Tezos Utils

This is a collection of utilities for working with Tezos which exists as a CLI wrapper around pytezos. Currently, the following tools are included:

  • convert - converts Michelson contract literals/expressions between different formats

    input formats: Michelson, JSON

    output formats: Michelson, JSON, dot


This tool has system and Python dependencies.

On Ubuntu Linux derivatives, the system dependencies include:

  • libsodium-dev
  • libsecp256k1-dev
  • libgmp-dev
  • graphviz

For other distributions, you will need to find the appropriate packages.

The Python dependencies are all available available via PyPI packages and can be installed via pip:

  • click
  • graphviz
  • pytezos (known to work with version 3.2.11)

CFG Generation

Using the dot output generator, one can build a CFG for a Michelson script. By way of example, we show one of the smallest well-typed Michelson contracts possible:

parameter unit ; storage unit ; code { DROP ; UNIT ; NIL operation ; PAIR }

Note that the contract above exists in file tests/unit.tz. We can draw a CFG for this by doing the following (using the dot tool from the graphviz toolkit):

tezos-utils convert -i michelson -o dot tests/unit.tz unit.dot
dot -Tpng unit.dot > unit.png

The first command reads file unit.tz to produce unit.dot. The second command renders the DOT file into a nice png image.

We can shorten the invocation to a single command using the special file name - which represents stdin/stdout:

tezos-utils convert -i michelson -o dot tests/unit.tz - | dot -Tpng > unit.png

We can also draw CFGs for arbitrary Michelson code fragments, e.g. suppose we have:

IF { PUSH int 5 } { PUSH int -3 } ; ADD

stored in the file tests/if.tz. We can render a CFG for it in the exact same way:

tezos-utils convert -i michelson -o dot tests/if.tz - | dot -Tpng > if.png