; [constructor; apply initial_state_is_valid |].

Lemma finite_valid_trace_first_valid_transition
  (s : state X)
  (tr : list transition_item)
  (te : transition_item)
  (Htr : finite_valid_trace_from s (te :: tr)) :
    input_valid_transition (l te) (s, input te) (destination te, output te).
Proof. by inversion Htr. Qed.

Lemma finite_valid_trace_first_pstate
  (s : state X)
  (tr : list transition_item)
  (Htr : finite_valid_trace_from s tr) :
    valid_state_prop s.
  by inversion Htr; subst; [| apply Ht].

Lemma finite_valid_trace_tail
  (s : state X)
  (tr : list transition_item)
  (te : transition_item)
  (Htr : finite_valid_trace_from s (te :: tr)) :
    finite_valid_trace_from (destination te) tr.
Proof. by inversion Htr. Qed.

Lemma finite_valid_trace_last_pstate
  (s : state X)
  (tr : list transition_item)
  (Htr : finite_valid_trace_from s tr) :
    valid_state_prop (finite_trace_last s tr).
  generalize dependent s.
  induction tr; intros.
  - by apply finite_valid_trace_first_pstate with [].
  - apply finite_valid_trace_tail in Htr.
    apply IHtr in Htr.
      (finite_trace_last s (a :: tr))
      with (finite_trace_last (destination a) tr)
    ; [done |].
    unfold finite_trace_last.
    by rewrite map_cons, unroll_last.

Lemma input_valid_transition_to
  (s : state X)
  (tr : list transition_item)
  (tr1 tr2 : list transition_item)
  (te : transition_item)
  (Htr : finite_valid_trace_from s tr)
  (Heq : tr = tr1 ++ [te] ++ tr2)
  (lst1 := finite_trace_last s tr1) :
    input_valid_transition (l te) (lst1, input te) (destination te, output te).
  generalize dependent s. generalize dependent tr.
  induction tr1.
  - by intros tr [= ->] s; inversion 1.
  - specialize (IHtr1 (tr1 ++ [te] ++ tr2) eq_refl).
    intros tr Heq is Htr; subst. inversion Htr; subst.
    rewrite finite_trace_last_cons.
    by apply IHtr1.

Lemma finite_valid_trace_consecutive_valid_transition
  (s : state X)
  (tr : list transition_item)
  (tr1 tr2 : list transition_item)
  (te1 te2 : transition_item)
  (Htr : finite_valid_trace_from s tr)
  (Heq : tr = tr1 ++ [te1; te2] ++ tr2) :
    input_valid_transition (l te2) (destination te1, input te2) (destination te2, output te2).
  change ([te1; te2] ++ tr2) with ([te1] ++ [te2] ++ tr2) in Heq.
  rewrite app_assoc in Heq.
  specialize (input_valid_transition_to s tr (tr1 ++ [te1]) tr2 te2 Htr Heq)
    as Ht.
  by rewrite finite_trace_last_is_last in Ht.

Lemma valid_trace_output_is_valid
  (is : state X)
  (tr : list transition_item)
  (Htr : finite_valid_trace_from is tr)
  (m : message)
  (Houtput : trace_has_message (field_selector output) m tr) :
    valid_message_prop m.
  revert is Htr.
  induction Houtput as [item tr' Hm | item tr']; intros; inversion Htr; subst.
  - simpl in Hm.
    by apply input_valid_transition_out in Ht.
  - by apply (IHHoutput s).

Lemma valid_trace_input_is_valid
  (is : state X)
  (tr : list transition_item)
  (Htr : finite_valid_trace_from is tr)
  (m : message)
  (Hinput : trace_has_message (field_selector input) m tr) :
    valid_message_prop m.
  revert is Htr.
  induction Hinput as [item tr' Hm | item tr']; intros
  ; inversion Htr as [| s _tr' Htr' _is iom oom l Ht]; subst.
  - simpl in Hm.
    by apply input_valid_transition_in in Ht.
  - by apply (IHHinput s).

Lemma valid_trace_observed_is_valid
  (is : state X)
  (tr : list transition_item)
  (Htr : finite_valid_trace_from is tr)
  (m : message)
  (Hobserved : trace_has_message item_sends_or_receives m tr) :
    valid_message_prop m.
  by apply trace_has_message_observed_iff in Hobserved as [Hm | Hm]
  ; revert Htr m Hm; [apply valid_trace_input_is_valid | apply valid_trace_output_is_valid].

Lemma first_transition_valid
  (s : state X)
  (te : transition_item) :
    finite_valid_trace_from s [te] <->
    input_valid_transition (l te) (s, input te) (destination te, output te).
  split; [by inversion 1 |].
  destruct te. simpl. intro Ht.
  apply input_valid_transition_destination in Ht as Hdestination0.
  by constructor; [constructor |].

Lemma extend_right_finite_trace_from
  (s1 : state X)
  (ts : list transition_item)
  (Ht12 : finite_valid_trace_from s1 ts)
  (l3 : label X)
  (s2 := finite_trace_last s1 ts)
  (iom3 : option message)
  (s3 : state X)
  (oom3 : option message)
  (Hv23 : input_valid_transition l3 (s2, iom3) (s3, oom3)) :
    finite_valid_trace_from s1 (ts ++ [Build_transition_item l3 iom3 s3 oom3]).
  induction Ht12.
  - by apply finite_valid_trace_singleton.
  - rewrite <- app_comm_cons.
    apply finite_valid_trace_from_extend; [| done].
    simpl in IHHt12. apply IHHt12.
    unfold s2 in *; clear s2.
    by rewrite finite_trace_last_cons in Hv23.

We can now prove several general properties of finite_valid_traces. For example, the following lemma states that given two such traces, such that the latter's starting state is equal to the former's last state, it is possible to concatenate them into a single finite_valid_trace.

Lemma finite_valid_trace_from_app_iff
  (s : state X) (ls ls' : list transition_item) (s' := finite_trace_last s ls) :
    finite_valid_trace_from s ls /\ finite_valid_trace_from s' ls'
    finite_valid_trace_from s (ls ++ ls').
  subst s'.
  revert s.
  induction ls; intro s.
  - rewrite finite_trace_last_nil. simpl.
    by itauto (eauto using finite_valid_trace_first_pstate, finite_valid_trace_from_empty).
  - rewrite finite_trace_last_cons. simpl.
    specialize (IHls (destination a)).
    + intros [Hal Hl'].
      inversion Hal; subst; simpl in *.
      by constructor; [apply IHls |].
    + inversion 1; subst; simpl in *.
      apply IHls in Htl as [Hl Hl'].
      by split; [constructor |].

Lemma finite_valid_trace_from_rev_ind
  (P : state X -> list transition_item -> Prop)
  (Hempty : forall (s : state X) (H : valid_state_prop s), P s nil)
  (Hextend : forall (s : state X) (tr : list transition_item),
    finite_valid_trace_from s tr ->
    P s tr ->
    forall (sf : state X) (iom oom : option message) (l : label X)
      (Hx : input_valid_transition l (finite_trace_last s tr, iom) (sf, oom)),
        let x := Build_transition_item l iom sf oom in P s (tr ++ [x])) :
  forall (s : state X) (tr : list transition_item),
    finite_valid_trace_from s tr ->
    P s tr.
  induction tr using rev_ind; intro Htr.
  - by inversion Htr; apply Hempty; congruence.
  - apply finite_valid_trace_from_app_iff in Htr.
    destruct Htr as [Htr Hx].
    destruct x; apply (Hextend _ _ Htr (IHtr Htr)).
    by inversion Hx; congruence.

Lemma finite_valid_trace_rev_ind
  (P : state X -> list (transition_item X) -> Prop)
  (Hempty : forall (si : state X) (Hsi : initial_state_prop X si), P si nil)
  (Hextend : forall (si : state X) (tr : list transition_item),
    finite_valid_trace si tr ->
    P si tr ->
    forall (sf : state X) (iom oom : option message) (l : label X)
      (Hx : input_valid_transition l (finite_trace_last si tr, iom) (sf, oom)),
        let x := Build_transition_item l iom sf oom in P si (tr ++ [x])) :
  forall (si : state X) (tr : list transition_item),
    finite_valid_trace si tr ->
    P si tr.
  intros si tr [Htr Hinit].
  induction Htr using finite_valid_trace_from_rev_ind.
  - by apply Hempty.
  - by apply Hextend; auto.

Several other lemmas in this vein are necessary for proving results regarding traces.

Lemma finite_valid_trace_from_prefix
  (s : state X)
  (ls : list transition_item)
  (Htr : finite_valid_trace_from s ls)
  (n : nat) :
    finite_valid_trace_from s (take n ls).
  specialize (take_drop n ls); intro Hdecompose.
  rewrite <- Hdecompose in Htr.
  by apply finite_valid_trace_from_app_iff in Htr as [Hpr _].

Lemma finite_valid_trace_from_suffix
  (s : state X)
  (ls : list transition_item)
  (Htr : finite_valid_trace_from s ls)
  (n : nat)
  (nth : state X)
  (Hnth : finite_trace_nth s ls n = Some nth) :
    finite_valid_trace_from nth (drop n ls).
  rewrite <- (take_drop n ls) in Htr.
  apply finite_valid_trace_from_app_iff in Htr.
  destruct Htr as [_ Htr].
  replace (finite_trace_last s (take n ls)) with nth in Htr; [done |].
  destruct n.
  - rewrite finite_trace_nth_first in Hnth.
    by destruct ls; cbn; congruence.
  - unfold finite_trace_last.
    rewrite <- firstn_map.
    by apply take_nth_last.

Lemma finite_valid_trace_from_segment
  (s : state X)
  (ls : list transition_item)
  (Htr : finite_valid_trace_from s ls)
  (n1 n2 : nat)
  (Hle : n1 <= n2)
  (n1th : state X)
  (Hnth : finite_trace_nth s ls n1 = Some n1th) :
    finite_valid_trace_from n1th (list_segment ls n1 n2).
  apply finite_valid_trace_from_suffix with s.
  - by apply finite_valid_trace_from_prefix.
  - destruct n1; [done |].
    unfold finite_trace_nth in Hnth |- *.
    simpl in Hnth |- *.
    by rewrite <- firstn_map, take_nth.

Lemma can_produce_from_valid_trace
  (si : state X) (tr : list transition_item)
  (Htr : finite_valid_trace_from si tr) :
    forall item : transition_item,
      item ∈ tr -> option_can_produce (destination item) (output item).
  intros item Hitem.
  apply elem_of_list_split in Hitem as (l1 & l2 & Heq).
  eexists _, _.
  by eapply input_valid_transition_to; cbn.

Lemma can_emit_from_valid_trace
  (si : state X)
  (m : message)
  (tr : list transition_item)
  (Htr : finite_valid_trace si tr)
  (Hm : trace_has_message (field_selector output) m tr) :
    can_emit m.
  apply can_emit_iff.
  setoid_rewrite Exists_exists in Hm.
  destruct Hm as (item & Hitem & Houtput).
  exists (destination item).
  unfold can_produce; rewrite <- Houtput.
  by eapply can_produce_from_valid_trace; [apply Htr |].

Finite valid traces with a final state

It is often necessary to refer to know ending state of a finite_valid_trace_from. This is either the destination of the last transition_item in the trace, or the starting state.
To avoid repeating reasoning about last, we define variants of finite_valid_trace_from and finite_valid_trace that include the final state, and give appropriate induction principles.
The final state of a finite portion of a valid trace. This is defined over finite_valid_trace_from because an initial state is necessary in case tr is empty, and this allows the definition to have only one non-implicit parameter.

Inductive finite_valid_trace_from_to : state X -> state X -> list transition_item -> Prop :=
| finite_valid_trace_from_to_empty :
    forall (s : state X)
      (Hs : valid_state_prop s),
        finite_valid_trace_from_to s s []
| finite_valid_trace_from_to_extend :
    forall (s f : state X) (tl : list transition_item)
      (Htl : finite_valid_trace_from_to s f tl)
      (s' : state X) (iom oom : option message) (l : label X)
      (Ht : input_valid_transition l (s', iom) (s, oom)),
        finite_valid_trace_from_to s' f (Build_transition_item l iom s oom :: tl).

Lemma finite_valid_trace_from_to_singleton
  (s s' : state X) (iom oom : option message) (l : label X) :
  input_valid_transition l (s, iom) (s', oom) ->
    finite_valid_trace_from_to s s' [Build_transition_item l iom s' oom].
  intro Ht.
  constructor; [| done].
  by apply input_valid_transition_destination in Ht.

Lemma finite_valid_trace_from_to_forget_last :
  forall (s f : state X) (tr : list transition_item),
    finite_valid_trace_from_to s f tr -> finite_valid_trace_from s tr.
  by induction 1; constructor; auto.

Lemma finite_valid_trace_from_to_last :
  forall (s f : state X) (tr : list transition_item),
    finite_valid_trace_from_to s f tr -> finite_trace_last s tr = f.
  induction 1.
  - by apply finite_trace_last_nil.
  - by rewrite finite_trace_last_cons.

Lemma finite_valid_trace_from_add_last :
  forall (s f : state X) (tr : list transition_item),
    finite_valid_trace_from s tr ->
    finite_trace_last s tr = f ->
    finite_valid_trace_from_to s f tr.
  induction 1.
  - by rewrite finite_trace_last_nil; intros <-; constructor; auto.
  - by rewrite finite_trace_last_cons; intros <-; constructor; auto.

Lemma finite_valid_trace_from_to_first_pstate
  (s f : state X) (tr : list transition_item) :
    finite_valid_trace_from_to s f tr -> valid_state_prop s.
  intro Htr.
  by apply finite_valid_trace_from_to_forget_last,
    finite_valid_trace_first_pstate in Htr.

Lemma finite_valid_trace_from_to_last_pstate
  (s f : state X) (tr : list transition_item) :
    finite_valid_trace_from_to s f tr -> valid_state_prop f.
  intro Htr.
  rewrite <- (finite_valid_trace_from_to_last _ _ _ Htr).
  apply finite_valid_trace_last_pstate.
  by apply finite_valid_trace_from_to_forget_last in Htr.

Lemma finite_valid_trace_from_to_app
  (m s f : state X) (ls ls' : list transition_item) :
    finite_valid_trace_from_to s m ls ->
    finite_valid_trace_from_to m f ls' ->
    finite_valid_trace_from_to s f (ls ++ ls').
  by intros Hl Hl'; induction Hl; [| constructor; auto].

Lemma finite_valid_trace_from_to_app_split
  (s f : state X) (ls ls' : list transition_item) :
    finite_valid_trace_from_to s f (ls ++ ls') ->
    let m := finite_trace_last s ls in
      finite_valid_trace_from_to s m ls /\ finite_valid_trace_from_to m f ls'.
  revert s; induction ls; intros s; simpl.
  - rewrite finite_trace_last_nil.
    intro Htr. split; [| done].
    apply finite_valid_trace_from_to_first_pstate in Htr.
    by constructor.
  - rewrite finite_trace_last_cons.
    inversion 1; subst; simpl in *.
    apply IHls in Htl as [].
    by auto using finite_valid_trace_from_to_extend.

Lemma finite_valid_trace_from_to_snoc :
  forall (s f : state X) (ls : list transition_item) (item : transition_item X),
    finite_valid_trace_from_to s f (ls ++ [item]) <->
    let m := finite_trace_last s ls in
      finite_valid_trace_from_to s m ls /\
      input_valid_transition_item m item /\
      destination item = f.
  - intros Htr; apply finite_valid_trace_from_to_app_split in Htr as [Htr Hitem].
    by inversion Hitem; inversion Htl; subst.
  - intros (Htr & Hitem & <-).
    eapply finite_valid_trace_from_to_app; [done |].
    by destruct item; apply finite_valid_trace_from_to_singleton.

Definition finite_valid_trace_init_to (si sf : state X) (tr : list transition_item) : Prop :=
  finite_valid_trace_from_to si sf tr /\ initial_state_prop X si.

Lemma finite_valid_trace_init_add_last
  (si sf : state X) (tr : list transition_item) :
    finite_valid_trace si tr ->
    finite_trace_last si tr = sf ->
    finite_valid_trace_init_to si sf tr.
  intros [Htr Hinit] Hf.
  by split; eauto using finite_valid_trace_from_add_last.

Lemma finite_valid_trace_init_to_forget_last
  (si sf : state X) (tr : list transition_item) :
    finite_valid_trace_init_to si sf tr ->
    finite_valid_trace si tr.
  intros [Hinit Htr].
  by split; eauto using finite_valid_trace_from_to_forget_last.

Lemma finite_valid_trace_init_to_last
  (si sf : state X) (tr : list transition_item) :
    finite_valid_trace_init_to si sf tr ->
    finite_trace_last si tr = sf.
  intros [Htr _].
  by eauto using finite_valid_trace_from_to_last.

Lemma finite_valid_trace_init_to_snoc :
  forall (si sf : state X) (tr : list transition_item) (item : transition_item X),
    finite_valid_trace_init_to si sf (tr ++ [item]) <->
    finite_valid_trace_init_to si (finite_trace_last si tr) tr /\
    input_valid_transition_item (finite_trace_last si tr) item /\
    destination item = sf.
  unfold finite_valid_trace_init_to; intros.
  rewrite finite_valid_trace_from_to_snoc.
  by itauto.

Lemma finite_valid_trace_init_to_snoc_rev :
  forall {si sf : state X} {tr : list transition_item} {item : transition_item X},
    finite_valid_trace_init_to si sf tr ->
    input_valid_transition_item sf item ->
    finite_valid_trace_init_to si (destination item) (tr ++ [item]).
  unfold finite_valid_trace_init_to.
  intros * [Htr Hinit] Hivt.
  rewrite finite_valid_trace_from_to_snoc.
  apply finite_valid_trace_from_to_last in Htr as Hsf; subst sf.
  by itauto.

Lemma finite_valid_trace_init_to_prefix :
  forall {si sf : state X} {pre tr : list (transition_item X)},
    finite_valid_trace_init_to si sf tr ->
    pre `prefix_of` tr ->
    finite_valid_trace_init_to si (finite_trace_last si pre) pre.
  intros * [] [suf ->]; split; [| done].
  by eapply finite_valid_trace_from_to_app_split.

Lemma finite_valid_trace_init_to_prefix_1 :
  forall {si sf : state X} {pre suf : list (transition_item X)},
    finite_valid_trace_init_to si sf (pre ++ suf) ->
    finite_valid_trace_init_to si (finite_trace_last si pre) pre.
Proof. by intros; eapply finite_valid_trace_init_to_prefix; [| eexists]. Qed.

Lemma extend_right_finite_trace_from_to
  (s1 s2 : state X)
  (ts : list transition_item)
  (Ht12 : finite_valid_trace_from_to s1 s2 ts)
  (l3 : label X)
  (iom3 : option message)
  (s3 : state X)
  (oom3 : option message)
  (Hv23 : input_valid_transition l3 (s2, iom3) (s3, oom3)) :
    finite_valid_trace_from_to s1 s3 (ts ++ [Build_transition_item l3 iom3 s3 oom3]).
  induction Ht12.
  - by apply finite_valid_trace_from_to_singleton.
  - rewrite <- app_comm_cons.
    by apply finite_valid_trace_from_to_extend; auto.

Lemma finite_valid_trace_from_to_rev_ind
  (P : state X -> state X -> list transition_item -> Prop)
  (Hempty : forall (si : state X) (Hsi : valid_state_prop si), P si si nil)
  (Hextend : forall (si s : state X) (tr : list transition_item)
    (IHtr : P si s tr)
    (Htr : finite_valid_trace_from_to si s tr)
    (sf : state X) (iom oom : option message) (l : label X)
    (Ht : input_valid_transition l (s, iom) (sf, oom)),
      P si sf (tr ++ [Build_transition_item l iom sf oom])) :
  forall (si sf : state X) (tr : list transition_item),
    finite_valid_trace_from_to si sf tr ->
    P si sf tr.
  intros si sf tr Htr.
  revert sf Htr.
  induction tr using rev_ind;
  intros sf Htr.
  - by inversion Htr; subst; apply Hempty.
  - apply finite_valid_trace_from_to_app_split in Htr.
    destruct Htr as [Htr Hstep].
    inversion Hstep; subst.
    inversion Htl; subst.
    revert Ht.
    apply Hextend; [| done].
    by apply IHtr.

Lemma finite_valid_trace_init_to_rev_ind
  (P : state X -> state X -> list (transition_item X) -> Prop)
  (Hempty : forall (si : state X) (Hsi : initial_state_prop X si), P si si nil)
  (Hextend : forall (si s : state X) (tr : list transition_item)
    (IHtr : P si s tr)
    (Htr : finite_valid_trace_init_to si s tr)
    (sf : state X) (iom oom : option message) (l : label X)
    (Ht : input_valid_transition l (s, iom) (sf, oom)),
      P si sf (tr ++ [Build_transition_item l iom sf oom])) :
  forall (si sf : state X) (tr : list transition_item),
    finite_valid_trace_init_to si sf tr ->
    P si sf tr.
  intros si sf tr Htr.
  destruct Htr as [Htr Hinit].
  induction Htr using finite_valid_trace_from_to_rev_ind.
  - by apply Hempty.
  - by apply Hextend with s; auto.

An inductive valid trace property which also identifies the final message.
As shown by the finite_valid_trace_init_to_emit_valid_state_message and finite_valid_trace_init_to_emit_valid_state_message_rev lemmas below, this definition is the trace-equivalent of the valid_state_message_property.
This inductive property is reflecting that fact that a that valid_state_message_prop (s, om) holds only if s and om are the final state and output of an initial valid trace, or a pair of an initial state and option-initial message. It follows the inductive structure of valid_state_message_prop, but augments every branch of the tree with such an exhibiting trace.
Its main benefit is that when performing induction over it, one can also use the induction hypothesis for the (trace generating the) message being received.
Although this definition could be used directly, we prefer to use it to derive a stronger induction principle (finite_valid_trace_init_to_rev_strong_ind) over finite_valid_trace_init_to traces.
A property characterizing the "emit" message of finite_valid_trace_init_to_emit.
There are two cases: (1) either the trace is empty, and then we require the message to be initial; or (2) the trace is not empty, and the message is the output of the last transition.
Definition empty_initial_message_or_final_output
  (tl : list (transition_item X)) (om : option message) : Prop.
  destruct (has_last_or_null tl) as [[_ [item _]] | _].
  - exact (output item = om).
  - exact (option_initial_message_prop X om).

Lemma finite_valid_trace_init_to_emit_output
  (s f : state X) (om : option message) (tl : list transition_item)
  (Htl : finite_valid_trace_init_to_emit s f om tl) :
    empty_initial_message_or_final_output tl om.
  unfold empty_initial_message_or_final_output.
  destruct_list_last tl tl' item Heqtl.
  - inversion Htl; [done |].
    by destruct tl0; simpl in *; congruence.
  - rewrite <- Heqtl in Htl.
    inversion Htl; [by destruct tl'; simpl in *; congruence |].
    revert Heqtl; subst; intro Heqtl.
    by apply app_inj_tail, proj2 in Heqtl; subst.

Lemma finite_valid_trace_init_to_emit_valid_state_message
  (s f : state X) (om : option message) (tl : list transition_item)
  (Htl : finite_valid_trace_init_to_emit s f om tl) :
    valid_state_message_prop f om.
  induction Htl.
  - by apply valid_initial_state_message.
  - by apply valid_generated_state_message with s _om iom_s iom l0.

Lemma finite_valid_trace_init_to_emit_valid_state_message_rev
  (sf : state X) (om : option message)
  (Hp : valid_state_message_prop sf om) :
    exists (s : state X) (tl : list transition_item),
      finite_valid_trace_init_to_emit s sf om tl.
  induction Hp.
  - by exists s, []; constructor.
  - destruct IHHp1 as [is [tl Hs]].
    destruct IHHp2 as [om_is [om_tl Hom]].
    do 2 eexists.
    by eapply finite_valid_trace_init_to_emit_extend; cycle 1.

Lemma finite_valid_trace_init_to_emit_forget_emit
  (s f : state X) (_om : option message) (tl : list transition_item)
  (Htl : finite_valid_trace_init_to_emit s f _om tl) :
    finite_valid_trace_init_to s f tl.
  apply finite_valid_trace_init_to_emit_initial_state in Htl as Hinit.
  split; [| done].
  clear Hinit.
  induction Htl.
  - by constructor; apply initial_state_is_valid.
  - apply finite_valid_trace_from_to_app with s; [done |].
    apply finite_valid_trace_from_to_singleton.
    apply finite_valid_trace_init_to_emit_valid_state_message in Htl1.
    apply finite_valid_trace_init_to_emit_valid_state_message in Htl2.
    by firstorder.

Lemma finite_valid_trace_init_to_add_emit
  (s f : state X) (tl : list transition_item)
  (Htl : finite_valid_trace_init_to s f tl) :
    finite_valid_trace_init_to_emit s f (finite_trace_last_output tl) tl.
  induction Htl using finite_valid_trace_init_to_rev_ind; [by constructor |].
  rewrite finite_trace_last_output_is_last. simpl.
  destruct Ht as [[_ [[_s Hiom] Hv]] Ht].
  destruct (finite_valid_trace_init_to_emit_valid_state_message_rev _ _ Hiom)
    as [iom_s [iom_tr Hiom_tr]].
  by apply (finite_valid_trace_init_to_emit_extend _ _ _ _ IHHtl _ _ _ _ Hiom_tr _ Hv _ _ Ht).

Inspired by finite_valid_trace_init_to_add_emit, we can derive an induction principle for finite_valid_trace_init_to stronger than finite_valid_trace_init_to_rev_ind, which allows the induction hypothesis to be used for the trace generating the message received in the last transition.
Lemma finite_valid_trace_init_to_rev_strong_ind
  (P : state X -> state X -> list (transition_item X) -> Prop)
  (Hempty : forall (is : state X) (His : initial_state_prop X is), P is is nil)
  (Hextend : forall (is s : state X) (tr : list transition_item)
    (IHs : P is s tr)
    (Hs : finite_valid_trace_init_to is s tr)
    iom iom_si iom_s iom_tr
    (Heqiom : empty_initial_message_or_final_output iom_tr iom)
    (IHiom : P iom_si iom_s iom_tr)
    (Hiom : finite_valid_trace_init_to iom_si iom_s iom_tr)
    (sf : state X) (oom : option message) (l : label X)
    (Ht : input_valid_transition l (s, iom) (sf, oom)),
      P is sf (tr ++ [Build_transition_item l iom sf oom])) :
  forall (si sf : state X) (tr : list transition_item),
    finite_valid_trace_init_to si sf tr ->
    P si sf tr.
  intros is sf tr Htr.
  apply finite_valid_trace_init_to_add_emit in Htr.
  remember (finite_trace_last_output tr) as om. clear Heqom.
  induction Htr.
  - by apply Hempty.
  - assert (Hivt : input_valid_transition l0 (s, iom) (s', oom)).
      apply finite_valid_trace_init_to_emit_valid_state_message in Htr1.
      apply finite_valid_trace_init_to_emit_valid_state_message in Htr2.
      by firstorder.
    apply finite_valid_trace_init_to_emit_output in Htr2 as Houtput.
    apply finite_valid_trace_init_to_emit_forget_emit in Htr1.
    apply finite_valid_trace_init_to_emit_forget_emit in Htr2.
    by apply (Hextend _ _ _ IHHtr1 Htr1 _ _ _ _ Houtput IHHtr2 Htr2 _ _ _ Hivt).

Infinite protocol traces

We now define infinite_valid_traces. The definitions resemble their finite counterparts, adapted to the technical necessities of defining infinite objects. Notably, steps is stored as a stream, as opposed to a list.
As for the finite case, the following lemmas help decompose teh above definitions, mostly reducing them to properties about their finite segments.
Lemma infinite_valid_trace_consecutive_valid_transition
  (is : state X)
  (tr tr2 : Stream transition_item)
  (tr1 : list transition_item)
  (te1 te2 : transition_item)
  (Htr : infinite_valid_trace_from is tr)
  (Heq : tr = stream_app (tr1 ++ [te1; te2]) tr2) :
    input_valid_transition (l te2) (destination te1, input te2) (destination te2, output te2).
  generalize dependent is. generalize dependent tr.
  induction tr1.
  - by cbn; intros tr -> is Htr; inversion Htr; inversion Htl; subst.
  - specialize (IHtr1 (stream_app (tr1 ++ [te1; te2]) tr2) eq_refl).
    intros tr Heq is Htr; subst; inversion Htr; subst.
    by apply (IHtr1 s Htl).

Lemma infinite_valid_trace_from_app_iff
  (s : state X)
  (ls : list transition_item)
  (ls' : Stream transition_item)
  (s' := finite_trace_last s ls) :
    finite_valid_trace_from s ls /\ infinite_valid_trace_from s' ls'
    infinite_valid_trace_from s (stream_app ls ls').
  intros. generalize dependent ls'. generalize dependent s.
  induction ls; intros; split.
  - by destruct 1.
  - simpl; intros Hls'; split; [| done].
    constructor; inversion Hls'.
    by apply (input_valid_transition_origin Ht).
  - simpl. intros [Htr Htr'].
    destruct a. apply infinite_valid_trace_from_extend.
    + apply IHls. inversion Htr. split; [by apply Htl |].
      unfold s' in Htr'.
      by rewrite finite_trace_last_cons in Htr'.
    + by inversion Htr; apply Ht.
  - inversion 1; subst.
    apply (IHls s1 ls') in Htl as []; split.
    + by constructor.
    + by unfold s'; rewrite finite_trace_last_cons.

Lemma infinite_valid_trace_from_prefix
  (s : state X)
  (ls : Stream transition_item)
  (Htr : infinite_valid_trace_from s ls)
  (n : nat) :
    finite_valid_trace_from s (stream_prefix ls n).
  specialize (stream_prefix_suffix ls n); intro Hdecompose.
  rewrite <- Hdecompose in Htr.
  by apply infinite_valid_trace_from_app_iff in Htr as [Hpr _].

Lemma infinite_valid_trace_from_prefix_rev
  (s : state X)
  (ls : Stream transition_item)
  (Hpref : forall n : nat, finite_valid_trace_from s (stream_prefix ls n)) :
    infinite_valid_trace_from s ls.
  revert s ls Hpref.
  cofix Hls.
  intros s (a, ls) Hpref.
  assert (Hpref0 := Hpref 1).
  inversion Hpref0; subst.
  constructor; [| done].
  apply Hls.
  intro n.
  specialize (Hpref (S n)).
  by inversion Hpref; subst.

Lemma infinite_valid_trace_from_EqSt :
  forall (s : state X) (tl1 tl2 : Stream transition_item),
    EqSt tl1 tl2 -> infinite_valid_trace_from s tl1 -> infinite_valid_trace_from s tl2.
  intros s tl1 tl2 Heq Htl1.
  apply infinite_valid_trace_from_prefix_rev.
  intro n.
  rewrite <- (stream_prefix_EqSt _ _ Heq n).
  by apply infinite_valid_trace_from_prefix.

Lemma infinite_valid_trace_from_segment
  (s : state X)
  (ls : Stream transition_item)
  (Htr : infinite_valid_trace_from s ls)
  (n1 n2 : nat)
  (Hle : n1 <= n2)
  (n1th := Str_nth n1 (Cons s ( destination ls))) :
    finite_valid_trace_from n1th (stream_segment ls n1 n2).
  apply finite_valid_trace_from_suffix with s.
  - by apply infinite_valid_trace_from_prefix.
  - destruct n1; [done |].
    subst n1th; unfold finite_trace_nth; cbn.
    by rewrite stream_prefix_map, stream_prefix_nth.

Valid traces

Finally, we define Trace as a sum-type of its finite/infinite variants. It inherits some previously introduced definitions, culminating with the valid_trace.

Definition valid_trace_from_prop (tr : Trace) : Prop :=
  match tr with
  | Finite s ls => finite_valid_trace_from s ls
  | Infinite s sm => infinite_valid_trace_from s sm

Definition valid_trace_prop (tr : Trace) : Prop :=
  match tr with
  | Finite s ls => finite_valid_trace s ls
  | Infinite s sm => infinite_valid_trace s sm

Definition valid_trace : Type :=
  {tr : Trace | valid_trace_prop tr}.

Lemma valid_trace_from
  (tr : Trace)
  (Htr : valid_trace_prop tr) :
    valid_trace_from_prop tr.
Proof. by destruct tr, Htr. Qed.

Lemma valid_trace_initial
  (tr : Trace)
  (Htr : valid_trace_prop tr) :
    initial_state_prop X (trace_first tr).
Proof. by destruct tr, Htr. Qed.

Lemma valid_trace_from_iff :
  forall (tr : Trace),
    valid_trace_prop tr <->
    valid_trace_from_prop tr /\ initial_state_prop X (trace_first tr).
  - intro Htr; split.
    + by apply valid_trace_from.
    + by apply valid_trace_initial.
  - by destruct tr; cbn; intros [Htr Hinit].

Having defined valid_traces, we now connect them to valid states and messages, in the following sense: for each state-message pair (s, m) that has the valid_state_message_property, there exists a valid_trace which ends in s by outputting m

Lemma valid_state_message_has_trace
  (s : state X)
  (om : option message)
  (Hp : valid_state_message_prop s om) :
    initial_state_prop X s /\ option_initial_message_prop X om
    exists (is : state X) (tr : list transition_item),
      finite_valid_trace_init_to is s tr /\ finite_trace_last_output tr = om.
  apply finite_valid_trace_init_to_emit_valid_state_message_rev in Hp as [is [tr Htr]].
  apply finite_valid_trace_init_to_emit_output in Htr as Houtput.
  unfold empty_initial_message_or_final_output in Houtput.
  destruct_list_last tr tr' item Heqtr.
  - left; split; [| done].
    inversion Htr; [done |].
    by destruct tl; simpl in *; congruence.
  - apply finite_valid_trace_init_to_emit_forget_emit in Htr.
    by right; eexists _, _; rewrite finite_trace_last_output_is_last.

Giving a trace for valid_state_prop can be stated more simply than valid_state_message_has_trace, because we don't need a disjunction because we are not making claims about output messages.
Lemma valid_state_has_trace
  (s : state X)
  (Hp : valid_state_prop s) :
    exists (is : state X) (tr : list transition_item),
      finite_valid_trace_init_to is s tr.
  destruct Hp as [_om Hp].
  apply valid_state_message_has_trace in Hp.
  destruct Hp as [[Hinit _] | Htrace].
  - exists s, [].
    split; [| done].
    by apply initial_state_is_valid.
  - by destruct Htrace as [is [tr [Htr _]]]; eauto.

For any input valid transition there exists a valid trace ending in it.
Lemma exists_right_finite_trace_from
  (l : label X) (s1 : state X) (iom : option message) (s2 : state X) (oom : option message)
  (Ht : input_valid_transition l (s1, iom) (s2, oom)) :
    exists (s0 : state X) (ts : list transition_item),
      finite_valid_trace_init_to s0 s2 (ts ++ [Build_transition_item l iom s2 oom]) /\
      finite_trace_last s0 ts = s1.
  apply input_valid_transition_origin in Ht as Hs1.
  apply valid_state_has_trace in Hs1.
  destruct Hs1 as [s0 [ts Hts]].
  exists s0, ts.
  destruct Hts as [Hts Hinit].
  repeat split; [| done | by revert Hts; apply finite_valid_trace_from_to_last].
  revert Ht.
  by apply extend_right_finite_trace_from_to.

Lemma can_emit_has_trace (m : message) :
  can_emit m ->
  exists is tr item,
  finite_valid_trace is (tr ++ [item]) /\
  output item = Some m.
  intros [(s, im) [l [s' Hm]]].
  apply exists_right_finite_trace_from in Hm as [is [tr [Htr _]]].
  apply finite_valid_trace_init_to_forget_last in Htr.
  by eexists is, tr, _.

Any trace with the finite_valid_trace_from property can be completed (to the left) to start in an initial state.
Lemma finite_valid_trace_from_complete_left
  (s : state X)
  (tr : list transition_item)
  (Htr : finite_valid_trace_from s tr) :
    exists (is : state X) (trs : list transition_item),
      finite_valid_trace is (trs ++ tr) /\
      finite_trace_last is trs = s.
  apply finite_valid_trace_first_pstate in Htr as Hs.
  apply valid_state_has_trace in Hs.
  destruct Hs as [is [trs [Htrs His]]].
  exists is, trs.
  apply finite_valid_trace_from_to_last in Htrs as Hlast.
  rewrite <- Hlast in Htr.
  apply finite_valid_trace_from_to_forget_last in Htrs.
  by firstorder using finite_valid_trace_from_app_iff.

Any trace with the finite_valid_trace_from_to property can be completed (to the left) to start in an initial state.
Lemma finite_valid_trace_from_to_complete_left
  (s f : state X)
  (tr : list transition_item)
  (Htr : finite_valid_trace_from_to s f tr) :
    exists (is : state X) (trs : list transition_item),
      finite_valid_trace_init_to is f (trs ++ tr) /\
      finite_trace_last is trs = s.
  assert (Hs : valid_state_prop s).
    by apply finite_valid_trace_from_to_forget_last,
      finite_valid_trace_first_pstate in Htr.
  apply valid_state_has_trace in Hs as (is & trs & Htrs & His).
  exists is, trs.
  - split; [| done].
    by apply finite_valid_trace_from_to_app with s.
  - by apply finite_valid_trace_from_to_last in Htrs.

Another benefit of defining traces is that we can succinctly describe indirect transitions between arbitrary pairs of states.
We say that state second is in state first's futures if there exists a finite (possibly empty) valid trace that begins with first and ends in second.
This relation is often used in stating safety and liveness properties.

Definition in_futures (first second : state X) : Prop :=
  exists (tr : list transition_item),
    finite_valid_trace_from_to first second tr.

Lemma in_futures_preserving
  (R : state X -> state X -> Prop)
  (Hpre : PreOrder R)
  (Ht : input_valid_transition_preserving R)
  (s1 s2 : state X)
  (Hin : in_futures s1 s2) :
    R s1 s2.
  unfold in_futures in Hin.
  destruct Hin as [tr Htr].
  induction Htr; [done |].
  by apply Ht in Ht0; transitivity s.

#[export] Instance eq_equiv : @Equivalence (state X) eq := _.

Lemma in_futures_strict_preserving
  (R : state X -> state X -> Prop)
  (Hpre : StrictOrder R)
  (Ht : input_valid_transition_preserving R)
  (s1 s2 : state X)
  (Hin : in_futures s1 s2)
  (Hneq : s1 <> s2) :
    R s1 s2.
  apply (StrictOrder_PreOrder eq_equiv) in Hpre.
  - specialize (in_futures_preserving (relation_disjunction R eq) Hpre) as Hpreserve.
    spec Hpreserve.
    + by intro; intros; left; eapply Ht.
    + by destruct (Hpreserve s1 s2).
  - by intros x1 x2 -> y1 y2 ->.

Lemma in_futures_valid_fst
  (first second : state X)
  (Hfuture : in_futures first second) :
    valid_state_prop first.
  destruct Hfuture as [tr Htr].
  by apply finite_valid_trace_from_to_forget_last,
    finite_valid_trace_first_pstate in Htr.

Lemma in_futures_refl
  (first : state X)
  (Hps : valid_state_prop first) :
    in_futures first first.
  by exists []; constructor.

#[export] Instance in_futures_trans : Transitive in_futures.
  intros s1 s2 s3 [tr12 Htr12] [tr23 Htr23].
  by eexists; eapply finite_valid_trace_from_to_app.

Lemma input_valid_transition_in_futures
  {l s im s' om}
  (Ht : input_valid_transition l (s, im) (s', om)) :
    in_futures s s'.
  apply finite_valid_trace_singleton in Ht.
  by apply finite_valid_trace_from_add_last with (f := s') in Ht; [eexists |].

Lemma elem_of_trace_in_futures_left
  (is s : state X) (tr : list transition_item)
  (Htr : finite_valid_trace_from_to is s tr) :
    forall item : transition_item,
      item ∈ tr -> in_futures (destination item) s.
  intros item Hitem.
  apply elem_of_list_split in Hitem as (pre & suf & Heqtr).
  exists suf.
  erewrite <- finite_trace_last_is_last.
  eapply finite_valid_trace_from_to_app_split.
  by rewrite <- app_assoc; cbn; rewrite <- Heqtr.

Lemma elem_of_trace_in_futures_right
  (is s : state X) (tr : list transition_item)
  (Htr : finite_valid_trace_from_to is s tr) :
    forall item : transition_item,
      item ∈ tr -> in_futures is (destination item).
  intros item Hitem.
  apply elem_of_list_split in Hitem as (pre & suf & Heqtr).
  exists (pre ++ [item]).
  erewrite <- finite_trace_last_is_last.
  eapply finite_valid_trace_from_to_app_split.
  by rewrite <- app_assoc; cbn; rewrite <- Heqtr.

Lemma in_futures_witness
  (first second : state X)
  (Hfutures : in_futures first second) :
    exists (tr : valid_trace) (n1 n2 : nat),
      n1 <= n2 /\
      trace_nth (proj1_sig tr) n1 = Some first /\
      trace_nth (proj1_sig tr) n2 = Some second.
  specialize (in_futures_valid_fst first second Hfutures); intro Hps.
  apply valid_state_has_trace in Hps.
  destruct Hps as [prefix_start [prefix_tr [Hprefix_tr Hinit]]].
  destruct Hfutures as [suffix_tr Hsuffix_tr].
  specialize (finite_valid_trace_from_to_app _ _ _ _ _ Hprefix_tr Hsuffix_tr) as Happ.
  apply finite_valid_trace_from_to_forget_last in Happ.
  assert (Htr : valid_trace_prop (Finite prefix_start (prefix_tr ++ suffix_tr))) by done.
  exists (exist _ _ Htr).
  exists (length prefix_tr), (length prefix_tr + length suffix_tr).
  split; [lia |].
  apply finite_valid_trace_from_to_last in Hprefix_tr.
  apply finite_valid_trace_from_to_last in Hsuffix_tr.
  - rewrite finite_trace_nth_app1; [| lia].
    by rewrite finite_trace_nth_last; congruence.
  - rewrite finite_trace_nth_app2; [| lia].
    by rewrite Nat.add_comm, Nat.add_sub, finite_trace_nth_last; congruence.

Definition trace_segment (tr : Trace) (n1 n2 : nat) : list (transition_item X) :=
  match tr with
  | Finite s l => list_segment l n1 n2
  | Infinite s l => stream_segment l n1 n2

Lemma valid_trace_segment
  (tr : Trace)
  (Htr : valid_trace_prop tr)
  (n1 n2 : nat)
  (Hle : n1 <= n2)
  (first : state X)
  (Hfirst : trace_nth tr n1 = Some first) :
    finite_valid_trace_from first (trace_segment tr n1 n2).
  destruct tr as [s tr | s tr]; simpl in *; destruct Htr as [Htr Hinit].
  - by apply finite_valid_trace_from_segment with s.
  - inversion Hfirst; subst; clear Hfirst.
    by apply (infinite_valid_trace_from_segment s tr Htr n1 n2 Hle).

Inductive Trace_messages : Type :=
| Finite_messages : list (option message) -> Trace_messages
| Infinite_messages : Stream (option message) -> Trace_messages.

Definition protocol_output_messages_trace (tr : valid_trace) : Trace_messages :=
  match proj1_sig tr with
  | Finite _ ls => Finite_messages ( output ls)
  | Infinite _ st => Infinite_messages (map output st)

Definition protocol_input_messages_trace (tr : valid_trace) : Trace_messages :=
  match proj1_sig tr with
  | Finite _ ls => Finite_messages ( input ls)
  | Infinite _ st => Infinite_messages (map input st)

Definition trace_prefix
  (tr : Trace) (last : transition_item X) (prefix : list (transition_item X)) : Prop :=
    match tr with
    | Finite s ls => exists suffix, ls = prefix ++ (last :: suffix)
    | Infinite s st => exists suffix, st = stream_app prefix (Cons last suffix)

Definition trace_prefix_fn (tr : Trace) (n : nat) : Trace X :=
  match tr with
  | Finite s ls => Finite s (take n ls)
  | Infinite s st => Finite s (stream_prefix st n)

Lemma trace_prefix_valid
  (tr : valid_trace)
  (last : transition_item)
  (prefix : list transition_item)
  (Hprefix : trace_prefix (proj1_sig tr) last prefix) :
    valid_trace_prop (Finite (trace_first (proj1_sig tr)) (prefix ++ [last])).
  destruct tr as [tr Htr]. simpl in *.
  generalize dependent tr. generalize dependent last.
  apply (rev_ind (fun prefix => forall (last : transition_item) (tr : Trace),
    valid_trace_prop tr -> trace_prefix tr last prefix ->
      finite_valid_trace (trace_first tr) (prefix ++ [last]))).
  - by intros last tr Htr Hprefix; destruct tr; unfold trace_prefix in Hprefix; simpl in Hprefix
    ; destruct Hprefix as [suffix Heq]; subst; destruct Htr as [Htr Hinit]
    ; unfold trace_first; simpl; constructor; try done
    ; inversion Htr; subst; clear Htr
    ; apply finite_valid_trace_singleton.
  - intros last_p p Hind last tr Htr Hprefix.
    specialize (Hind last_p tr Htr).
    destruct tr as [|]; unfold trace_prefix in Hprefix; simpl in Hprefix
    ; destruct Hprefix as [suffix Heq]; subst; destruct Htr as [Htr Hinit]; simpl; simpl in Hind
    ; split; try done.
    + assert
        (Hex : exists suffix0 : list transition_item,
            (p ++ [last_p]) ++ last :: suffix = p ++ last_p :: suffix0)
          by (exists (last :: suffix); rewrite <- app_assoc; done)
      ; specialize (Hind Hex); clear Hex
      ; destruct Hind as [Hptr _]
      ; destruct last
      ; apply extend_right_finite_trace_from
      ; try done.
      rewrite <- (app_cons {| l := l0; input := input0; destination := destination0;
        output := output0 |} suffix), app_assoc, <- !(app_assoc p _ _) in Htr; cbn in Htr.
        (finite_valid_trace_consecutive_valid_transition _ _ _ _ _ _ Htr eq_refl).
      by rewrite finite_trace_last_is_last.
    + assert
        (Hex : exists suffix0 : Stream transition_item,
            stream_app (p ++ [last_p]) (Cons last suffix) = stream_app p (Cons last_p suffix0))
          by (exists (Cons last suffix); rewrite <- stream_app_assoc; done)
      ; specialize (Hind Hex); clear Hex
      ; destruct Hind as [Hptr _]
      ; destruct last
      ; apply extend_right_finite_trace_from
      ; try done.
      rewrite <- stream_app_cons in Htr.
      rewrite stream_app_assoc in Htr.
      rewrite <- (app_assoc p _ _) in Htr. simpl in Htr.
           (stream_app (p ++ [last_p; {| l := l0; input := input0; destination := destination0;
            output := output0 |}]) suffix)
           {| l := l0; input := input0; destination := destination0; output := output0 |}
      by rewrite finite_trace_last_is_last.

Definition build_trace_prefix_valid
  {tr : valid_trace}
  {last : transition_item}
  {prefix : list transition_item}
  (Hprefix : trace_prefix (proj1_sig tr) last prefix)
  : valid_trace :=
    exist _ (Finite (trace_first (proj1_sig tr)) (prefix ++ [last]))
      (trace_prefix_valid tr last prefix Hprefix).

Lemma trace_prefix_fn_valid
  (tr : Trace)
  (Htr : valid_trace_prop tr)
  (n : nat) :
    valid_trace_prop (trace_prefix_fn tr n).
  specialize (trace_prefix_valid (exist _ tr Htr)); simpl; intro Hpref.
  remember (trace_prefix_fn tr n) as pref_tr.
  destruct pref_tr as [s l | s l]; cycle 1.
  - by destruct tr as [s' l' | s' l']; inversion Heqpref_tr.
  - destruct l as [| item l].
    + by destruct tr as [s' l' | s' l']
      ; destruct Htr as [Htr Hinit]
      ; inversion Heqpref_tr; subst
      ; (split; [| done])
      ; constructor
      ; apply initial_state_is_valid.
    + assert (Hnnil : item :: l <> [])
        by (intro Hnil; inversion Hnil).
      specialize (exists_last Hnnil); intros [prefix [last Heq]].
      rewrite Heq in *; clear Hnnil Heq l item.
      replace s with (trace_first (proj1_sig (exist _ tr Htr)))
      ; try (by destruct tr; inversion Heqpref_tr; subst).
      apply trace_prefix_valid.
      remember (prefix ++ [last]) as prefix_last. revert Heqprefix_last.
      destruct tr as [s' l' | s' l']
      ; inversion Heqpref_tr
      ; subst
      ; clear Heqpref_tr
      ; simpl
      ; intro Heqprefix.
      * specialize (take_drop n l'); intro Hl'.
        rewrite <- Hl'. rewrite Heqprefix.
        exists (drop n l').
        by rewrite <- app_assoc.
      * specialize (stream_prefix_suffix l' n); intro Hl'.
        rewrite <- Hl'. rewrite Heqprefix.
        exists (stream_suffix l' n).
        by rewrite <- stream_app_assoc.

Lemma valid_trace_nth
  (tr : Trace)
  (Htr : valid_trace_prop tr)
  (n : nat)
  (s : state X)
  (Hnth : trace_nth tr n = Some s) :
    valid_state_prop s.
  destruct tr as [s0 l | s0 l]; destruct Htr as [Htr Hinit].
  - specialize (finite_valid_trace_from_suffix s0 l Htr n s Hnth).
    intro Hsuf.
    by apply finite_valid_trace_first_pstate in Hsuf.
  - assert (Hle : n <= n) by lia.
    specialize (infinite_valid_trace_from_segment s0 l Htr n n Hle)
    ; simpl; intros Hseg.
    inversion Hnth.
    by apply finite_valid_trace_first_pstate in Hseg.

Lemma in_futures_valid_snd
  (first second : state X)
  (Hfutures : in_futures first second) :
    valid_state_prop second.
  specialize (in_futures_witness first second Hfutures)
  ; intros [tr [n1 [n2 [Hle [Hn1 Hn2]]]]].
  destruct tr as [tr Htr]; simpl in Hn2.
  by apply valid_trace_nth with tr n2.

Lemma in_futures_witness_reverse
  (first second : state X)
  (tr : valid_trace)
  (n1 n2 : nat)
  (Hle : n1 <= n2)
  (Hs1 : trace_nth (proj1_sig tr) n1 = Some first)
  (Hs2 : trace_nth (proj1_sig tr) n2 = Some second) :
    in_futures first second.
  destruct tr as [tr Htr].
  simpl in *.
  inversion Hle; subst; clear Hle.
  - rewrite Hs1 in Hs2. inversion Hs2; subst; clear Hs2.
    by exists []; constructor; apply valid_trace_nth with tr n2.
  - exists (trace_segment tr n1 (S m)).
    apply finite_valid_trace_from_add_last; [by apply valid_trace_segment; [| lia |] |].
    destruct tr as [s tr | s tr]; simpl.
    + simpl in Hs1, Hs2.
      unfold list_segment.
      rewrite finite_trace_last_suffix.
      * by apply finite_trace_last_prefix.
      * apply finite_trace_nth_length in Hs2.
        by rewrite take_length; lia.
    + unfold stream_segment.
      rewrite unlock_finite_trace_last.
      rewrite <- skipn_map, stream_prefix_map.
      simpl in Hs2.
      rewrite drop_last.
      * symmetry. rewrite stream_prefix_nth_last.
        unfold Str_nth in Hs2. simpl in Hs2.
        by inversion Hs2; subst.
      * specialize (stream_prefix_length ( destination tr) (S m)); intro Hpref_len.
        by rewrite Hpref_len; lia.

Stating liveness properties will require quantifying over complete executions of the protocol. To make this possible, we will now define complete valid_traces.
A valid_trace is terminating if there's no other valid_trace that contains it as a prefix.

Definition terminating_trace_prop (tr : Trace) : Prop :=
  match tr with
  | Finite s ls =>
      ~ exists (tr : valid_trace) (last : transition_item),
        trace_prefix (proj1_sig tr) last ls
  | Infinite s ls => False

A valid_trace is complete, if it is either terminating or infinite.

Definition complete_trace_prop (tr : Trace) : Prop :=
  valid_trace_prop tr /\
  match tr with
  | Finite _ _ => terminating_trace_prop tr
  | Infinite _ _ => True

  Implicitly, the state itself must be in the trace, and minimally the last
  element of the trace. Also implicitly, the trace leading up to the state
  is finite.

  Defining equivocation on these trace definitions

  Section 7:
  A message m received by a valid state s with a transition label l in a
  valid execution trace is called "an equivocation" if it wasn't produced
  in that trace

(* 6.2.2 Equivocation-free as a composition constraint *)
Definition composition_constraint : Type :=
  label X -> state X * option message -> Prop.

(* Decidable VLSMs *)

Class VLSM_vdecidable : Type :=
  valid_decidable :
    forall (l : label X) (som : state X * option message),
      {valid X l som} + {~ valid X l som}

End sec_VLSM.

Make all arguments of valid_state_prop_ind explicit so it will work with the induction using tactic (closing the section added {message} as an implicit argument).
Arguments valid_state_message_prop_ind : clear implicits.
Arguments valid_state_prop_ind : clear implicits.
Arguments finite_valid_trace_from_to_ind : clear implicits.

Arguments finite_valid_trace_rev_ind : clear implicits.
Arguments finite_valid_trace_from_rev_ind : clear implicits.
Arguments finite_valid_trace_from_to_rev_ind : clear implicits.
Arguments finite_valid_trace_init_to_rev_ind : clear implicits.
Arguments finite_valid_trace_init_to_rev_strong_ind : clear implicits.

Arguments extend_right_finite_trace_from [message] X [s1 ts] Ht12 [l3 iom3 s3 oom3] Hv23.
Arguments extend_right_finite_trace_from_to [message] X [s1 s2 ts] Ht12 [l3 iom3 s3 oom3] Hv23.

Class TraceWithLast
  (base_prop :
    forall {message} (X : VLSM message), state X -> list transition_item -> Prop)
  (trace_prop :
    forall {message} (X : VLSM message), state X -> state X -> list transition_item -> Prop)
  : Prop :=
  valid_trace_add_last :
    forall [msg] [X : VLSM msg] [s f tr],
      base_prop X s tr -> finite_trace_last s tr = f -> trace_prop X s f tr;
  valid_trace_get_last :
    forall [msg] [X : VLSM msg] [s f tr],
      trace_prop X s f tr -> finite_trace_last s tr = f;
  valid_trace_last_pstate :
    forall [msg] [X : VLSM msg] [s f tr],
      trace_prop X s f tr -> valid_state_prop X f;
  valid_trace_forget_last :
    forall [msg] [X : VLSM msg] [s f tr],
      trace_prop X s f tr -> base_prop X s tr;

#[global] Hint Mode TraceWithLast - ! : typeclass_instances.
#[global] Hint Mode TraceWithLast ! - : typeclass_instances.

Definition valid_trace_add_default_last
  `{TraceWithLast base_prop trace_prop}
  [msg] [X : VLSM msg] [s tr] (Htr : base_prop msg X s tr) :
    trace_prop msg X s (finite_trace_last s tr) tr.
  by apply valid_trace_add_last.

#[export] Instance trace_with_last_valid_trace_from :
  TraceWithLast (@finite_valid_trace_from) (@finite_valid_trace_from_to) :=
  valid_trace_add_last := @finite_valid_trace_from_add_last;
  valid_trace_get_last := @finite_valid_trace_from_to_last;
  valid_trace_last_pstate := @finite_valid_trace_from_to_last_pstate;
  valid_trace_forget_last := @finite_valid_trace_from_to_forget_last;

#[export] Instance trace_with_last_valid_trace_init :
  TraceWithLast (@finite_valid_trace) (@finite_valid_trace_init_to) :=
  valid_trace_add_last := @finite_valid_trace_init_add_last;
  valid_trace_get_last := @finite_valid_trace_init_to_last;
  valid_trace_last_pstate _ _ _ _ _ H := valid_trace_last_pstate (proj1 H);
  valid_trace_forget_last := @finite_valid_trace_init_to_forget_last;

Class TraceWithStart
  {message} {X : VLSM message}
  (start : state X)
  (trace_prop : list (transition_item X) -> Prop)
  : Prop :=
  valid_trace_first_pstate :
    forall [tr], trace_prop tr -> valid_state_prop X start;

#[global] Hint Mode TraceWithStart - - - ! : typeclass_instances.

#[export] Instance trace_with_start_valid_trace_from message (X : VLSM message) s :
  TraceWithStart s (finite_valid_trace_from X s) :=
  valid_trace_first_pstate := finite_valid_trace_first_pstate X s

#[export] Instance trace_with_start_valid_trace message (X : VLSM message) s :
  TraceWithStart s (finite_valid_trace X s) :=
  valid_trace_first_pstate tr H := valid_trace_first_pstate (proj1 H);

#[export] Instance trace_with_start_valid_trace_from_to message (X : VLSM message) s f :
  TraceWithStart s (finite_valid_trace_from_to X s f) :=
  valid_trace_first_pstate tr H := valid_trace_first_pstate (valid_trace_forget_last H);

#[export] Instance trace_with_start_valid_trace_init_to message (X : VLSM message) s f :
  TraceWithStart s (finite_valid_trace_init_to X s f) :=
  valid_trace_first_pstate tr H := valid_trace_first_pstate (valid_trace_forget_last H);

Lemma non_empty_valid_trace_from_can_produce
  `(X : VLSM message)
  (s : state X)
  (m : message) :
    can_produce X s m <->
    exists (is : state X) (tr : list transition_item) (item : transition_item),
      finite_valid_trace X is tr /\
      last_error tr = Some item /\
      destination item = s /\ output item = Some m.
  - intros [(s', om') [l Hsm]].
    destruct (id Hsm) as [[Hp _] _].
    pose proof (finite_valid_trace_singleton _ Hsm) as Htr.
    apply finite_valid_trace_from_complete_left in Htr.
    destruct Htr as [is [trs [Htrs _]]].
    eexists is, (trs ++ _), _.
    by rewrite last_error_is_last.
  - intros [is [tr [item [Htr [Hitem [Hs Hm]]]]]].
    destruct_list_last tr tr' item' Heq; [by inversion Hitem |].
    clear Heq.
    rewrite last_error_is_last in Hitem. inversion Hitem. clear Hitem. subst item'.
    destruct Htr as [Htr _].
    apply finite_valid_trace_from_app_iff in Htr.
    destruct Htr as [_ Htr].
    inversion Htr. clear Htr. subst. simpl in Hm. subst.
    by eexists _, l0; apply Ht.

The last transition of a valid VLSM trace is valid

Properties of provably-equal VLSMs

If we know that two VLSMs are provably equal, we could try rewriting by them. However, that gets usually quite technical. To go around that, we will prove that there is a VLSMProjections.VLSM_embedding between them which will allow trace-based results to be easily moved between the two VLSMs.
Below are some preliminary results; the actual projection is given in VLSMProjections.same_VLSM_embedding.
Section sec_same_VLSM.

  {message : Type}

Section sec_definitions.

  [X1 X2 : VLSM message]
  (Heq : X1 = X2)

Definition same_VLSM_label_rew (l1 : label X1) : label X2 :=
  eq_rect X1 (@label _) l1 _ Heq.

Definition same_VLSM_state_rew (s1 : state X1) : state X2 :=
  eq_rect X1 (@state _) s1 _ Heq.

End sec_definitions.

  (X1 X2 : VLSM message)
  (Heq : X1 = X2)

Lemma same_VLSM_valid_preservation :
  forall (l1 : label X1) (s1 : state X1) (om : option message),
    valid X1 l1 (s1, om) ->
    valid X2 (same_VLSM_label_rew Heq l1) (same_VLSM_state_rew Heq s1, om).
Proof. by subst. Qed.

Lemma same_VLSM_transition_preservation
  (l1 : label X1) (s1 : state X1) (om : option message) (s1' : state X1) (om' : option message) :
    transition X1 l1 (s1, om) = (s1', om') ->
    transition X2 (same_VLSM_label_rew Heq l1) (same_VLSM_state_rew Heq s1, om) =
      (same_VLSM_state_rew Heq s1', om').
Proof. by subst. Qed.

Lemma same_VLSM_initial_state_preservation :
  forall (s1 : state X1),
    initial_state_prop X1 s1 -> initial_state_prop X2 (same_VLSM_state_rew Heq s1).
Proof. by subst. Qed.

Lemma same_VLSM_initial_message_preservation :
  forall (m : message),
    initial_message_prop X1 m -> initial_message_prop X2 m.
Proof. by subst. Qed.

End sec_same_VLSM.

Record valid_transition `(X : VLSM message) l s1 iom s2 oom : Prop :=
  vt_valid : valid X l (s1, iom);
  vt_transition : transition X l (s1, iom) = (s2, oom);

Inductive valid_transition_next `(X : VLSM message) (s1 s2 : state X) : Prop :=
| transition_next :
    forall (l : label X) (iom oom : option message)
      (Ht : valid_transition X l s1 iom s2 oom),
        valid_transition_next X s1 s2.

Section sec_valid_transition_props.

  `(X : VLSM message)

Lemma input_valid_transition_forget_input :
  forall l s1 iom s2 oom,
    input_valid_transition X l (s1, iom) (s2, oom) ->
    valid_transition X l s1 iom s2 oom.
Proof. by firstorder. Qed.

End sec_valid_transition_props.

Section sec_finite_valid_trace_init_to_alt.

Alternate definitions of valid traces and states

Inspired from the constrained_transitions_from_to definition we can derive an alternate definition for valid traces which is easier to use when checking whether a concrete trace is valid.

  `(X : VLSM message)

Inductive message_valid_transitions_from_to :
  state X -> state X -> list (transition_item X) -> Prop :=
| mvt_empty :
    forall (s : state X),
      message_valid_transitions_from_to s s []
| mvt_extend :
    forall s s' om om' l f tr,
      option_valid_message_prop X om ->
      transition X l (s, om) = (s', om') -> valid X l (s, om) ->
      message_valid_transitions_from_to s' f tr ->
      message_valid_transitions_from_to s f (Build_transition_item l om s' om' :: tr).

Definition finite_valid_trace_init_to_alt
  (s f : state X) (tr : list (transition_item X)) : Prop :=
    message_valid_transitions_from_to s f tr /\ initial_state_prop X s.

Lemma finite_valid_trace_init_to_alt_left_impl
  (s f : state X) (tr : list (transition_item X)) :
    finite_valid_trace_init_to X s f tr -> finite_valid_trace_init_to_alt s f tr.
  intros [Htr Hinit].
  constructor; [| done]; clear Hinit.
  induction Htr.
  - by constructor.
  - by constructor; [apply Ht.. |].

Lemma finite_valid_trace_init_to_alt_right_impl
  (s f : state X) (tr : list (transition_item X)) :
    finite_valid_trace_init_to_alt s f tr -> finite_valid_trace_init_to X s f tr.
  intros [Htr Hs].
  split; [| done].
  apply (initial_state_is_valid X) in Hs.
  revert s Hs Htr.
  induction tr; intros; inversion Htr; subst.
  - by apply (finite_valid_trace_from_to_empty X).
  - apply (finite_valid_trace_from_to_extend X); [| done].
    apply IHtr; [| done].
    apply valid_state_prop_iff; right.
    by exists l0, (s, om), om'.

Lemma finite_valid_trace_init_to_alt_equiv
  (s f : state X) (tr : list (transition_item X)) :
    finite_valid_trace_init_to X s f tr <-> finite_valid_trace_init_to_alt s f tr.
  - by apply finite_valid_trace_init_to_alt_left_impl.
  - by apply finite_valid_trace_init_to_alt_right_impl.

Definition finite_valid_trace_from_to_alt
  (s f : state X) (tr : list (transition_item X)) : Prop :=
    message_valid_transitions_from_to s f tr /\ valid_state_prop X s.

Lemma finite_valid_trace_from_to_alt_left_impl
  (s f : state X) (tr : list (transition_item X)) :
    finite_valid_trace_from_to X s f tr -> finite_valid_trace_from_to_alt s f tr.
  intros Htr. split; [| by apply finite_valid_trace_from_to_first_pstate in Htr].
  induction Htr.
  - by constructor.
  - by constructor; [apply Ht.. |].

Lemma finite_valid_trace_from_to_alt_right_impl
  (s f : state X) (tr : list (transition_item X)) :
    finite_valid_trace_from_to_alt s f tr -> finite_valid_trace_from_to X s f tr.
  intros [Htr Hs]; revert s Hs Htr.
  induction tr; intros; inversion Htr; subst.
  - by apply (finite_valid_trace_from_to_empty X).
  - apply (finite_valid_trace_from_to_extend X); [| done].
    apply IHtr; [| done].
    apply valid_state_prop_iff; right.
    by exists l0, (s, om), om'.

Lemma finite_valid_trace_from_to_alt_equiv
  (s f : state X) (tr : list (transition_item X)) :
    finite_valid_trace_from_to X s f tr <-> finite_valid_trace_from_to_alt s f tr.
  - by apply finite_valid_trace_from_to_alt_left_impl.
  - by apply finite_valid_trace_from_to_alt_right_impl.

Similarly, we can alternately define valid states as states at the end of a trace satisfying finite_valid_trace_init_to_alt.
Definition valid_state_prop_alt (s : state X) : Prop :=
  exists (is : state X) (tr : list (transition_item X)),
    finite_valid_trace_init_to_alt is s tr.

Lemma valid_state_prop_alt_equiv (s : state X) :
  valid_state_prop X s <-> valid_state_prop_alt s.
  unfold valid_state_prop_alt; setoid_rewrite <- finite_valid_trace_init_to_alt_equiv.
  - by intros Hs; apply valid_state_has_trace in Hs.
  - intros (? & ? & Htr & _).
    by eapply finite_valid_trace_from_to_last_pstate.

End sec_finite_valid_trace_init_to_alt.

Custom tactic used to simplify proofs of valid VLSM transitions.
Ltac app_valid_tran :=
  repeat split; cbn; try done;
  match goal with
  | |- option_valid_message_prop _ _ => by apply initial_message_is_valid
  | |- option_valid_message_prop _ _ => eapply emitted_messages_are_valid
  | |- valid_state_prop _ _ => by apply initial_state_is_valid
  | |- valid_state_prop _ _ => eapply input_valid_transition_destination