pyk.kast.manip module

abstract_term_safely(kast: KInner, base_name: str = 'V', sort: KSort | None = None, existing_var_names: set[str] | None = None) KVariable[source]
apply_existential_substitutions(state: KInner, constraints: Iterable[KInner]) tuple[KInner, Iterable[KInner]][source]
bool_to_ml_pred(kast: KInner) KInner[source]
build_claim(claim_id: str, init_config: KInner, final_config: KInner, init_constraints: Iterable[KInner] = (), final_constraints: Iterable[KInner] = (), keep_vars: Iterable[str] = ()) tuple[KClaim, Subst][source]

Return a KClaim between the supplied initial and final states.

  • claim_id – Label to give the claim.

  • init_config – State to put on LHS of the rule.

  • final_config – State to put on RHS of the rule.

  • init_constraints – Constraints to use as requires clause.

  • final_constraints – Constraints to use as ensures clause.

  • keep_vars – Variables to leave in the side-conditions even if not bound in the configuration.


tuple claim: KClaim, var_map: Subst: - claim: A KClaim with variable naming conventions applied so that it should be parseable by K frontend. - var_map: The variable renamings that happened to make the claim parseable by K frontend (which can be undone to recover original variables).

build_rule(rule_id: str, init_config: KInner, final_config: KInner, init_constraints: Iterable[KInner] = (), final_constraints: Iterable[KInner] = (), priority: int | None = None, keep_vars: Iterable[str] = ()) tuple[KRule, Subst][source]

Return a KRule between the supplied initial and final states.

  • rule_id – Label to give the rule.

  • init_config – State to put on LHS of the rule.

  • final_config – State to put on RHS of the rule.

  • init_constraints – Constraints to use as requires clause.

  • final_constraints – Constraints to use as ensures clause.

  • priority – Rule priority to give to the generated KRule.

  • keep_vars – Variables to leave in the side-conditions even if not bound in the configuration.


tuple claim: KRule, var_map: Subst such that: - rule: A KRule with variable naming conventions applied so that it should be parseable by K frontend. - var_map: The variable renamings that happened to make the claim parseable by K frontend (which can be undone to recover original variables).

cell_label_to_var_name(label: str) str[source]

Return a variable name based on a cell label.

collapse_dots(kast: KInner) KInner[source]

Given a configuration with structural frames , minimize the structural frames needed.

  • Input: a configuration, potentially with structural frames.

  • Output: the same configuration, with the amount of structural framing minimized.

count_vars(term: KInner) Counter[str][source]
extract_cells(kast: KInner, keep_cells: Collection[str]) KInner[source]
extract_lhs(term: KInner) KInner[source]
extract_rhs(term: KInner) KInner[source]
extract_subst(term: KInner) tuple[Subst, KInner][source]
flatten_label(label: str, kast: KInner) list[KInner][source]

Given a cons list, return a flat Python list of the elements.

  • Input: Cons operation to flatten.

  • Output: Items of cons list.

free_vars(kast: KInner) frozenset[str][source]
if_ktype(ktype: type[KI], then: Callable[[KI], KInner]) Callable[[KInner], KInner][source]
indexed_rewrite(kast: KInner, rewrites: Iterable[KRewrite]) KInner[source]
inline_cell_maps(kast: KInner) KInner[source]

Ensure that cell map collections are printed nicely, not as Maps.”

  • Input: kast term.

  • Output: kast term with cell maps inlined.

is_anon_var(kast: KInner) bool[source]
is_term_like(kast: KInner) bool[source]
labels_to_dots(kast: KInner, labels: Collection[str]) KInner[source]

Abstract specific labels for printing.

  • Input: kast term, and list of labels to abstract.

  • Output: kast term with those labels abstracted.

minimize_rule(rule: RL, keep_vars: Iterable[str] = ()) RL[source]

Minimize a K rule or claim for pretty-printing.

  • Input: kast representing a K rule or claim.

  • Output: kast with the rule or claim minimized: - Variables only used once will be removed. - Unused cells will be abstracted. - Attempt to remove useless side-conditions.

minimize_term(term: KInner, keep_vars: Iterable[str] = (), abstract_labels: Collection[str] = (), keep_cells: Collection[str] = ()) KInner[source]

Minimize a K term for pretty-printing.

  • Input: kast term, and optionally requires and ensures clauses with constraints.

  • Output: kast term minimized. - Variables only used once will be removed. - Unused cells will be abstracted. - Attempt to remove useless conditions.

ml_pred_to_bool(kast: KInner, unsafe: bool = False) KInner[source]
no_cell_rewrite_to_dots(term: KInner) KInner[source]

Transforms a given term by replacing the contents of each cell with dots if the LHS and RHS are the same.

This function recursively traverses the cells in a term. When it finds a cell whose left-hand side (LHS) is identical to its right-hand side (RHS), it replaces the cell’s contents with a predefined DOTS.

Parameters: - term (KInner): The term to be transformed.

Returns: - KInner: The transformed term, where specific cell contents have been replaced with dots.

on_attributes(kast: W, f: Callable[[KAtt], KAtt]) W[source]
propagate_up_constraints(k: KInner) KInner[source]
push_down_rewrites(kast: KInner) KInner[source]
remove_attrs(term: KInner) KInner[source]
remove_generated_cells(term: KInner) KInner[source]

Remove <generatedTop> and <generatedCounter> from a configuration.

  • Input: Constrained term.

  • Output: Constrained term with those cells removed.

remove_semantic_casts(kast: KInner) KInner[source]

Remove injected #SemanticCast* nodes in AST.

  • Input: kast (possibly) containing automatically injected #SemanticCast* KApply nodes.

  • Output: kast without the #SemanticCast* nodes.

remove_source_map(definition: KDefinition) KDefinition[source]
remove_useless_constraints(constraints: Iterable[KInner], initial_vars: Iterable[str]) list[KInner][source]

Given a list of constraints and a list of variables, return an updated list with only constraints that depend on these variables (directly or indirectly).

  • constraints – Original list of constraints to remove from.

  • initial_vars – Initial list of variables to keep constraints for.


A list of constraints with only those constraints that contain the initial variables or variables that depend on those through other constraints in the list.

rename_generated_vars(term: KInner) KInner[source]
replace_rewrites_with_implies(kast: KInner) KInner[source]
set_cell(constrained_term: KInner, cell_variable: str, cell_value: KInner) KInner[source]
simplify_bool(k: KInner) KInner[source]
sort_ac_collections(kast: KInner) KInner[source]
sort_assoc_label(label: str, kast: KInner) KInner[source]
split_config_and_constraints(kast: KInner) tuple[KInner, KInner][source]
split_config_from(configuration: KInner) tuple[KInner, dict[str, KInner]][source]

Split the substitution from a given configuration.

Given an input configuration config, will return a tuple (symbolic_config, subst), where:

  1. config == substitute(symbolic_config, subst)

  2. symbolic_config is the same configuration structure, but where the contents of leaf cells is replaced with a fresh KVariable.

  3. subst is the substitution for the generated KVariables back to the original configuration contents.

undo_aliases(definition: KDefinition, kast: KInner) KInner[source]
useless_vars_to_dots(kast: KInner, keep_vars: Iterable[str] = ()) KInner[source]

Structurally abstract away useless variables.

  • Input: kast term, and a requires clause and ensures clause.

  • Output: kast term with the useless vars structurally abstracted.